But, takeaways are nice. They taste nicer than food I cook myself unless its expensive food like a nice steak. Example, an indian takeaway or dominoes pizza is nicer than a home cooked curry or home cooked oven pizza. Not that there is anything bad about the home cooked food, its just that the takeaway food is nicer.
You need to get better at making these things then or accept that occasionally they are a nice treat but they are just that, occasional. I love curry, chinese takeaway, thai food and part of that is getting 4 different currys, sides etc but I can cook a decent version of various dishes at home. I guess I am just a miser who thinks its madness to spend £15 on a takeaway instead of spending £3 making it myself and having 2 nights worth of meals from it.
The other choice is simply not to make those items. There are millions of things you can make that are delicious. Fajitas, burritos, carbonara, stews, various pasta sauces, thai currys.
When I was single I often found myself with no food in the house so takeaway it is. In a way I suppose it was laziness, but I also felt time poor so going shopping was lower on the list, knowing deep down I suppose that I could always pop to the chippie. Ps, chippie cooked fish and chips is nicer than oven cooked fish and chips.
I mean, thats 100% laziness. You can do tesco orders now so you don't even have to leave your house to get food. My partner is fantastically lazy when it comes to food and she regularly says "we don't have any food do we?" and the answer is always yes, yes we do. We have a freezer full of food, we have a fridge with various things, we have a pantry with loads of things. You just have to put some vague effort in to combine them into a meal.
Personally I find that cooking at the end of the day is a chance for me to take a break from work. I like nice food and if I relied on my partner we would eat what she likes to term "fridge meze". I do 95%+ of the cooking.
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