Kerbal Space Program

Anyone else finding ssto jets a lot more tricky in the current build? Either that or I've forgotten how to design them! The new ASAS seems pretty hopeless on planes too, won't hold the angle of attack properly :( not noticed this with rockets at all.
I've been playing this on and off for a while now, but now getting really into it. I've put a few probes into orbit then I thought I'd go a bit further afield. The first long range probe failed because I forgot to extend the solar panels >.< but the second one is on its way to Duna!


It might be an awful design, but at least it looks ok :p
Asas isn't a god mode, I would say you need to do some trimming on your planes.
Yeh I've been using the trim instead.
I've just found with the jet I had yesterday I'd turn asus on and it would just perform a smooth downward curve towards the ground. I guess it's just changed more than I realised, I was under the impression it would still try and hold the heading you were pointing, but do so smoother - rather than only keeping the plane smooth but not holding the direction.
It keeps your plane pointing in the same direction on the nav ball.
It won't keep a plane at a steady alltitude and you will have to change the attack angle depnding on speed/altitude.
Higher you go, less lift, more angle of attack. Higher speed, more lift etc.
Well I managed to orbit 3/4 round Kerbin but started to run out of fuel so decided to bring it back down. Only tiny steps atm, but I'm aiming to do a full orbit tonight.
Damn it! Because the only engine I put on my probe was the Xenon one, it required a 25 minute boost to get to Duna. Well I started boosting then got distracted and completely missed the planet. Guess I'll just have to see where it will end up now.
BOOM done it :D



Well done. I remember being jubilant when I first got into orbit.

My next tip would be to figure out how to use manoeuvre nodes - they're essential for planning trips to other places.

(old timer alert)
I remember the time before manoeuvre nodes, when you would spend an hour getting to what you thought was an intercept with Duna only to realise you'd missed by a couple of thousand km, and the way to get to the moon was to wait till it just appeared on the horizon and burn for all you were worth.
Well done. I remember being jubilant when I first got into orbit.

My next tip would be to figure out how to use manoeuvre nodes - they're essential for planning trips to other places.

(old timer alert)
I remember the time before manoeuvre nodes, when you would spend an hour getting to what you thought was an intercept with Duna only to realise you'd missed by a couple of thousand km, and the way to get to the moon was to wait till it just appeared on the horizon and burn for all you were worth.

Well done indeed Hamesy.

PS: Those times where pritty recently, within the last 12 months (version 0.13 onwards)
I remember there been no Mun, no map view, no struts...
We literally raced each other to 40 -250km sub-orbital, out of Kerbins pea soup atmosphere, an with no struts, it was no easy achievement.

But we all started playing KSP at different times.
Well done. I remember being jubilant when I first got into orbit.

My next tip would be to figure out how to use manoeuvre nodes - they're essential for planning trips to other places.

(old timer alert)
I remember the time before manoeuvre nodes, when you would spend an hour getting to what you thought was an intercept with Duna only to realise you'd missed by a couple of thousand km, and the way to get to the moon was to wait till it just appeared on the horizon and burn for all you were worth.

......and it was all fields around here too...... :p:p:p

Have only been playing this for a short while myself and was over the moon (well not exactly, that is another trip) when I managed to get into orbit.

First orbit was a rather nasty ellipse. Then worked out the manoeuvre nodes and have nearly got a circular orbit sorted now. It takes some time to get used to (well, it is for me), but they are invaluable.

Have managed to get a probe to map Kerbal and found the anomolies......just need to work out what to do with them next.

My next step is some manned orbiting missions and then may go crazy and go for a lunar probe, solar probe and can feel a Voyager type mission coming on too
in those days i used to make my own "missions" like trying to launch heavy parts into a orbit, or having a flare on a part and letting it orbit the mum (first release of the Mun) then trying to find it again... Landing on the moon on decouplers etc (before they had legs). All great fun and its amazing how much extra they have added to this game in the last year.
I reached the mun last night for the first time after months of half playing around on ksp and messing around. I didn't know about the manoeuvre thing so I didn't use it I just gunned for the mun when it appeared over the horizon as I used a really old guide I guess! My ship was woefully inadequate (didnt have struts or any kind of feet at all!) And was planning on testing the design in kerbin orbitp only. but had loads of fuel left so went for the mun! I managed to land first time and went for a walk / slide on my face around the mun. Good times. Next stop... Well the mun again I guess... Buy then Minmus!
has anyone got a decent delta-v map that will tell me the delta-v i need to get from a certain planet back to a landing on kerbin? I'm planning something ambitious and need to know a bunch of delta-v values. I'm pretty sure that the values from the planet to kerbin's SOI are different to those from kerbin to the planet because of the difference in the planets gravity, so the maps that give values from kerbin to somewhere else arent so helpful

Also, i had no idea that it was far more fuel efficient to go kerbin orbit > planet intercept. I have always gone kerbin orbit > sun orbit > planet intercept :o
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