"Just stop oil"

I'd bet money it's this, there's a bunch of anti-tesla insanity going on at the moment due to politically motivated lunatics being mad at Musk.


It's political, and I wouldn't put it past the (often) hyper-privileged JSO virtue signallers from taking on the cause by proxy. People that are perpetually online going insane because they've nothing better to do and have been run into the ground by the constant hellscape that news and social media has become.
It's often said the west is gripped by a mental health crisis, it seems the evidence of one is right in front of our eyes.
It's often said the west is gripped by a mental health crisis, it seems the evidence of one is right in front of our eyes.

I absolutely think people are being driven nuts tbh.

Everyone has a smart device, they're constantly online, the various news media outlets are hammering them left and right with the worst possible takes for clicks. Then you have social media where the only real social engagement they have is being within X or Y group, so they use a filter or flag and tell everyone they support some cause the way football hooligans in the past used to support their teams. All of it is filtered to their specific leanings by search/usage algorithms to the point they only ever engage with the same sorts of people. JSO utterly stinks of this being the case, it takes a cult or profound lack of accountability and privilege when growing up to be so oblivious to both reality and what the majority think.

The fact I just read someone claim in this very thread that it was valid to destroy peoples personal property and risk lives as "activism" honestly reinforces that for me.

I feel heart sorry for kids growing up right now.
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I don't know why people still say "X, formerly known as twitter.". Neither have been in the consciousness that long or is it just miniscule attention spans.
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