I was just little unstable at 2100mhz (or nearest step/bin as in 13mhz steps) but after flashing to Asus Strix OCX bios I got to about 2130-2150MHZ but there is side effects like 1000RPM less fan speed at 100% and Zero fan speed at idle (can sort with a 2d profile) also seems to hit 1500mhz Core for few sec's opening webpages so idle is hotter most of the time and cannot turn off the G-Force logo on this non Ref Bios.
Think I will flash back to stock EVGA FE bios, agree with some others on OC.net the FE Bios clock for clock is higher FPS in games and scores in benches than the Strix OCX bios.
EDIT : Forgot to say the above is me looping Heaven and Valley 3 times in a row and any games I have installed inc FarCry 4 which finds unstable OC's very soon, had to do with a cold room due to 1000RPM lower Max fan speed though.
With new Tim and FE bios Max 4500RPM it would still be stable IMO.
Think I will flash back to stock EVGA FE bios, agree with some others on OC.net the FE Bios clock for clock is higher FPS in games and scores in benches than the Strix OCX bios.
EDIT : Forgot to say the above is me looping Heaven and Valley 3 times in a row and any games I have installed inc FarCry 4 which finds unstable OC's very soon, had to do with a cold room due to 1000RPM lower Max fan speed though.
With new Tim and FE bios Max 4500RPM it would still be stable IMO.
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