Kerbal Space Program

Currently in the process of recreating the ISS with a design I downloaded.

It's been both very fun and utterly infuriating, success is awesome, docking massively long thin structures however and trying to get them to line up correctly? Hair pullingly frustrating.

Luckily I've now finished the main body with 2 solar modules + central beam, now I can get on with the business of adding the smaller and less spectacularly fiddly bits, so far I've designed habitation and comms modules, still not sure how I want the science module to end up.

Next big project is going to be a beastly high orbit fuel depot.

I also plan on making a kind of interstellar "short bus" of sorts for all my kerbals who aren't brave enough for my liking, basically it involves putting them all into one ship and then firing them into the sun.
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Does anyone else find controlling unmanned space flights more difficult? I launched a few tonight to practice going to the mun but couldn't control them properly so brought them back down.
That seems to do what i'm after if I combine it with 'getting to orbit' delta-v's from the other maps that are available. Thanks a million :)

ah, it doesnt take into account eccentricity or orbit inclination. Thats a pain
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Yeh you have to work that bit out yourself with the manoeuvring node. Line yourself up like that and then work out the burn you need to do.
The useful bit of info I discovered the other day about orbital inclination is that if you are in an elliptical orbit the delta-v required to equalise your inclination may well be significantly different.

My new rule of thumb is that the ascending/descending node closer to centre of gravity requires more delta-v to equalise, so if it's possible wait till you're at the farther node.

I had an example where I thought it was going to be 400m/s delta-v but I decided to check it at the other node and it was only 150m/s!

The more circular your orbit, the closer they will be though.
Took a stab at sending a rover to the Mun last night. Not done any kind of successful landing before, other than re-entry back on Kerbin.

Anyway.. about 40mins of flying and adjusting etc. I begin my approach. I'd mucked up the final stages of my lander (was using the stock skycrane + rover for a giggle) and I had reversed the release order by mistake. So I released the rover from the crane before I'd even fired the crane's engines.

Argh. I don't get much time to play stuff anymore, so that was a precious hour wasted.
I got this last night. Liking it so far, although I've only managed to put a few things into orbit.

I know the game is not finished, but I'm finding the lack of in game help quite frustrating.

I've got a few stranded Kerbals in orbit at the moment, in ships with no more fuel. How can I get them back? The ships don't have anything on them which would allow docking I think. Or can everything dock with everything?

Are they stranded forever?

Remeber to save before attempting landings.

How do you do this? Might sound silly, but can you save at any point during a flight?
How do you do this? Might sound silly, but can you save at any point during a flight?

F5 to quicksave, hold F9 to quickload.

I know you can't save whilst under thrust but there aren't many other limitations.

Quicksaving is the only way I have a chance of ever docking anything with anything else without killing myself.
The game has so much possibilities and depths.

I only just managed to get to the Mun and yet to make rockets good enough to have enough fuel to get back to Kerbal.

My original Mun crew managed to take off the Mun but then got stuck on an outer crazy far orbit around kerbin after a failed Mun slingshot.

So I made a recuse crew only manned by a single Kerbanial and an empty shuttle for the 3 stranded cosmonaut. (is this even possible? since I don't have docking port on the stranded ship I wanted to get 2 ships close together then space walk the 3 standed guys into the empty 3 seater shuttle with fuel). In any case, unfortunatelly after many attempts I could not align the stranded and rescue ship orbits so now I have 2 ships with no fuel.

Conisdering going to the Mun and back is so hard the thought that people go to Duna blows my mind away, one guy even visited 4 moon/planets in one trip (but not one launch), crazy stuff.

Amazing game, and I feel very dumb for not picking it up while it was on sale!
My KSP has slowed right down again, pauses on lift off, yellow timer whenever i dock more than 2 ships together.. frustrating.
I'm getting the same problem overlag, so if you find any solutions that dont involve removing mods or adding more RAM i would be very interested to hear them. a 4 1/2 minute bootup time and lag everywhere is really putting me off the game

Nerusy, if you're having problems with fuel i would suggest making the lander as light as possible. Quite often I will have a small fuel tank and two of those small red radial engines as my final engines in space (or one of the in line versions of that engine if it is a really light craft). on my very light crafts just changing from the standard docking port to the tiny one can give me several hundred more m/s of delta-v.

If that fails just add a million rockets and struts below what you have already :p
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decided to start build a new spacestation. Think ill launch another ring, for the other side keep it symmetrical.

forgot to add a command pod capable of ASAS-T on my tug and forgot mechjeb, so I had deorbitit and smash it in the ground, will send a new one up.






the docking aligning mod, makes it so much easier.
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