LCD Lightgun? Yes please.

I used a Raspberry Pi4 with mine, was basically plug and play. Installed a 'Barebones' image, one time calibration and could play stuff from NES - Dreamcast and a few arcade games. PC was easy to set up as well and worked perfectly with the HoTD Remake.

You might want to do some other tests or maybe contact Andy Sinden to see if there is actually something wrong with your LG?

Same for me. At some point I'll try the PC route again to make sure the gun is working OK. I'm thinking it might just be the lounge has too many reflections for it which will mean it's useless for me.

Out of interest what TV/Monitor are you both using as well? I had no issues in a fairly bright room with my B9 OLED, but my old Plasma Panasonic GT30 is probably a bit too reflective in certain conditions. I also preferred playing in darker conditions with my PC monitor.

I think light conditions / reflections can cause issues.
Thank you both. There's definitely an element of me being rusty and good point about the room - the last time I tried this was in our previous house where I could close the curtains to control light. I can't do that any more (for now).
Out of interest what TV/Monitor are you both using as well? I had no issues in a fairly bright room with my B9 OLED, but my old Plasma Panasonic GT30 is probably a bit too reflective in certain conditions. I also preferred playing in darker conditions with my PC monitor.

I think light conditions / reflections can cause issues.
65" C2 OLED

It's a shame it's still not an easy out of the box experience now it's been out for quite a while. Wasn't the software supposed to be updated a while ago but looks like it's still the build that was released over 2 years ago.

Edit : Just the Wiki was out of date. Will have to try the latest software when I try it again.
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Got a sinden last week and been hammering HotD Scarlet dawn, and point blank x. Don't know why I waited so long to get one as this thing is really good.

Anyone got any of the gun4ir or retroshooter kit? Interested in them as they use a separate power supply for continuous rapid fire and also incorporate rumble motors which game telemetry can utilise.
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