Kyle Rittenhouse - teen who shot three people in Kenosha

Oh and things are going to get a lot worse later this year when Biden loses and the Democrats demand for mail-in-voting gives them the excuse that Trump "stole the election" even though they'll spend months saying it's perfectly safe from voter fraud.

They'll get worse if Biden wins too, unless the leading Democrats have enough clout to control the media (including social media) and to suppress dissent by force and have the unity and will to do so. Which is a tall order. Violent revolution can be started by propaganda and rabble-rousing, but it can't be stopped that way. Radicalising people into authoritarianism, irrational prejudices and violence is a lot easier than putting a stop to it afterwards. If there are any vaguely rational people who are promoting that as a route to power, they're in for a rude awakening. Promoting authoritarianism, irrational prejudices and violence and giving the mob a scapegoat group is not something that can be controlled. It can't be turned off after getting the desired election result through propaganda and intimidation. The only way to use that approach to getting power is by being the worst of it, by being the most ruthless authoritarian who succeeds in killing any challengers and by killing anyone and everyone else influential in the mob who might threaten your rule. Think Robespierre, Stalin, Hitler, etc. Robespierre could serve as an example of a least bad outcome. Only ~50,000 dead and only a couple of years of a reign of terror before a counter-revolution occured, which led to a much smaller and shorter reign of terror and then restored stability.
@Angilion, I see you've misunderstood my post, no need for such defensiveness.

You presented 9 people being shot dead by police in over 10 years as compelling evidence that more people are shot dead by police than are shot dead by people who aren't police and who aren't gang members. So that would mean less than 9, which is at most 8.
I listed a bunch of examples, if Mr Robot wants to take that as the entirety of evidence and use it as a base to jump from then you're free to do so. Yes, less than 9 is at most 8, well done :D

It was you who assumed almost all of them are gang related. That was the whole point of your argument. Are you calling yourself ignorant? You're definitely wrong because a lot of homicides in the USA (and elsewhere aren't gang related).
No when I used the word "you" in my post it was the royal you and not some weirdly placed accusation or attempt of confrontation. Perhaps knowing this you can reinterpret my post correctly and understand where you've funked up.

How do you arrive at the claim of "at least 501 innocents killed by the police" per year? Are you just counting everyone who you consider to be "black" as automatically innocent regardless of circumstances? That would be very fashionably racist of you.
Erm... i was just doing math :confused: I don't even know how you've managed to bring race into this when that has not been mentioned anywhere - you're either insinuating gang members are all black, or everyone shot by police are.

Either way, you need to update your firmware matey.
We have no context to this video lol.

Glad to see Trump sticking up for him though as clearly he saw like most of us that he was put in a position where he had no choice but to defend himself, chased down and assaulted by "largely peaceful" protesters.

I think the context is that instead of attempting to break up the fight like a normal person, he started punching one of the girls in the back of the head.

There is no self-defence angle here. No justification (whatever each of them were mouthing off to each other about).

He just joined in in a fight. Notice the other boy involved was trying to remove/carry away the other girl. Kyle just joined in and started throwing punches.
The full video is available on YouTube. From the audio of the person filming it one girl(A) hit another girl(B), arguing, girl(B) comes back pushes girl(A), fight ensues, alleged Rittenhouse hits girl(A) a number of times who is grappling with girl(B).

The people filming it go to intervene, as do others. Next footage shows Rittenhousr getting mobbed to the ground and kicked for a few seconds before he gets away and people flee for some reason.
The full video is available on YouTube. From the audio of the person filming it one girl(A) hit another girl(B)

As far as i can tell/hear there doesn't appear to be any reference to which girl was which (in terms of the initial hit that seemingly isn't captured).

Not that that is relevant anyway, because the sensible thing to do in this situation is to simply break up the fight and restrain/hold back the two girls from harming each other (which is what the other guy was doing). Instead he just waded in swinging punches.
One of them is supposed to be his sister or something... it's got little relevance to the shooting event itself other than to show he's a little ****. We could probably guess that already re: him wanting to LARP as some cop/"militia" guy in the first place.

