Killing those January blues!

Dry Jan, exercise, walking. Trying to see friends more regularly. Planning some holidays to look forward to.
This plus cyclng. New fitness goals. Already reached out to some old friends I have not seen in years as I was thinking about them over Christmas. Got a fishing trip planned just tonight with a mate I've not seen in 15 years who I lost touch with when I moved out of London. He has a 13 year old and I have a 12 year old now, never met! :eek:
This plus cyclng. New fitness goals. Already reached out to some old friends I have not seen in years as I was thinking about them over Christmas. Got a fishing trip planned just tonight with a mate I've not seen in 15 years who I lost touch with when I moved out of London. He has a 13 year old and I have a 12 year old now, never met! :eek:
This happens a lot, you think it hasn't been long since you've seen people but it's literally years ago!
Put some blues on the turntable. Nod along.

Days are getting longer and the cold kills the bugs. And not a few of us boomers. :p
Talking of bugs, not really been ill only caught one bug towards the end of Nov.

Touch wood and wishing all good health
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I thought I would try one of those tough lifestyle hacks that is meant to really sort you out. So I'm embracing change and having a strict "VIP January".

Pot Noodles

It's tough not being allowed to leave the house, but I've already lost two days.
Ah, yes, January. Month with the highest suicide rates. It's a naturally depressing time of year.

My answer is to buy more computer stuff! Who cares if you need it? It's fun.
I just spent 3 weeks abroad over the Christmas period and completely skipped all the festivities so the blues are only really hitting me today with going back to work

I’ll be looking to get some exercise in, vitamin D tablets and knuckle down with some studying to keep me busy while it’s cold out side
Walking works for me. Also seeing the flowers, like daffodils, starting to emerge helps me realise that Spring is on the way.

I wandered lonely as a cloud
That floats on high o'er vales and hills,
When all at once I saw a crowd,
A host, of golden daffodils;
Beside the lake, beneath the trees,
Fluttering and dancing in the breeze.

January is more relief Christmas is over.

My biggest change this year is going to be job related. I want more time.

I also want 3 - 4 holidays abroad as I switch from saving to much to spending too much.

Trying to battle mental health as always. Trying counselling. But it's probably just an expensive venting exercise as I know my issues very well.

Managed to get up at 6 am twice this January for mountain hikes to see sunsets. I've never done that before.

Really hampered by rigidity of work + dark evenings. I can't control the darkness. But this is why I need to make work changes.

My dogs health deteriorates. And this is going to be a make or break year. Terrified of that. No idea how bad the impact is going to be with this. Could be horrendous. :(
Love that dog in a way I've never loved anything before.
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Do your ears hang low?
Can you swing them to and fro?
Can you tie them in a knot?
And can you tie them in a bow?
Can you throw them over your shoulder
Like a regimental soldier?
Do your ears hang low?

If yes, you can take January in your stride.
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Try and keep hammering away at finding a new car (something which i have not managed to find in the last few months) , and also spend some of my xmas vouchers on, DIY

I would visit the Motors section in this forum for advice, however, i have learned its probably best not to do this
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Try and keep hammering away at finding a new car (something which i have not managed to find in the last few months) , and also spend some of my xmas vouchers on, DIY

I would visit the Motors section in this forum for advice, however, i have learned its probably best not to do this

You will be asked, does it have winter tyres?
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