Kerbal Space Program

I prefer to go 90degrees.

I go verticle Untill display changes to orbit. Makes it much easier for big ships to manoeuvre.

Then just keep boosting all he way up (depending where moon is), it needs to be at 4-5 oclock and your orbit transecting the moons orbit at 12oclock. Just need to rebel when boosting up your orbit elongates and rotates.
my map is starting to look funny, with loads of moon rocket stage 2's still floating around at 100k alt :D
I prefer to go 90degrees.

I go verticle Untill display changes to orbit. Makes it much easier for big ships to manoeuvre.

Then just keep boosting all he way up (depending where moon is), it needs to be at 4-5 oclock and your orbit transecting the moons orbit at 12oclock. Just need to rebel when boosting up your orbit elongates and rotates.

eek, im already tilted over around 70degrees at 10k 45degrees by 15k and around 30degrees at 30k. Obviously if the rocket is struggling to make speed you need to go straight up longer though. I wish i could make a video of my launch, its so easy ive only failed once out of 5 with my current rocket and that was due to me pressing space while landing on the moon and killing everyone lol.
eek, im already tilted over around 70degrees at 10k 45degrees by 15k and around 30degrees at 30k. Obviously if the rocket is struggling to make speed you need to go straight up longer though. I wish i could make a video of my launch, its so easy ive only failed once out of 5 with my current rocket and that was due to me pressing space while landing on the moon and killing everyone lol.

My big rocket is hard to controll in atmosphere. No trouble at all with speed. I have more fuel than I know what to do with it. I just find it the easies way, no orbitin, just straight to moon. Well most of the time, I do sometimes miss time it.

I've also donehe whole space thing before, it's so annoying. Now I've change to landing engine, much higher rteof success much easier to get correct speed and engine doesn't fall off as it doesn't hit the moon, the legs keep it well and truly clear.

:( when are they going to releas 0.15 details, it's normally up by now.
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haha, while looking at the forums, my return trip crash landed because i wasnt there to deploy the chute! :(
Oh and shouldn't you name it Mun Rocket :p,

I tried doing the piping fuel before in other versions and it didnt work, they must have sorted that out. I feel some more designing happening tomorrow.
Doesnt look like you have gimbled rockets at all, and no RCS either? That will be why. :) Also fins help upto around 30k too.

1 RCS on final stage, no gimbal on first stage, second stage when I ditch the 12 outer rockets is gimballed. But that's not needed till almost orbit.
I get to moon orbit with two tanks of fuel, put it into lunar orbit (periapsis 2k), tab out of game, tab back in, game puts thrusters on full blast and ruins my chance of attempting a landing. pffft..

no chance of landing my craft really though, might redesign the top to have a lander.
1 RCS on final stage, no gimbal on first stage, second stage when I ditch the 12 outer rockets is gimballed. But that's not needed till almost orbit.

you generally need 4 RCS's to control all directions. Also gimballed rockets will make it very easy to fly your rocket. Test it, one in the center will do, too many and it can cause the rocket to spin off.
If there is one thing I would LOVE to see in this game, would be the ability to re-attach to stuff. For example if I dropped off a load of full fuel tanks in a stable orbit with a marker to show me where they are, and then to be able to on a later flight intercept them and dump my used fuel from liftoff and then 'dock' with a new set of fuel tanks for the rest of the journey.
If there is one thing I would LOVE to see in this game, would be the ability to re-attach to stuff. For example if I dropped off a load of full fuel tanks in a stable orbit with a marker to show me where they are, and then to be able to on a later flight intercept them and dump my used fuel from liftoff and then 'dock' with a new set of fuel tanks for the rest of the journey.

A matter of time I think, wouldnt surprise me at all to see this in future versions, judging by all the user creations on their forums... would be nice.
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Well my first attempt at a gemini style rendezvous didn't go too well... they're about exactly as far away as they possibly could be in the same orbit :p


On the plus side they both seem to have enough fuel left to get home :D
Just got reintroduced to this the other night and man has it changed.....

All the old parts packs I loved so much no longer work and there are so many new features. Will definetely be springing for the full version of this when I get home tonight. So much fun to be had. The physics have changed an awful lot as well, much more challenging to get a decent orbit than it used to be.
you generally need 4 RCS's to control all directions. Also gimballed rockets will make it very easy to fly your rocket. Test it, one in the center will do, too many and it can cause the rocket to spin off.

just makes it worse, more weight, no advantage. Got to the moon but with less fuel. Still enough. As long as it flies straight in atmosphere I can just orbit higher up..

Added another stage :eek: and its lagging comp out, I think that'll get it halfway through the atmosphere on its own.

edit :( exploded after decoupling so laggy no idea why, probably decoupler in wrong place. will try and solve it. almost 400m/s on the first stage. Or maybe as its so high up, the acceleration is to fast after decoupling. hhhmm
just makes it worse, more weight, no advantage. Got to the moon but with less fuel. Still enough. As long as it flies straight in atmosphere I can just orbit higher up..

Added another stage :eek: and its lagging comp out, I think that'll get it halfway through the atmosphere on its own.

edit :( exploded after decoupling so laggy no idea why, probably decoupler in wrong place. will try and solve it. almost 400m/s on the first stage. Or maybe as its so high up, the acceleration is to fast after decoupling. hhhmm

The RCS rocket pods weigh almost nothing. My top stage has 3 sets of 4, I only really use them on the moon, or fast manoeuvring as they speed up flips/rolls etc. The RCS can even be used to fine tune decent rate when landing on the moon.

my first stage is pushing 1000m/s when the 4 boosters fall off, and when the full first stage is finished im pushing 2400m/s. You need to downsize slightly, although massive rockets are certainly fun! :) :D
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my first stage is pushing 1000m/s when the 4 boosters fall off, and when the full first stage is finished im pushing 2400m/s. Need to downsize slightly, although massive rockets are certainly fun! :)

need to get a big one for mars, when they add that.

still cant figure out whats happening, i shut engines down just before separation and the first stage split off, then a few seconds latter it all blew up, despite engines being off. Just says everything damaged by engine exhaust.

edit - got a clean seperation, but only by doing it really slowly and went all the way down to 40m/s, so I think its just a lag issue.
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The other line is kerbal orbit, still have fuel left, wonder if I could ever meet back with earth, 1000x isnt enough.
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