I've just figured out how to do asparagus staging. That's a pretty awesome technique.
Is there still no way to swap the command capsule on a rocket you've already designed? I can't be bothered doing it all over again from scratch just to move from an unmanned to a manned probe...
Not that I know it does need implementing.
Might be able to do a bodged workaround...
Fit the other command capsule where you want it, attach the old one to the bottom of your ship with a decoupler. Swap to control from the top half. Drop off the old pod and launch?
No idea if that will work. They definitely need to add that!
yes, gets rid of dead weight, as soon as possible so its more efficient.
It is a pain to make though, and I think it's actually too good in some ways. I think for most simple operations, a simple hexagonal cluster of 7 engines firing at once, with all 7 being dumped at the same time is preferable. I've been trying to add to my space station using asparagus launchers, and I always end up in orbit with the central lower stage still about half full. It makes it very unwieldy for making orbital adjustments, and when I decouple it, it creates permanent orbital debris which clutters up my map for future missions.
Nah, unfortunately unless the builder recognises the manned pod as the one in control it won't load any astronauts, so I can't do any EVAs/landings.
You should be able to right click on the top one and hit "control from here"
Or have you already tried that?
The talk about the game not filling extra crew compartments if you add them after an unmanned probe was first selected has given me the idea to send up emtpy escape pods controlled by a probe which I may jettison after attachment.
Yes you do and yes you have. Can't wait to get home and do some more ss building.
downloaded the demo i presume everybody is using this and have not payed for it ?
No I'm sure most people here have purchased it for the latest version.
yeah so have i ..in a way ....
anyway time to play the real version .. to infinity and beyond .. or i will do an apollo 13