Thought you were buying 2 anyway Ace Modder, or thats what you were spouting out in the 290x thread atleast :P I guess they would need to be £350 each to make them more bang for buck than a 290x though eh :D

edit: cool prices btw Gibbo, fall asleep with the corsair 540 case price in mind and mentally lower it for tomorrow's today only please :)
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I am getting 2 GTX 780s but dont have the cash just yet for them at the full price :D

Well I do, but the wife won't be impressed with me dipping into the Lanzarote spending money for our December holiday though lol.
As above, I am not questioning service you provide, reason I come back here instead of ordering somewhere else.

its XFX, also tri-fan design. Actually 2 etailers do them, just spotted another one

I know what you mean. I'm getting very tempted by a 7990 now (maybe 2, no, no, I must resist 2! Should resist 1 really). It's just hard to justify £450 on the Asus card when you can get a XFX one plus a XFX PSU worth around £100 for £480.

I get what Gibbo says about the Asus having a 3 year RMA compared to the XFX 2 year one. But 3 years of completely useless CS & RMA doesn't seem like enough of a selling point over 2 years of completely useless CS & RMA to justify not spending an extra £30 to get a £100 PSU (which I believe is decent, my understanding is XFX PSUs are pretty decent). I could actually do with a decent modular PSU.

I'm guessing there's not really a whole lot in the 7990 between the 2 manufacturers as they both seem to be reference design.

I would prefer to buy from OcUK though.
GooglayMoogaly, price is actually 455 inc free delivery AND psu (its on today only) Ive had XFX psu myself for a while, its rebranded sonic. runs sli or xfire, 670/680, 7970 no problem

sell games, sell psu and basically card is yours for 350.. CRAZY.
Great price on 7990. Shame 7970 matrix couldn't be the same price it was last week :L

Its only £18 more? £240 and 3 games is still a good price

As above, I am not questioning service you provide, reason I come back here instead of ordering somewhere else.

its XFX, also tri-fan design. Actually 2 etailers do them, just spotted another one

Good luck with that brand, really need to read user reviews and seach through different forums and then you will realise why some brand are cheaper than others

£450 for an ASUS 7990 is a steal, and one that i might just have to snap up, despite my bad experience with the Matrix, i have had 5 other Asus DCII cards over the years with no issues at all, with XFX you are guaranteed heat issues and coil whine that get worse as the get older, and loud fans, but you might be lucky and get a good one

Can I ask what the story is with the ASUS 7970 Matrix please? That's a good price and they have some great reviews, but there seem to be a fair few people saying they are returning the ones they bought when they were on offer here the other week. I thought ASUS were supposed to be a top brand, so why would there be problems with this model?

Well i had one and returned because it could not run at stock without artifacting, and by the weekend it had died, then i managed to get it to boot but it just become so unstable it would not even run desktop with out crashing, i was gutted as i sold my ASUS 680 DCII OC to get this as with the extra ram i thought it would be worth it, also 3 of my online friends bought one and the other two, they all went the same way, but on a positive note, OCuK customer services very helpful refunded and had no issues there, and so have my friends, so rest assured if you do buy one and it goes the same way then you have nothing to worry about, had it been just me i would have had a replacemet, but four, sorry but cant help think ASUS trying to shaft us on these Matrix card anyways, the next one down seem to be fine and no issues but a the few that i know that got them on the same weekend

Well that has put a spanner in the works!!

Was set on the 7970 Matrix... But now tempted with MSI R9 280X!

Great cooler on them, very cool and quiet and just two slots, comes with a some software that will give you three modes to choose from, usefull for those that dont fancy overclocking but want a further boost or some more power saving :)
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XFX, simply no, I'd never compete with that brand, you only have to ask customers here on their experiences with XFX.

Plus Asus 3yr warranty is far better than 2yr on XFX, especially when spending close to £500.

Ah yes, XFX. The brand that managed to put me off ATi, with added customer service similar to that of Sky Tv's "wipe your card for static". Some bloody silly prices though!
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