Well after just about landing on the mun in one piece, i've been having some thoughts about this game. Or rather, the planned updates. It's a lot of fun. But it doesn't have that much replay value, currently. To counter this the devs seem to be planning to add things, mission goals, space stations etc. Which sounds great. But the way the game works currently you have a lot of eyeballing, a fair bit of praying and a whole load of "that'll do."
I think to make these updates work without being incredibly infuriating or down right impossible you'd have to change or add to the control system in such a way that makes it easier to do actual calculations, precision maneuvers and planning. Without changing that i can't see rendezvous and docking becoming anything other than a niche for people who've spent hours perfecting every single event. The question is: can they do this while keeping what makes the game fun, and not turning it into a full on simulator like Orbiter? Not that i've got anything against Orbiter mind you, i just don't think we need two of them.