Man of Honour
Oh and things are going to get a lot worse later this year when Biden loses and the Democrats demand for mail-in-voting gives them the excuse that Trump "stole the election" even though they'll spend months saying it's perfectly safe from voter fraud.
They'll get worse if Biden wins too, unless the leading Democrats have enough clout to control the media (including social media) and to suppress dissent by force and have the unity and will to do so. Which is a tall order. Violent revolution can be started by propaganda and rabble-rousing, but it can't be stopped that way. Radicalising people into authoritarianism, irrational prejudices and violence is a lot easier than putting a stop to it afterwards. If there are any vaguely rational people who are promoting that as a route to power, they're in for a rude awakening. Promoting authoritarianism, irrational prejudices and violence and giving the mob a scapegoat group is not something that can be controlled. It can't be turned off after getting the desired election result through propaganda and intimidation. The only way to use that approach to getting power is by being the worst of it, by being the most ruthless authoritarian who succeeds in killing any challengers and by killing anyone and everyone else influential in the mob who might threaten your rule. Think Robespierre, Stalin, Hitler, etc. Robespierre could serve as an example of a least bad outcome. Only ~50,000 dead and only a couple of years of a reign of terror before a counter-revolution occured, which led to a much smaller and shorter reign of terror and then restored stability.