Kids in cinemas

iCraig said:
<sneep telling people to be quiet whilst covertly taking the urine out of the big hard child beatin' ocuk members>

I think I have done it once, and then I felt like a miserable old man, a right victor meldrew character.
mightynimrod said:
Roll on when you have a child then mate.

Obviously you forgoet when you were a kid then, im sure you embarrased your parents on more than one occassion, that of course is generalised at all of the moaners in here.

According to my parents both myself and my brother were really well behaved as kids and they couldnt have really asked for any more - maybe they were just lucky.

I've never been smacked, never had an argument with my parents etc.

I guess the fact my grandparents lived nearby and were always on hand to help give my parents time to themselves meant they didnt have to drag me around places with them when I was too young.

I don't see why it's unreasonable for a parent to put their lives on hold for a few years for a kid though. The kid should be the most important thing in your lives, not your friday night at the pub with mates. And if you also don't have to take a holiday abroad for 6 or 7 years then so be it. My parents used to go on holiday abraod every year. I was born in 1983 and we didnt go abroad as a family for the first time until 1990, by which time I was old enough to appreciate it and know that the flight would be a pain but that I'd just have to deal with it. About the most annoying thing I did was ask "are we nearly there yet" every hour or so.

I think some parents need to get their priorities straight.
William said:
I think I have done it once, and then I felt like a miserable old man, a right victor meldrew character.

Yeah but I've just paid for a ticket, sometimes two if I'm with the missus, and I'll be damned if some giggling chimp is going to ruin it. :)
Kids aren't a problem, it's the adults that insist on chatting, rustling food wrappers and sitting there texting or waving a bright phone around.
bitslice said:
yep, with you on that one.

brat on dark stairs
foot to back of leg
step on fingers with twisting motion.

in my defense it was a star wars film.

Well played, tough guy.
bitslice said:
I was 15 at the time, the brat was around my age
what's the problem ?

your high horse not high enough for you ?

I don't believe you, I think you made up the first post and now you conjured up another story to back it up. Not that you should care, my opinion is of absolutely no consequence. ;)
Tru said:
I don't believe you, I think you made up the first post and now you conjured up another story to back it up.

lol, err, why ???

I did the same thing when I was 23 (can't recall the film), I'm a terrible person, so sue me.

Tru said:
Not that you should care
I guess I do, I would rather get along with everyone (plus you've been here longer than me)
Kids in cinemas get up my nose, I imagine you like them, not much of a difference. :)
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PeterNem said:
According to my parents both myself and my brother were really well behaved as kids and they couldnt have really asked for any more - maybe they were just lucky.

I've never been smacked, never had an argument with my parents etc.

I guess the fact my grandparents lived nearby and were always on hand to help give my parents time to themselves meant they didnt have to drag me around places with them when I was too young.

I don't see why it's unreasonable for a parent to put their lives on hold for a few years for a kid though. The kid should be the most important thing in your lives, not your friday night at the pub with mates. And if you also don't have to take a holiday abroad for 6 or 7 years then so be it. My parents used to go on holiday abraod every year. I was born in 1983 and we didnt go abroad as a family for the first time until 1990, by which time I was old enough to appreciate it and know that the flight would be a pain but that I'd just have to deal with it. About the most annoying thing I did was ask "are we nearly there yet" every hour or so.

I think some parents need to get their priorities straight.

Neither me or the missus put anything in front of taking care of my son, granted there are parents out there that do put their friday night out before looking after the kids....i disagree strongly with that.

The fact that there are so many parents that take their kids to the pictures yet do nothing when the child is misbehaving is downright rude.

The argument that started here is that kids shouldnt be allowed to go to the cinema due to them talking/crisp packet rustling.

My son is very, very good (he's 4 in october) but i haven't and wouldn't take him to the cinema until i know that he will be fully attentive of the film i take him to see, because at the end of the day, he's still a very young child and would probably get bored with just sitting down for nearly 2 hours.

We do however take him to restaurants, and sometimes he moans, sometimes he doesn't - i will not put mine or my partners life on hold because of this.

Would you want all parents to be hermits????

The child needs an interactive social life with all age groups in order for it to be a fully rounded person when growing up.

This you will understand will become clear the moment you have kids.

You can start to enjoy their company from (my opinion) 3 years old and onwards as they comprehend things a lot better, and because of this, we take him to as many places we can so he can enjoy his life.

Our life was put on hold when he was born - i've no problem with this, as we chose to bring him into this world.....even now though, you can count the number of times i go out with the lads on a bender in a year on one hand, this is the same with my partner.