Given the people shot were a paedophile a domestic abuser and a far left militant bloke who also turned up with a firearm then in terms of the biggest **** competition even this chubby little LARPing cop-wannabe who has also hit a girl has still managed to be less of a **** than the guys he shot.
One of them is supposed to be his sister or something... it's got little relevance to the shooting event itself other than to show he's a little ****. We could probably guess that already re: him wanting to LARP as some cop/"militia" guy in the first place.

Given the people shot were a paedophile a domestic abuser and a far left militant bloke who also turned up with a firearm then in terms of the biggest **** competition even this chubby little LARPing cop-wannabe who has also hit a girl has still managed to be less of a **** than the guys he shot.

This is part of the problem. Everyone likes to immediately assign some sort of political blame on these actions. But often, it is just ***** people being ***** people, regardless of political affiliation.
I think the context is that instead of attempting to break up the fight like a normal person, he started punching one of the girls in the back of the head.

There is no self-defence angle here. No justification (whatever each of them were mouthing off to each other about).

He just joined in in a fight. Notice the other boy involved was trying to remove/carry away the other girl. Kyle just joined in and started throwing punches.

Ok cool, but the guys he shot attacked him, so even if hypothetically he was in the wrong here, he was in the right to defend himself and shoot those people. He's got one video where he has a scuffle after school or something that shows him in a bad light, and some videos showing him offering first aid and trying to stop protesters from pushing a dumpster fire into a building.
BLM etc. has been the catalyst but this is the result of America's fetish for gun culture. There's people who carry around a gun to 'save the day' like some action hero and this is just the worst that mentality descends into.
he was in the right to defend himself and shoot those people.

I will reserve judgement on this until the court case, as there are reports he threatened the protesters with his rifle first. Kyle's situation solely rests on who started the initial altercation, which we don't have proof/evidence of yet.
Can you really call it defending himself when he travelled to the place armed to confront protesters ?

No not entirely,

But if a bunch of random protestors (Who have previous criminal history too) chase him and try to attack him then it kind of becomes that....

What will a jury say? who knows.

Edit: Previous criminal history does not = deserves to be shot. But if we try and see it from a jurys perspective they kind of fit the bill of a violent rioter.
Can you really call it defending himself when he travelled to the place armed to confront protesters ?

I mean some people might actually call it a decent act to show up to defend small businesses against protesters intent on destruction, ideally the Police would do that but clearly they're unable to perform that role for whatever reason so private citizens have taken it upon themselves to defend their country against people determined to destroy it. I know that concept might seem completely alien to some.
Ok cool, but the guys he shot attacked him, so even if hypothetically he was in the wrong here, he was in the right to defend himself and shoot those people.

Why use a gun when you have fists and feet to defend yourself? I got attacked by a gang of 5 lads back in my teens, got a concussion out of it by being smashed in the head with a metal pipe (still have the lump on my skull) simply for saying I don't smoke when asked for a cig. Would I have been in the right to shoot them dead if I had a gun? End 5 lives over their stupid actions? :rolleyes:

private citizens have taken it upon themselves to defend their country against people determined to destroy it

That's a bit of an overreaction to say the least. as for the first part that just makes them vigilantes.
Why use a gun when you have fists and feet to defend yourself? I got attacked by a gang of 5 lads back in my teens, got a concussion out of it by being smashed in the head with a metal pipe (still have the lump on my skull) simply for saying I don't smoke when asked for a cig. Would I have been in the right to shoot them dead if I had a gun? End 5 lives over their stupid actions? :rolleyes:

Yeah. In the states you would.
Thing is you never know what the outcome is going to be, in your case you might have been lucky a concussion not so bad given there was 5 of them. What if they killed you or turned you into a vegetable which is quite likely from a hit from a metal pipe?
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