The issue you run into is simple - if you want people banned for saying things you don't like and find offensive when you complain, then what is stop OcUK banning you for saying things that other people don't like and find offensive when they complain?
Thats problem the problem when people believe that only their opinion on the subject is the "right" one and anyone who has a different opinion is "wrong" and therefore must be banned. It's seeing things in "black & white" rather than various "shades of grey", which is the more accurate reality of life.
For me, "banning" someone for their different opinion (rather than toxic behaviour like swearing, spam etc) is just another way of telling them "I can't beat your argument and I don't want to read/see it any more so go away and leave me in my safe-space where everyone agrees with me" because banning doesn't change peoples minds or alter their opinions. All it changes is that people now can't see what the banned person is saying any more, and that makes them feel happier with an "out of sight out of mind" attitude, whilst those opinions they don't like still stay unchallenged, which to me means they value their own lazy happiness over fighting what they believe is wrong.
But thats just my opinion