KiNgPiN83's progress thread...

The coconut oil is not a requirement, instead you can use heavy whipping cream, and no whey for that shake, both methods are of benefit, however I am aware that the whey and coconut oil combo is the most efficient.
Cool. Well, i'll go the coconut oil route to keep it simple i guess.

I'm 6 foot 2 and i currently weigh about 12 stone 10 if that makes any difference to the portions? I guess just dial them up abit if i drop weight too fast?
First session of the year. Taking it easy...

OHP: 5x5 @ 40kg
Deadlift: 40x10, 90x5, 120x5, 120x5 - These tore my hands apart and I'm aching from them already... Feelsgoodman.jpg
Squats: 5x5 @ 80kg

I'm aching already but hopefully the DOMS won't be too punishing as I need to be hitting the gym regularly now. Roll on Friday. :)
Despite suffering 'old man' DOMS, I dragged myself out of bed this morning to partake in the picking up and putting down of things...

I really hate my training partner... (He's awesome really!)

Squats: 5x5 @ 82.5kg
Bench: 5x5 @ 62.5kg
BBR: 5x5 @ 55kg

Due to my epic leg and lower back DOMS I asked my gym buddy if we could do some 60kgs to stretch everything out. He agreed. 5 minutes later we are in the gym and he's loading the bar up with 82.5kg. What a *******! :D Haha! So I drank a cup of MTFU juice and got stuck in. They weren't as deep as I'd liked, but they were alright.

Bench was really tough but as it was my pb for reps weight and only the second time I've ever hit it, I thought I did pretty well considering I did it last about 3 weeks ago. :)

BBR was just BBR. Ok.

I now feel broken as I sit here and type this. I think i'll need to go for a few walks/stretching sessions throughout the day to stop everything locking up.
I have high hopes for this year. Bar any injuries I'm looking forward to making some good steady progress. :) Just got back from our warehouse after doing a couple of laps of it. lol! :D
Started the carb depletion stage of the CBL diet today. Its been tough and I've introduced myself to coffee to try and fight hunger, but its going well so far. I'll be doing some fartlek training tonight to try and speed the process along too.

Due to my change in circumstances at home I'm now in the perfect position to plough my efforts into making this work really well for me. I have the workout, the diet planned out, recipe's for meals, timings, supplements, scales, a food diary and renewed willpower. :) Now I just need to put it into place and keep watching that mirror!

Watch this space.
Session this morning wasn't as tough as I thought it would be after my half an hour of HIIT training last night. (Did 30 minutes in total with 6 x 30 second sprints. Kicked my **** but it was awesome! :) )

So, this morning:
Squats: 5x5 @ 85kg - These weren't too bad. Slowly getting back to my 90kg PB for reps.
OHP: 5x5 @ 42.5kg - These felt much tougher than the 40's last week. I think 42.5/45 is going to take some work to break through... Last year I was flitting between the two.
DL: 2x5 @ 125kg - After some grip awkwardness with my 120's on the last session, I decided to take my liquid chalk to the gym with me. WOW! The stuff is awesome! No grip problems and I could concentrate on the actual lift itself rather than worrying about losing grip. :)

Good session all in all. The carb depletion is interesting. Although it was tough to get up this morning, I still had the energy for the workout and I'm slowly getting used to not having breakfast and not eating everything I want to any time I want to eat it... :D
Today's session was quite pants, but at least I went I guess?! I kind of understand that there will be off days every now and then. I don't think it helps that I'm on day 7 of the CBL prep phase either and i'm pretty much living on coffee and chicken salads... Lol!


Squats: 5x5 @ 87.5kg - These actually went quite well.
Bench: 1x5 @ 65kg (New PB but quite tough) 1x5f @ 65kg (Needed spotter help. i.e. "Its all you bro..." these ones really took it out of me 1x5 @ 62.5kg (These were awful too..) and finally 1x5 @ 60kg (I'd had it by this point...) So, I went from PB to epic fail so will try again on Friday.
BBR: 5x5 @ 57.5kg - These were also a bit pants. I'm going to drop to 40kg and re-concentrate on my form as its horrific. Hopefully then when I work my way back up, these wont be a problem.

