Currently in the process of recreating the ISS with a design I downloaded.
It's been both very fun and utterly infuriating, success is awesome, docking massively long thin structures however and trying to get them to line up correctly? Hair pullingly frustrating.
Luckily I've now finished the main body with 2 solar modules + central beam, now I can get on with the business of adding the smaller and less spectacularly fiddly bits, so far I've designed habitation and comms modules, still not sure how I want the science module to end up.
Next big project is going to be a beastly high orbit fuel depot.
I also plan on making a kind of interstellar "short bus" of sorts for all my kerbals who aren't brave enough for my liking, basically it involves putting them all into one ship and then firing them into the sun.
It's been both very fun and utterly infuriating, success is awesome, docking massively long thin structures however and trying to get them to line up correctly? Hair pullingly frustrating.
Luckily I've now finished the main body with 2 solar modules + central beam, now I can get on with the business of adding the smaller and less spectacularly fiddly bits, so far I've designed habitation and comms modules, still not sure how I want the science module to end up.
Next big project is going to be a beastly high orbit fuel depot.
I also plan on making a kind of interstellar "short bus" of sorts for all my kerbals who aren't brave enough for my liking, basically it involves putting them all into one ship and then firing them into the sun.
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