There's a good video from Zizaran here that breaks down the game a little. For me it has the best crafting system, very easy to pick up and understand, but at the higher levels it still has some layers of complexity to get the very best items. It actually makes normal loot dropping meaningful and exciting.
One major positive with this game is that everything is explained via an in game encyclopaedia, you don't have to search what certain words/status effects mean online. Item filters can all be done in game as well, launch will also bring the in game auction house if that's your thing, or boosted item discovery if you want to play a more solo experience.
I'm happy to sing it's praises if I'm honest after seeing it improve so much over the last couple of years.
One major positive with this game is that everything is explained via an in game encyclopaedia, you don't have to search what certain words/status effects mean online. Item filters can all be done in game as well, launch will also bring the in game auction house if that's your thing, or boosted item discovery if you want to play a more solo experience.
I'm happy to sing it's praises if I'm honest after seeing it improve so much over the last couple of years.