Last Epoch - aRPG (Kickstarter Demo available)

There's a good video from Zizaran here that breaks down the game a little. For me it has the best crafting system, very easy to pick up and understand, but at the higher levels it still has some layers of complexity to get the very best items. It actually makes normal loot dropping meaningful and exciting.

One major positive with this game is that everything is explained via an in game encyclopaedia, you don't have to search what certain words/status effects mean online. Item filters can all be done in game as well, launch will also bring the in game auction house if that's your thing, or boosted item discovery if you want to play a more solo experience.

I'm happy to sing it's praises if I'm honest after seeing it improve so much over the last couple of years.
I think I'll probably pick this up next week. I'm finding it hard to do another D4 season, bored with it. Hopefully this will scratch that ARPG itch.
I am temped by this game as its only £29.99 on Steam.

For those that are currently playing, what is the game like? I currently have Diablo 4.

What I am curious about is how hard\easy is the crafting and getting gear towards a build?

My issue with D4 is that I always struggle to find items for my build and progression due to this.

The only possible reason anyone would prefer D4 over LE is that they're just unable to climb out from underneath their Diablo comfort blanket.

There's much better crafting (deterministic), and itemisation (none of this 4% increased critical strike chance against burning enemies on full life on a Tuesday if its raining) , there's a built-in loot filter that's easy to tailor to your needs, and there's going to be a SSF option and trading option so you can buy what you need. Oh and as much free stash space as you need, easily bought with plentiful in-game gold .
Why wait, its playable now, you can start to learn the basics figure out what play style you like (all except warlock and falconer are available) and then next Wednesday, 1.0 officially releases with a huge swathe of improvements in gameplay/graphics and additional content and the previously mentioned missing mastery classes.
The only possible reason anyone would prefer D4 over LE is that they're just unable to climb out from underneath their Diablo comfort blanket.

There's much better crafting (deterministic), and itemisation (none of this 4% increased critical strike chance against burning enemies on full life on a Tuesday if its raining) , there's a built-in loot filter that's easy to tailor to your needs, and there's going to be a SSF option and trading option so you can buy what you need. Oh and as much free stash space as you need, easily bought with plentiful in-game gold .
With people already playing this will the game be reset for those that have already played it once released?
Yes, any existing characters in the early access game will be transferred to legacy, you can still play those characters, but ultimately most will play in the current season/cycle which resets every 3 months.
Same as Diablo 4, you have the story mode and then every 3 months a new season starts and you can start a new character for that season.

This sounds much easier with crafting and getting items etc
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Ah did not realise this was finally going live, will probably play it again then as I did quite enjoy it in early access.
Been about a year so gave it another go over the weekend. Finished the campaign got to mid 70's and is pretty much same as i remember, underwhelming endgame. I'm a POE degenerate though so take that with a grain of salt.
yeah I think the most fun in LE at the moment is experimenting with different builds as the ability to respec within a specialisation is really easy. Flipped a couple of characters between builds in the last few nights all around the 70 mark trying to decide on starting character next week. Lightning sorc feels really nice, same with marksman bow builds (some skills a bit bugged in 0.9)

think I read the difficulty is getting a boost for 1.0 which could really help the game pacing as right now most builds just cruise through the campaign and early monoliths
Got my blade dancer to lvl 92 enjoying it more than D4 . The combat needs polishing, will come with time I guess.
Just bought the game to try out and wondering if its worth playing before the release date of the 21/2/24?

Trying to get used to the controls as well from D4 lol
Just bought the game to try out and wondering if its worth playing before the release date of the 21/2/24?

Trying to get used to the controls as well from D4 lol

I think there is going to be a wipe at release, or at least existing characters moved to the standard realm, or whatever it is named in this one.

I think there's a possibility of servers being absolutely rammed at release and potential issues, I seem to remember one of the last big updates bringing in a big influx of players and it being a bit hit and miss for a day or two (numbers will be even larger next week). So it might be worth dropping and hour or two into beforehand just so you get a feel of whether your going to enjoy it or not.
I think there is going to be a wipe at release, or at least existing characters moved to the standard realm, or whatever it is named in this one.

I think there's a possibility of servers being absolutely rammed at release and potential issues, I seem to remember one of the last big updates bringing in a big influx of players and it being a bit hit and miss for a day or two (numbers will be even larger next week). So it might be worth dropping and hour or two into beforehand just so you get a feel of whether your going to enjoy it or not.
I did jump on for an hour and I'm undecided on what I think.

trying to get used to the controls coming from D4.

Do you need to repair your items? I seemed to have gone from doing ok to taking a lot of damage.
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