Kevlar jeans?

4 May 2011
So my leather trousers are on the way out (The zips have gone at the base of both legs) and with summer approaching, I am considering getting kevlar jeans instead. I have been looking at the Australian Bikers Gear jeans and they look like good value - but the question is, do they offer sufficient protection?

I realise that no jeans are going to be as good as a set of leathers, but are they good enough? The way I figure it, if you hit something, it makes little difference how thick your trousers are - my concern is if I were to drop it on a straight and go sliding down the tarmac. I'm only on a 125 and I'm a big guy, so it tops at 60, not that I often have it up to that speed. If my bike and I were to part ways at this kind of speed, would kevlar jeans be up to keeping my skin on my legs?

tl;dr: I fall off bike at 60 in kevlar jeans and slide to a halt. Do my legs survive?
I use kevlar jeans for work every day & feel safe enough I know leathers would offer much more protection but the jeans are a more practical option for commuting to & from work.
I had Daggin Jeans, they lasted about 4 years with every day use, but recently just bought Hood ND4 jeans as they are British, have more kevlar and you can easily put armour in them.
recently just bought Hood ND4 jeans as they are British, have more kevlar and you can easily put armour in them.

Actually, dragginjeans brought out the C - Evo jeans which are fully kevlar lined ( waist to ankle ), which ND4's aren't, on the other hand, at least with ND4's you can fit armour, don't think you can with the C - Evo's.
I almost always use Kevlar jeans when commuting to work. I'm under no illusions that they will protect as well as leather, but should the worst happen you should at least manage to keep the skin on your legs.

Be warned that Kevlar is a good insulator so they are quite a lot warmer than normal jeans to wear. (IME at least).
I only ever wear leathers on trackdays. Kevlar jeans are a great product for Road use,

depends on how you ride on the ride though i guess, i dont ride public roads like i ride tracks.
I have a pair of the Australian Bikers kevlar jeans and they're fine. Not been tested, hopefully never will, but I like them. Going to buy a second pair now It's too warm to wear my textiles.
Thanks for the info guys. I've ordered some of the Australia bikers gear jeans - found them on sale on-line for £65 yesterday, which seemed pretty bargain-tastic, so took the plunge. I don't think the rules let me mention the place, but there aren't exactly a million places on-line you can buy PC gear AND motorcycle clothing, so I suspect you can figure it out :)
A chap at work has Kevlar riding jeans.. they look surprsingly good. The knee area is the only real giveaway.
I've got a pair of Aussie biker jeans and a pair of Draggin jeans. Both seem to have the required amount of kevlar in the right places but the Draggin ones feel much more comfortable.

Haven't tried falling off with either so can't comment on that aspect of them (and hopefully never will be able to comment)
The advantage with the Hoods is that they look like normal jeans, whereas a lot of other jeans look typically "biker-ish" with patches and external stitching. Does that make sense?
Personally I prefer the Draggin, they look and feel better overall. I'd say that both Aussie and Draggin seem to have the same amount of kevlar so I'd expect them to perform similarly though.
I have two pairs of hood jeans...They look just like normal jeans and they don't skimp on the kevlar.

Its a UK company and I would not waste my 65 on the aussie ones when 30 quid more supports a UK company with excellent customer service and far superior jeans.
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