Im very proud of my son, his manners are impeccable for a 3 year old, i capture a flag on BF2 for him and he says with a big smile on his face "thankyou daddy"

I think the problem here is:

a, Adults going to see a childs film
b, parenting skills keeping in mind other peoples enjoyment
c, intolerance of adults without kids.

I've done it before in shops when he's kicked off - whisked him straight into my arms with him screaming and taken him and sat in the car while the missus finishes off paying/ordering whatever she's doing, all the time he's letting his tantrum get out of his system.

I don't for a minute think that you've not had a tantrum as a child, despite what you've said.

Yes, on the whole my son is very good, but trust me.......he has his moments :D
It's either kids or teenagers throwing popcorns and whistling about, hence i hate half terms, you just can't go see a movie without getting it ruined, unless i go see something arty like "A very long engagement" or something at midday.
mightynimrod said:
I think the problem here is:

a, Adults going to see a childs film

What's wrong with that????? :D

b, parenting skills keeping in mind other peoples enjoyment

Some people can be really good. Some many just don't give a ****! I guess some people just think that as long as they and their kids are ok, who cares about everyone else????? I realise that this isn't everyone though...

c, intolerance of adults without kids.

I think this comes down to individual situations...Outside, in restaurants, shopping centres, trains & planes etc., you expect kids to be there, and you expect that, sometimes, kids play up and make noise. That's not a problem. I wouldn't ever expect parents to put their lives on hold and never leave the house to bring up kids. But in a cinema, you are generally expected to sit down and be quiet. I don't believe that as a paying customer it is unreasonable to expect an atmosphere where I can enjoy the film, not listen to the constant jabbering of people (whether kids or adults).

There needs to be a compromise surely?
mightynimrod said:
i haven't and wouldn't take him to the cinema until i know that he will be fully attentive of the film i take him to see, because at the end of the day, he's still a very young child and would probably get bored with just sitting down for nearly 2 hours.
Sounds like the right approach to me. I wasn't getting at you by the way, indeed from your post it sounds like you have a responsible approach to bringing up your children, I just felt in need of a rant as my last 2 cinema trips (Superman and Pirates of the Carribean) have both had their annoying moments from younger kids!
We go to the cinema regular and if you go late enough(we usually go around 11pm) It's ok.
If we ever have a problem i've had a word with the person concerned and if they carry on i go to the managerment.
9 times out of 10 they have been removed.
Kids will be kids so i always give them a chance as we were all young once but i do get really annoyed if they carry on.
I don't understand why they want to pay £5+ to watch a movie to sit and talk through it.

If i go to a U/PG/12a i expect kids to be in there and have a lot more tolarance but when it's a 15/18 then i'm a bit miffed why a 15 - 18 year old can't just sit and behave for 2 hours.

I am defiantly going to see Pirates of the Caribbean at 11pm :D
mightynimrod said:
Complete crap!

So you think your parents suffered through you growing up?? and of course, you were a constant burden to them....???

A child isn't a burden, it is purely and simply, a child with childish behaviour.

As said before......go to see a kids film, expect kids to be there and the bahaviour associated with a child.

Dead simple!

Which part of that can't you grasp????

Mind you, with that sort of mentaility i can see why.
The part I can't grasp, is I have to share your children's noise with your type (parents) at the cinema or wherever you go, because you can't be bothered to shut them up for 2 whole hours.

Why should I suffer for your (lack of) actions?

Is too much to ask you to wear a condom?
Having twin 3 year old boys, me and the wife know all to well the perils of the cinema. There have only been a few occasions they have played up but i take them outside to calm down as do 99% of most parents here. It's just common courtesy. Now we mostly go to the drive in theaters which are a godsend tbh, the kids can moan all they want and no one is disturbed except us :o :D
basmic said:
The part I can't grasp, is I have to share your children's noise with your type (parents) at the cinema or wherever you go, because you can't be bothered to shut them up for 2 whole hours.

Why should I suffer for your (lack of) actions?

Is too much to ask you to wear a condom?
Aye very good, but some of us have genes worth passing on.
Tru said:
Aye very good, but some of us have genes worth passing on.

Ha,ha good response to that pathetic post.

Basmic, there isn't just you on this earth....why didn't your dad wear a condom?

Come to think of it, why didn't mine to save me from your stupid responses.

Your post is perhaps one of the most childish posts i've encountered while on here.

Not usual for you i might add.

Did you read my post about me not taking my son to the cinema due to him being too young????

Guess not, so your direction at me being a parent is unfounded really isnt it.!


Immaculate conception were you???

:rolleyes: btw i don't use this normally.....but i really think you warrant it on this occassion.
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