Kyle Rittenhouse - teen who shot three people in Kenosha

Edit: Also very worrying how the backgrounds of the victims are being brought up as some kind of justification. Feels very ethnic cleansing :cry:

Only a zealot would make a case of a white person shooting exclusively other white people, in self defence, an issue of 'ethnic cleasing' still when all you have is your racist CRT hammer then everything must start to look like a nail for you to whack..

Which 'ethnicities' to you imagine are going to be cleansed?
I've no issue with that verdict under US law. However the fact a child can walk the streets with a weapon of war is just so ****** up.

Called it...

I still maintain that a lot of posters cannot get past the mental block of Rittenshouse carrying the gun in the first place.

On that basis they pronounce him guilty apparently being unable to understand that open carry is legal in many places in the US and that the charges relating to carriage of the firearm itself have been dropped as Rittenshouse was deemed to be within the letter of the law here.
I seen the videos of him doing it and it looked like a spoilt American teen with a big Rifle shooting recklessly to kill or very seriously injure with knee jerk, rushed panicked and frightened shots knowingly aimed generally in the direction of vital stuff on a human being.
I seen the videos of him doing it and it looked like a spoilt American teen with a big Rifle shooting recklessly to kill or very seriously injure with knee jerk, rushed panicked and frightened shots knowingly aimed generally in the direction of vital stuff on a human being.

That was just the Battlefield 2042 advert before the video, keep watching until you see a clear cut video of someone doing text book controlled self defence.. :)
I seen the videos of him doing it and it looked like a spoilt American teen with a big Rifle shooting recklessly to kill or very seriously injure with knee jerk, rushed panicked and frightened shots knowingly aimed generally in the direction of vital stuff on a human being.

Tell me you are clueless about firearms and life or death situations without actually saying it....

For the nth time you aim for center mass on a target *you may not always hit there in a stressful dynamic situation.
shooting recklessly.

I've seen people continuously use this phrase, he fired 8 shots and 6 of them hit, I believe the FBI estimate that around 89% of shots fired in the US miss their target whereas Rittenhouse had a 75% success rate, that's not shooting recklessly..
I seen the videos of him doing it and it looked like a spoilt American teen with a big Rifle shooting recklessly to kill or very seriously injure with knee jerk, rushed panicked and frightened shots knowingly aimed generally in the direction of vital stuff on a human being.
Looked like, but wasn’t.
*Citizens take up arms to defend their properties due to police inaction*

Brilliant news, missed it as I was out at the shop. But fantastic to hear that he was found not guilty on all charges. Hopefully Kyle can now try to get on with his life, but I have a feeling this will follow the poor lad and haunt him for the rest of his life.
He'll be a "hero" in the short term but when the media etc move on to the next big thing, he'll just find road blocks and prejudice against him everywhere he goes, he will be the "Kenosha Kid" for the rest of his life.
Lot of white supremacist trumpets in this thread.

Says a lot. :p

Let the riots commence

Only a zealot would make a case of a white person shooting exclusively other white people, in self defence, an issue of 'ethnic cleasing white supremacy' still when all you have is your racist CRT hammer then everything must start to look like a nail for you to whack..
Amusing how anyone in the UK actually gives a toss. Its just another crazy day in the cess pool of the US. :cry:
Yes, and no. It's amazing how stuff like this has recently started spilling over into the UK.

I.e. the whole BLM movement came here, and we don't even have the historical tension between black people and armed police.

We seem to be affected by all this stuff going on in the US, so it's become quite interesting to follow it. Let's face it, our news agencies are reporting as much US news as UK or EU news these days. BBC news has been dedicating prime time slots to US politics for yonks.
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