blah, i really want to upgrade my 3570k@ 4.6 to 7700k. IF i could OC the 7700k to 5ghz would that be even decent upgrade, if the only thing i do is game? Games like BF1, witcher 3 most of the time :S im so close to pull the trigger. Also got a 1080 & X34A.
Amazing how people will ***** their money away on CPU upgrades for no actual noticeable performance increase outside of benchmarks. It really is a mugs game, so wasteful, and I'm so glad I got out of it.
Both witcher 3 (especially in novigrad) and bf1 can easily hit 100% CPU usage on a 3570K which causes noticeable hitching and unpleasant min FPS on monitors above 60Hz. I upgraded to a 2600K and the hitching went but the min FPS wasn't great, a 5820K solved both (and then some)