Latest immigration figures.

10 Mar 2012
I don't understand why you have quoted me , I want the skilled immigration , I don't want unskilled to an extent unless we have more demand than supply but as you have said we have that in abundance.

We need to cap or set a limit of what immigration we need , it needs to be reactive so if we are short of unskilled workers we can go and see who's applied , who's applying .

Maybe I'm too optimistic , to think that is a possibility

Sorry I quoted you to add to what you wrote.

I agree wholehearted with what you've said so far.
19 Apr 2008
Most of the problems are caused by the poorer countries being given full rights to roam across Europe, I mean why would you stay in a Village in Romania when you can get on a coach to London and join your friends who seem to be happy here. I don't blame them or resent them for it, it's clear they've come from a poorer background judging by the living conditions they tolerate and the way they dump rubbish.

How may of us would be making our way to the US, Canada or Austrailia if suddenly we were able to migrate freely?

There's hundreds of thousands of Brits in Spain, we've got a bit of a cheek moaning about immigration really. Especially by the way some Brits behave themselves.
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28 Jul 2010
Well something has to change. Its getting quite intimidating walking down the street with every other one a barber shop with people milling in the doorway and truth be told being not very friendly.
21 Aug 2010
What a ridiculous comment. Suppression of wages and schools/hospitals/services stretched to breaking point. Yeah really good...:rolleyes:

The only people who think this is good is the bosses who can hire people at min wage in the thousands.

Immigrants are a net positive to our economy so how about directing your anger towards the correct people? ie the useless politicians who haven't spent this extra money on increasing public services:confused:

The amount of people here who lack critical thinking and believe any old crap they are told is utterly depressing, gullible ignoramuses :mad:
Man of Honour
5 Jun 2003
Don't get me wrong I completely understand the attraction of the points system, and the allowance of a more systemic immigration approach. However I don't think we would have a solution that is fluid enough. Lots of us emigrate to the EU with ease, surely we want to continue to make it easy in all directions? But that's just the EU, so what's the problem with that? The actual number of non EU immigrants is tiny and rather insignificant. Sure some do not make an effort as much as they should, but generally this is the exception to the rule.

I think we have a duty of care to offer legitimate asylum seekers a chance to settle here should they choose to. I accept illegal immigration is not generally welcomed, but neither are benefit cheats, or tax dodgers, and many other British (non immigrant legal or not) people who flaunt the law and make the life for the rest of us miserable and costing us money. Attributing that solely to immigrants (or even illegal immigrants) is actually erroneous - there are more problems within the UK that need to be addressed rather than worrying about the insignificant number of people choosing the UK to be their home.

Maybe I'm blindly optimistic, but I see more benefits from having a diverse community than an insular one. However what I do agree with is that this argument goes round and round as there is no honest data, mainly anecdotal and opinion based.



28 Jul 2010
Where is the evidence of this ?

Where is the data ?

If memory serves this was vastly misinterpreted a while back. Even then its only to the suppression of others.
5 Jun 2010
Immigrants are a net positive to our economy so how about directing your anger towards the correct people? ie the useless politicians who haven't spent this extra money on increasing public services:confused:

The amount of people here who lack critical thinking and believe any old crap they are told is utterly depressing, gullible ignoramuses :mad:

Does that somehow trump all the issues immigration brings?

Deleted member 66701


Deleted member 66701

However, migrants in the form of war/economic/political refugees as are now flooding into Europe unchecked in their hundreds of thousands is potentially catastrophic for our welfare systems and native cultural identities a few generations down the line.

Surely anyone that comes here to work is an economic migrant, regardless of whether they earn min wage or £200k?

When did migrating to earn more money (aka economic migrant) become a bad thing?

Do you have young children or grandchildren ? , if you do I hope they are seriously affected by your ignorance to a situation which will be out of their control . Which will be caused by muppets like yourself

You're wishing something bad happens to the posters kids or grand children?

What a pleasant man boy you are..
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5 Jun 2010
How many of those homes are social/private housing? Do local authorities/housing association have the money to bring social housing back into service given the cuts?

Private sector rents are rising, does increased demand lower or increase the price?

How many of them are habitable? How long have they been empty? Are they in the right place to meet demand where it is? How big is the shortage and what period of time would those house cover if every single one was magically ready to go right now? Considering we need two or three hundred thousand houses every year for a long time, 600 000 really isn't that many in the grand scheme of things (and that's without considering the other things I mentioned).

Don't get me wrong I completely understand the attraction of the points system, and the allowance of a more systemic immigration approach. However I don't think we would have a solution that is fluid enough. Lots of us emigrate to the EU with ease, surely we want to continue to make it easy in all directions? But that's just the EU, so what's the problem with that? The actual number of non EU immigrants is tiny and rather insignificant. Sure some do not make an effort as much as they should, but generally this is the exception to the rule.

I think we have a duty of care to offer legitimate asylum seekers a chance to settle here should they choose to. I accept illegal immigration is not generally welcomed, but neither are benefit cheats, or tax dodgers, and many other British (non immigrant legal or not) people who flaunt the law and make the life for the rest of us miserable and costing us money. Attributing that solely to immigrants (or even illegal immigrants) is actually erroneous - there are more problems within the UK that need to be addressed rather than worrying about the insignificant number of people choosing the UK to be their home.

Maybe I'm blindly optimistic, but I see more benefits from having a diverse community than an insular one. However what I do agree with is that this argument goes round and round as there is no honest data, mainly anecdotal and opinion based.

Can you address the above points?

Deleted member 66701


Deleted member 66701

I can t see how any of this good?

In my town the Polish are trying to take over! Opening up shops, stopping the English from going into them. Crime has gone up, jobs are fewer and paid less. What's good about that?

Are you sure? I shop in Polish shops all the time and have never had anything but a very warm welcome.
29 Jan 2008
Nothing to with being racist but nice troll attempt.

kind of is

you don't get Californians moaning about 'immigration' from other US states yet we have people come from certain other EU states - Romania, Bulgaria, Poland etc.. and the daily fail brigade is up in arms... strangely enough no one complains about highly educated French graduates working in the city, but as soon as it can be portrayed as affecting the chav class then tis quite easy for the xenophobia to be stirred up
5 Jun 2010
kind of is

you don't get Californians moaning about 'immigration' from other US states yet we have people come from certain other EU states - Romania, Bulgaria, Poland etc.. and the daily fail brigade is up in arms... strangely enough no one complains about highly educated French graduates working in the city, but as soon as it can be portrayed as affecting the chav class then tis quite easy for the xenophobia to be stirred up

I don't complain about highly educated Indian immigrants coming to this country, I have invited them to my house and broken bread with them.

Not sure what your point is really.
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