Here's a little further reading regarding how easily false memories are formed:
The classic "Bugs Bunny" experiment, in which 30% of unknowing test subjects formed false memories of having met a Bugs Bunny character at Disneyworld solely as a result of having read a fake Disney ad with Bugs Bunny in it. The percentage was increased to 40% by simply placing a cardboard cutout of Bugs Bunny in the same room without making any mention of it.
For an example of the direct real world applications, consider the testimony of Anthony O'Grady and Sunny Khalsa. They both spoke to the New York Times directly after witnessing an incident in New York. They both remembered seeing a police officer murdering someone. Straightforward murder, no grey area - shot while running away, handcuffed, shot dead while in cuffs on the ground. That's what they
independently remembered seeing, in testimony given very soon afterwards. It didn't happen. The whole thing was on video. The person was running, yes - after a police officer they were intending to kill with a hammer. Another police officer shot the person while they were in the process of carrying out the attempted murder. Also, the attacker wasn't killed, but that's a minor detail in this context.
It's very easy for false memories to be formed, even in someone who is not being specifically targetted. That's part of the purpose of propaganda - to create false memories. Black Lives Matter propaganda in that case, but it's worked for all sorts of ideologies. The literal witch hunts are the infamous example, but it's par for the course for many ideologies. "Me too" combined with presumption of guilt is the perfect mix for creating false memories without direct targeting, whatever the target group is in any given time or place. It creates an expectation, a source of power and attention and an outlet for one of the most powerful human drives - a sense of belonging to a group, to be "me too".
Also, of course, there's the possibility that the accuser is lying. People don't always tell the truth.