I'm putting some of this down to the prep phase as I've read that if I'm not feeling awful and broken by the end of it, I'm doing it wrong... Friday nights carb fest cannot come soon enough! :D
PB during prep phase is pretty good going. Wait till the carbs come flooding in and you'll be smash these sessions.
PB during prep phase is pretty good going. Wait till the carbs come flooding in and you'll be smash these sessions.

I hadn't realised that until you pointed it out! :) I'm looking forward to that first session where I've been able to carb up the night before. Hopefully it will be epic and I can get going again! :D
Every day is leg day...

This morning marked the last session of the 10 day prep stage for CBL and it went quite well.

Squats: 5x5 @ 90kg - These went well and this equals my previous PB for reps! So its now onwards and upwards! :)
OHP: 5x5 @ 45kg - These started off well but I needed spotting on the last 2 reps on the last set. This also equals my previous PB for reps and I'll be sticking to 45kg for the next OHP session.
Deadlifts: 2x5 @ 130kg - These were really tough. Although grip wasn't a problem which was a nice feeling. I'll probably stick at this weight for the next deadlift session just to nail it.

All in all a good session and looking forward to carbing myself this evening! :D
So finally on our 23rd session we get in the gym and everything we wanted to use was taken... (It was bound to happen sooner or later!) So we ended up doing the following:

BBR: 5x5 @ 55kg - These were probably my best set of 5 ever! Mainly due to the fact that it was the first thing we did I think. We then had to wait about 10 minutes for the squat rack so decided to go over to the leg press... Luckily I did 10 reps as a warm-up and then the squat rack became free.
Squats: 5x5 @ 92.5kg - These were good, concentrated on and got better depth than normal too. :)
Bench: 1x5 @ 65kg, 1x5(f) @ 65kg, 3x5(f) @ 62.5kg - These were horrific. 1 decent set and the rest were awful. I didn't realise how much tougher benching at the end would be rather than the normal order of Squats --> Bench --> Rows. Still, onwards and upwards and at least the squats are still going up. 92.5kg is a new PB but I'm kind of going to stop counting/taking notice now until I actually fail as I'm hitting every target weight every session at present. :)
Well, rather that than you tear apart your lower back. :)

Exactamondo! :D I'd rather know now that I wasn't doing anything wrong/developing any bad habits early in my lifting career. :) I think I'm "alright" but I look forward to a critique from people who know what they are looking for/doing. My gym literally has one PT running around doing everything and most people there seem to do cardio or use any machine that happens to be available... So probably not the best people to ask!

Although one of the lady PT's has a lovely bottom.
Man Flu ahoy!!

So a couple of days ago I started to feel like I had a sore throat. At the same time a guy I work with who sits opposite me was really suffering... So I now think I've caught whatever he had! So for the last day and a bit I've been destroying Beechams all in one to try and avoid losing my sweet gainz. Onto this morning...

Squats: 5x5 @ 95kg - Its surprising how much heavier these felt than the 92.5kg I did on Monday. I'm not sure if this is just how it is or because of this man flu business. Either way I wasn't happy with the depth so i'm sticking at this weight for Friday's session. It will delay me getting to triple figures, but I don't want to rush it. :)
OHP: 5x5 @ 45kg - The curse of the 45kg strikes again... Managed about 3 sets without assistance. Again, worst than the last OHP session but I've hit 45kg about 3 times now and ended up dropping back to 42.5kg so it was kind of expected. I'm not sure if this could be the man flu too?!?
Deadlift: 2x5 @ 130kg - Stuck at this weight from the last session and it was still tough this time around. Was really concentrating on keeping my back straight, head up and bum down but the second set was a bit messy. Will try it again on Monday. (Next session.)

So, all in all an ok workout but could've been much better. I'm just concentrating on trying to lose this cold thing before it tries to take hold. I got videos this morning but due to the above I think i'll wait for the next to sessions and re-film them as I know my form could be better. Watch this space...
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