Lack of modding has killed the hardcore PC fps

Dirty Bomb

Old school FPS, plays the same as Wolfenstein and its free. (objectives)

Quite frankly its the best FPS out there and has been for a while especially if you like team play and think all this levelling up for weapons is complete and utter tosh.
Only scanned the thread but did anyone used to play Sven coop, me and my brother were on that practically every night.

Same - Sven co-op was great. There were some very trippy levels. One in particular I can't remember the name of. And the Mario ones :)
No one mentioned MOH:AA and the add ons! There were some awesome maps made for that game by modders. Even the basic maps made by others were awesome for game play.
Same - Sven co-op was great. There were some very trippy levels. One in particular I can't remember the name of. And the Mario ones :)


I used to play sven in stereo 3D. The giant piano, and the Mario jump platforms were amazing in 3D.

Props on the memories of barrysworld tfc server 2... I was there every night too, same people night after night. No mans land, they sure don't make um like that anymore:)

HL has to be the best 30 quid in value anyone could have ever spent on a game.
UT 99 and TFC, still my highlights of gaming.

Overwatch doesn't come close to the skill level required to be top of those games (yet).

Battlefield, Planetside 2 ...played them all, just not the same
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UT 99 and TFC, still my highlights of gaming.

Overwatch doesn't come close to the skill level required to be top of those games (yet).

Battlefield, Planetside 2 ...played them all, just not the same

Agree UT99 was the pinnacle for me.
Lost many an evening on Clanbase iCTF matches to that and the skill level required at the top was immense and still fun.

The only other FPS I really enjoy these days is Insurgency because its based on nothing but skill with everyone having the same stuff available. I used to enjoy CS:GO but that game and its community is cancer as far I concerned these days so I don't bother.
Not FPS admittedly but does anyone else have fond memories of the command and conquer red alert map editor? I sank hours into that. Me and my best mate would draw the battle lines and placement of scenery and then recreate it on the map editor. Then play hours of c&c on the maps we made.

Only scanned the thread but did anyone used to play Sven coop, me and my brother were on that practically every night.

Yeah - used to be very involved with it fairly early on - by coincidence a couple of days ago happened to run into some old screenshots from when I played it - kind of hilarious when your team mates are using homer simpson, a dinosaur, some weird robot/mech thing and then random barny and female models.



and a single random shot from a coop map I made - ouch the lighting looks bad by today's standards:

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I gave Overwatch a go and had a blast. It is the most massive spam fest, though, and is as far away from 'hardcore' game as it gets. Not that that's a bad thing, but the massive gap of hardcore shooters on the PC is just as gaping as it was before.
//old man rant

PC fps in the 90s were great. Wolfenstein and Doom started things, but it wasn't until Quake, and particularly the modding scene, that things really got exciting. My fave mod at the time was Team Fortress (first game to have headshots btw), which later led to TFC on the HL engine and then to TF2 on Source. I lost silly amounts of time to them all. Quake 2 turned up and, again, shed loads of mods with it. Jailbreak was my bag. That led on to RTCW (still the best) and ET. Years of my life accounted for here. Interestingly, the competitive side of ET, and with it the online community, was entirely driven by user made maps as the official ones weren't up to the task. And, of course, Half-Life. Counter Strike, DoD, the aforementioned TFC, and loads more. Infact, there are too many good mods to mention here - Unreal had a great scene - and everyone has their faves. This is what PC fps used to be. Either driven or created by modders, and I honestly feel sorry for those who missed it. And now that side of things has all but gone - and with it the hardcore fps.

This isn't an 'I'm too pro for Battlefield/CoD' thread.
Accessible fps are fine. It's more of a look at what's missing today, which is pc fps with some meat to them. fps with learning curves. It's what fps fans want and as it was fps fans turning to mod making and mapping that drove the scene in the 90s, it's what we got. In abundance. We were spoilt for choice. These days we don't get dev tools and user made content. We get console ports of games designed to appeal to as many people as possible. To say the PC fps scene is a pale shadow of what it used to be is a massive understatement. Quite frankly, it's ****e now. And the reason for this thread and my frustration is I want an fps to get stuck into. Something that isn't ancient or a remake of an ancient game. And there's nothing. I literally can't find anything to play :p

Shame you missed the mods to BF1942 / BF2. They offered the most complete mods I have ever see. Changes to skins/theatre of war etc all available for free.

Its not publishers/developers restricting modders that killed the scene, actually most do far more these days to try and lure them in as they are effectively free content generators.

Nope, the problem is that anyone with the skills to make mods is busy building IOS/Steam games and trying to make a career out of it.

No it really is the publishers/developers. Battlefield had it taken away (as DG states) because they could make money out of it. It really is that simple.

Really more like all the cheating

There are always going to be cheat in all online games, but there are no where near as many as some people like to believe.
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