Kinda personal hygiene question. Not for the immature.

Get the tea tree oil based shampoo and conditioner from most of your supermarkets (I know for a fact ASDA sell it) and its great for killing off spots. It exfoliates your skin and kills them off nicely at the same time, stings though :p

cleared me up a while back using this stuff
Sic said:
i only wash it 2 or 3 times a week anyway and i have to condition it every time because it goes crazy if i dont :( does that "Simple" brand do conditioner?
Yes they do.

Do the spots itch? I have really crap skin, and get what look like spots down my back when I wash with a conditioner that I'm allergic to. It's actually an allergic reaction and turns into eczema.

I don't even get on with any of that botanics/tea tree stuff as that's scented etc. and causes a reaction too. Just get something unscented which specifically says that it's hypoallergenic.

So, if it really is spots, that tea tree which everyone has suggested should be better. If it's a reaction to the conditioner, get something hypoallergenic.
i'll give that tea tree stuff a go. sounds like my best bet. thanks for the advice (as always) :)
Mate, at risk of making you sound a bit uberghey here is my response...

I try not to condition my hair too often.

Everytime I wash my hair I use this - it is in the Natural Collection from Boots, 'Moisturizing Hair Serum with Japonica Extract' it is called and very special as only random stores sell it..

BUT seeing as you are my friend ;) I can send you a bottle from my stash if you want?

It works! It conditions, tames and repairs split ends - but only if you use a tiny amount.

Worth a go, use after towel drying. ;)

BB x
omg BB, you are so homoghey

you also have mail, you kind, kind lady...well, you would have if your trust email was correct ;)
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the sooner you learn to live with the fact that that tache is never coming back, the better.
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