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Just what is NVIDIA up to?

22 Jul 2023
The performance in older games is fine. Intel have spent a lot of effort in updating their drivers. But the A770 and A750 are now overpriced - the A770 hugely so. £149 for the A750 and £249 for the A770 seem reasonable prices to me right now.
We'll agree to disagree. I have seen the benchmark videos of its performance.
2 Sep 2008
NVIDIA don't care about Gaming Right now & it shows in their Finances Profit share & launches

Gaming GPU's give them less < 15% of their profit where as A.I, Automotive, Servers is rest

Those above sectors need lot less handle holding & support as their are Enterprise customers not some kid in a bedroom. yes they will need support but different kind supported by real engineers
you don't need to support every game that comes out, just the technologies, the customer does the rest

My prediction is we will only get what they designed for one of those markets going forward & if it works decently that's a bonus.
Driver support for GeForce will drop a little as efforts change. Everything will leverage A.I for Speed their will be positives & negatives. give it 5-8 years and drivers will be A.I generated

the only way NVIDIA gaming survives as we know it (created directly for gaming) is If NVIDIA GeForce spilt of as a different business

when you have stuff like this

Nvidia gains $185bn in value after predicting AI-driven boom in chip demand​

why bother with Gaming? gaming only ever offered Nvidia one thing. bragging rights to show what they can do & to tell their bosses to buy an A1000

now Their so many examples of NVIDIA tech that dont need to happen.

^ Whilst im not an nvidia fanboy, used NVIDIA since the 6600GT & only use their cards now for DLSS/RTX
always gone for speed over brand, & AMD only ever really won in 7970 era ( and 3 of mine died) :(

I'm now boycotting NVidea after their dodgy shenanigans this generation, they're going to have to come up with something VERY special in the future to get my custom back.

I'm building a new machine at the end of the year in two parts - the main build (a 7800X3D, 64GB of DDR5) at the end of the year and either a 6950XT, 7800XT or a 7900XT in May next year, depending on price/performance.

I haven't owned an AMD card since 2008 when I bought the 2GB version of the 4870, which all this time later is STILL the best GPU I've ever bought.

With a bit of luck the prices of these things will have come down more by then, I'll have around £800 or so to spend, so maybe I'll be able to afford to get a 7900XTX by then?
17 Mar 2012
ARC-L1, Stanton System
I'm still baffled by the way NVIDIA is behaving. With the disastrous launch of the 4080, the un-launch of the 4080 12GB, you would think they would learn their lesson, but subsequent products clearly says not. This is the worst series, by far.

So what on earth are they up to? Surely this can't be a blunder. One bad card is a blunder, a whole range is a plan?

Are they deliberately destroying the upgrade market because they think it has no future, so they expect us only to buy new cards with a new PC? Or is this a huge blunder that they are going to correct with the 5000 series?

Did they really hope that DLSS 3 would sell poor quality cards? Are they using low amounts of RAM as inbuilt redundancy? What do you think?

Like I said at the start, I am still baffled, so I am interested to hear what people think.

What are you going to do, buy an AMD card?



Man of Honour
18 Oct 2002
South Coast
I keep hearing fake **** is the best thing ever.
It will get even more so when AMD release FSR 3, and you can bet that Intel will have a version too since AMD's FSR3 will only work on AMD hardware so no sharing here like FSR2.

If anyone thinks that this won't amplify when both the other vendors have their FG tech out then they're out of touch with reality. AMD will be pushing even harder into their own sponsored games, they don't really have a winning battle currently as they don't have any card that can compete with Nvidia on anything other than price. And Intel are not targeting the high end segment yet, or even mid upper range. But throw FSR3 or Intel's FG tech into the mix and you suddenly have lower end cards from Intel that can match or most likely beat Nvidia's lower 40 series cards fairly easily thanks to Intel's continued advances in driver optimisation unlocking more performance. AMD will then also market to hell and back FSR 3 which only works on AMD and shows off on AMD sponsored games getting higher fps than Nvidia who can only make use of FSR in those games and no frame gen...
31 Jan 2022
What are you going to do, buy an AMD card?

No. Not buying anything!

I've been an upgrader for many years, buying at least one new card every two years, but the behaviour of NVIDIA has stopped my in my tracks. I refuse to bow to their greed. The AMD offerings are just as disappointing.

Where this goes in the future, I'm not sure. That's why I'm so interested in trying to work out what they're up to. If NVIDIA continues their policy of offering lower quality products at hugely inflated prices, then I think I have bought my last upgrade. From now on, I will just buy a new PC when the old one breaks.
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30 Jul 2005
this is what happens when one company dominates the performance crown. they set the prices and play the market, and people continue to buy since there is no competitive alternative. all eyes are on intel now with battlemage since rdna4 is already rumored to be a failure.
15 Dec 2010
this is what happens when one company dominates the performance crown. they set the prices and play the market, and people continue to buy since there is no competitive alternative. all eyes are on intel now with battlemage since rdna4 is already rumored to be a failure.

Really? What have you read?
22 Nov 2020
They may not have said it but they use the chip historically used for the xx70s in the past for it.
Firstly this is not aimed at any specific forumer, but no amount of lamenting is going to change that is it? Secondly, just find the constant AMD/Nvidia shortchanging their customers is getting tiring- they are doing it and don’t seem to care? (You either accept and buy or vote with your wallet and don’t)
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30 Jan 2011
Gamers are at the end of the C-Level meeting agenda at NVIDIA and probably get 5-10 minutes.

“Are gamers still buying over expensive cards?”
“Good, next topic.”

NVIDIA focus is AI and cloud compute which is what the market analyst likes now and reacts to. The market couldn’t care less if gamers buy NVIDIA cards or not as long as they are a leader in AI, that’s where the future is that’s where the money is.
This is the buzz word now everything you see and hear is all about AI. I work in Tech and this where a lot of focus is now for new product development.
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