Kerbal Space Program

Class C captured, had to switch the orbit around as it was going retrograde compared to the muni, now at just 0.2 inclination and bringing the orbit down.








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Captured a type D, that class C was about 100tons, this one is around 1000tons, well atm with the pusher its 1077tons. And boy is it slow manoeuvring with just two nuclear engines. 220m/s burn is 23mins and I can't use time acceleration.
I'm actually raising the orbit as yet again its orbiting in the wrong direction.

Edit Oh ffs, hours of work wasted. Was launching another rocket which broke apart and pressed f9 rather than esc.
No class D asteroid in orbit now :(
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I love this game, it's weirdly hypnotic flying around in crazy spaceships whilst listening to DEVO :D

Has anyone here tried career mode much? I started off in sandbox and managed to get to mun and a few other places, but I'm finding career mode really cool - there also seems to be lots more bits and pieces compared to sandbox..
Spent a good long time last night carefully manoeuvring an asteroid into a neat circular 100km prograde equatorial orbit around Kerbin. Then my game glitches out. So much work wasted.
I love this game, it's weirdly hypnotic flying around in crazy spaceships whilst listening to DEVO :D

Has anyone here tried career mode much? I started off in sandbox and managed to get to mun and a few other places, but I'm finding career mode really cool - there also seems to be lots more bits and pieces compared to sandbox..

I only play using the career mode :)
I only play using the career mode :)

Yeah, I was playing sandbox - tried career to discover I was totally missing out!

I'm still only early game - managed to get the big science lab landed on mun to get a whole load of science before I ran out of electricity,

So much fun.
I did it again :mad: went to press f5 to make sure I didn't lose hours of work, yep pressed f9 instead.

Third try a charm, hopefully
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No,, no I'm not. That's all last night wasted and half off today.

However there's an experimental release of redux engineer. Which is working with 0.23.5 so I'm happy aging, hate not knowing two and delta v.

Yep will more than likely go back to career mode in 0.24.

The stronger joints are brilliant.
Captured my first 'roid last night, just a baby class A, but it's given me plenty of ideas for doing a better job next time.

I'll go for a B or C next, whichever comes next.
It's a night mare. As the asteroid isn't flat. I haven't managed to get several attachment points to it. they wobble about all over the place and jut make everything hard work.
anyone else experiencing loads of bugs?

Atm my spaceship is accelerating with no throttle and unable to manoeuvre it at all.

Another one I've experienced a lot off, is the scroll well and moving camera doesn't work when looking at spaceship, but does work in map view. Only foxes when you restart game.
Not played this in a while, might hammer out a career from tomorrow & try again, never got into career much and always ended up making huge ships and able to not do much with them, maybe time to start from the bottom!
Dont you just love it when you spend ages making a craft for Eeloo, launch, rendevous with minmus spacestation to refuel, arrive at Eeloo, descend..... descend a bit more.....

deploy gear, DEPLOY GEAR!!!!, hmm forgot to fit landing gear........
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