King Charles III / Royal Family

I wish him a speedy recovery, wouldn't wish cancer on anyone. However, the BBC are acting like he's died and gone overboard with this.
Wish the King a speedy recovery.

Cancer in my mind, is humanity's biggest challenge, its killed millions for millenia and yet we still have no cure. Imagine instead of war with each other or going into space we ploughed the money into cancer research. I can only dream.
Has Paul Butler been drafted in yet?

Edit - impressed, thought it would take at least a couple of days.
WTAF ??? why is Harry getting on a plane if it isnt serious cancer?

Jesus wept!. i would like to think i would make a beeline for my parents if either of them had an illness like that.
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cancer research funding has run into the 100's of millions over the years and we seemed to have got nowhere.
Cancer is pretty much a catch all term for hundreds of different problems that have similar symptoms but affect different parts of the body and have different causes and treatments.
So what will stop/reduce the chance of one cancer might not do so for another.

In the past 30 years a lot of cancers that were untreatable are now at least somewhat treatable, we've got at least one cancer vaccine, we've got the ability to get effective treatments earlier and treatments that give a chance at a point where once there wasn't one, treatments have gone from mainly cutting it out (and potentially large amounts of surrounding tissue) or using drugs that basically poison you, to using more and more targeted treatments that for example can now "burn" it away without an incision and doing less and less collateral damage, and the survival rate for most cancers has massively improved.
IIRC we're hitting the point now where they're looking at ways to get the body to fight it itself via gene therapies.
We can now do genetic testing to see who is more likely to have certain cancers so they can either have preventative treatments or more frequent and earlier testing (I think there is a gene that indicates your chance of breast cancer is very high for example), and blood/urine/stool tests that can detect some kinds easily.

We've even got at least one vaccine for a type of cancer now, as from memory Cervical cancer is largely caused by/massively increased chance of getting it if you've had one of the common virus (one of the herpes family of viruses), so if you give the vaccine before the a girl is sexually active you can reduce their chances of getting that cancer massively. IIRC they're now giving it to the boys as well because whilst a boy can't get the cancer they can act as a host to the virus, so giving it to them as well reduces the ability of it to spread to girls who didn't get the vaccine or the vaccine didn't work on.
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cancer research funding has run into the 100's of millions over the years and we seemed to have got nowhere.
Relatively recent biologic therapies for certain cancers seem like a big step forward to be fair and seem likely to become more widely applicable and accessible as time goes on.
Relatively recent biologic therapies for certain cancers seem like a big step forward to be fair and seem likely to become more widely applicable and accessible as time goes on.
Yup and it's probably taken decades to find exactly how the cancers they can treat with them work in a way that then allowed them to start looking at how to deal with that specific cancer without risking damage to other cells. And in the process they've probably enabled advances in the treatment of a hundred other non cancer related diseases.

From what I understand, a lot of the problem with treating cancer is that most traditional methods can do major damage to the person with it, so there is an element of at what point is the risk from the cancer higher than the risk from the treatment, assuming you've found it early enough to get the luxury or not having to go straight into surgery.

So whilst it may appear that we've not made massive progress, in reality the ability to safely treat it has improved massively over the last 30-40 years, which combined with the ability to detect it early thanks to improvements in testing methods/technologies means there has been a lot of progress.
What Legacy? is the King of the united Kingdom plus 16 other countries, what have you done with your life?
to be honest being king isnt something he has done with his life... that was for better or for worse something which was handed to him.

that isnt to say i do not respect him or that I think he hasn't contributed positively.... its just that his position of being King isnt something which demands respect in and of itsself, it is what he has done / will do with his position as prince and now king over the years imo.
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