Kerbal Space Program

Well, i did it at least :p]

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anyone tried getting this running on linux?

Yup, i do. In Wine. Had a bit of trouble setting .14 up but that was just to do with the way i'd installed DX. It works fine, apart from the mouse not controlling the camera at all. You just have to use the arrow keys/whatnot :)
What is the best way to collapse an orbit? I'm slowly working my way up to eventually get to the moon and I can do stable orbits now (I need to design my rocket better as I always end up low on fuel), but if I want to get back down to the planet to try and land should I be using my engine to boost towards where I want to go, directly down, or should I boost my rocket away from where I'm heading (so that I lose any forward speed and just get pulled to the planet)?
Retro burn is the only real way to do it. Find the green circle with the cross through it (opposite to direction of travel) and turn your engines on when you're pointing at it. I think it's most efficient if you do it at the apoapsis, then the periapsis drops. If it drops below 80,000 at the very top end then you should re-enter. Doesn't really matter what happens from there if you're just using a capsule and parachute, if you want to land on legs or something (like you would on the mun) then you want to be coming in as steep as possible to get rid of angular momentum. Problem there being that you have to stay below 10m/s :p
well thanks for the advice, finally made it to the mun with my 3rd stage and fuel to spare, slowed my descent then jettisoned the 3rd, leaving me with the lander and fuel for the trip back home. Found out then that im useless at landing it.

/facepalm, and 5 hours of work gone :(
well thanks for the advice, finally made it to the mun with my 3rd stage and fuel to spare, slowed my descent then jettisoned the 3rd, leaving me with the lander and fuel for the trip back home. Found out then that im useless at landing it.

/facepalm, and 5 hours of work gone :(

thats the problem, all the effort of getting there but then you gotta learn how to land!!! :o
I think my booster was too big, it seemed massively over powered. One tap of the thrust key and it would accelerate away from the Mun again. Going to try with a smaller booster, wish me luck!
I got within 250,000 metres of the Mun yesterday, my ship then broke free of the gravitational pull. I'm assuming that was down to a poor angle of attack and possibly going over the 'top' when looking at the solar map.
Am still using .13 until Monday when I can afford to make the purchase, I'm only using a laptop keyboard and having great difficulty in controlling my ships, particularly once out of atmosphere, can anyone recommend a guide to help me or have any advice? I just keep spinning out of control and not sure what to do
Quick send the rescue mission.

They're like,
Bob are you alive,
Yeah man.
Wtf happened.

Two minutes latter it'll be.

Omg were going to die a slow cold death as we freeze and run out of air.. Aggghhhhhh
i've said it before but this REALLY needs some kind of orbit planner, i'm not the most intelligent of guys and i'm struggling to predict the moons course WRT my own heading. Theres no indication on the map of headings etc, so I get confused and go the wrong way.

Problem is with this game by the time you realise you can be 25 mins into a flight, as I did tonight. Its my own fault but no amount of youtube vids on instruction is making it go right for me :/ only reached the moon twice so far, and crashed both :(
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