*** League of Legends ***

Playing at level 20 and playing at 30 is a world of difference still :( Up to 30's I was fine, level 30 it seems to be a much harder experience. I love the game but get far too many average scores lately. Played on the US servers the other day with my level 16 account and owned the field :) Good challenge though to improve

Hmm, this is what I'm worried about!

Myself and a few mate play, we are a mix from level 10-25'ish. We do ok at the moment in random games, winning more often than not, but only one of us has actually played these 'type' of games before - I'm still learning to be honest (level 10!)

Are we likely to get rolled when we hit 30? Can you continue to just play random at 30 or does it have to be ranked?
Any idea when dota2 Is out?
Also is it the same people who made the first?

It could be worth setting up a DOTA2 thread to save derailing this one. No idea re when DOTA2 is due but knowing Valve at earliest you're probably looking at 2012. In terms of original devs of Dota - League of Legends has the most people who were involved in the Dota Mod. Including Steve Freak http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Steve_Feak.

Valve have Icefrog who took on the DOTA project after Steve had left and briefly also was involved in Hon.

It will be interesting to see how it develops, gut feel says Hon should be quite worried, Lol is a totally different beast from size of player base to market strategy etc. They also kept the deny mechanic in which Lol took out to make the game more accessible and Hon appears to have been moving away from in the latest noob friendly style game types.

Whether I will still be playing this 2 years after I first started remains to be seen - quite probable I guess, but as much for the community we have :)
Hmm, this is what I'm worried about!

Myself and a few mate play, we are a mix from level 10-25'ish. We do ok at the moment in random games, winning more often than not, but only one of us has actually played these 'type' of games before - I'm still learning to be honest (level 10!)

Are we likely to get rolled when we hit 30? Can you continue to just play random at 30 or does it have to be ranked?

you won't necessarily get rolled as you should get better yourself as you get matched with better and more experienced.

players do get much better though and tactics will be much more elaborate as people understand their champs and spells more, as well as your champ :p
It could be worth setting up a DOTA2 thread to save derailing this one. No idea re when DOTA2 is due but knowing Valve at earliest you're probably looking at 2012. In terms of original devs of Dota - League of Legends has the most people who were involved in the Dota Mod. Including Steve Freak http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Steve_Feak.

Valve have Icefrog who took on the DOTA project after Steve had left and briefly also was involved in Hon.

It will be interesting to see how it develops, gut feel says Hon should be quite worried, Lol is a totally different beast from size of player base to market strategy etc. They also kept the deny mechanic in which Lol took out to make the game more accessible and Hon appears to have been moving away from in the latest noob friendly style game types.

Whether I will still be playing this 2 years after I first started remains to be seen - quite probable I guess, but as much for the community we have :)

Last OT post =P, aslong as its nothing like LoL and just HoN with new heroes i'll be happy.
Why not just play Hon then?

He has a point there.

@tals .I know you play ashe a lot do you have a general build you use or just play it by ear? Ive started playing ashe again and forgot how much fun she is.Im using a build thats a cross between the best ranked 2 on Mobafire but curious as to what you use.
I think i need to redo my runes to suit ashe maybe with some more mana regen in there so i can keep my volley going :)
It really depends on Icefrog - i've not been impressed by what I have seen from him so far. Having Valve does make him a little op though :)
He has a point there.

@Tals .I know you play ashe a lot do you have a general build you use or just play it by ear? Ive started playing ashe again and forgot how much fun she is.Im using a build thats a cross between the best ranked 2 on Mobafire but curious as to what you use.
I think i need to redo my runes to suit ashe maybe with some more mana regen in there so i can keep my volley going :)

Karashur here.. I play Ashe a lot as well, and seeing as Tals seems to of missed your post Ill throw in my build:

CDR blues, crit damage yellows, crit damage reds.

Long sword -> Sword of occult -> Boots -> Boots L2 (beserkers or MR depending on enemy) -> IE -> Phantom dancer x2.

From that point it is really situational, and any concrete build becomes meaningless without knowing the enemy line up. I would say that if you are playing Ashe correctly you do not need defensive items - Go all out nuke. If my damage is absolutely destroying anyhow I might pick up a GA for last slot, but besides that - DPS, DPS, DPS. Can be sometimes worth picking up a Megatron early against Karthus or a magic heavy team in general as well, turn in to Banshees late game.
Yep I would say Kar plays a better Ashe than I do....however, one thing people should note are builds are very much down to play style so what works well for one won't necessarily work for another.

My Ashe build:
Runes Red armour Pen, Yellow half mana/5/lev half dodge, blue cooldown reduction

Masteries attack with defense so have max dodge and the nimble

Start with boots + 3 health pots, this works really well at getting out of the way of placed damage like Karthus Bombs or Swains root.

The best next is bf sword but generally impatience gets the better of me and I get pickaxe first (25 dmg as opposed to 50). I then get bf sword and then zeal. Boots always swiftness. If I am struggling in lane I will get Vampiric Sceptre for the 15% life steal but this really only starts working well when you have either the pickaxe or the bf sword.

Infinity edge if its not a tanky team, Madreds if it is

As Kar says generally building defensive items on Ashe is bad because he will go down quick anyway - however Banshees generally happens due to the magic make up of a lot of teams and is an awesome item.

One big tip on ashe is remember his crit chance increases with time so right at the start hit the opposing champ and volley him, that usually peels enough damage to keep you safe for a bit :)
I quite like Kar's build, I'd never really thought about starting on Occult before, I'd misread it as losing all stacks if you died, so I'd always discounted it. Just tried it against a suicidal bot team though to play around with some items and it does work pretty nicely indeed if the opposing team die enough :D
Sword of the Occult is good, it does tend to make you more agressive. Liek any stacking item if you get the kills/assists it pays in dividends - if you don't its a wasted item :( Boots I would definitely go for swiftness. I would also start with boots first but it depends if you are good enough to stay in lane without the extra speed - which i'm not :)
no chance i would stack on ashe! dayum! also long sword as a first item is pretty risky on ashe, i know you're rushing sword of the occult but what kind of players are you playing against to be getting kills so early as ashe? many champions would have an absolute field day on ~450hp level 1 ashe...

for masteries, go 21/0/9 and for runes.. nearly all ranged carries should use both armour pen reds & quints. yellow and blue is preference but i would definitely get mana regen in one to keep volley spam going.

dorans blade is a solid first item. you need to keep in lane and farm, farming is a huge priority for all ranged carries during the laning phase. core on ashe is dorans blade -> boots 1 -> bf sword. get brut instead if you are struggling.

for most games, ranged carries can afford to have a much more static build than other classes and don't need much variation. the only thing you need to consider is when to build that banshees veil, as sometimes you will need it slightly earlier or at least the MR part. a few rare games will require you to get armour pen earlier (like 3+ tanky champs) and in other rare games you may need to build madreds (multiple hp stacking champs) but that is very situational item on ashe.

popular item combos on ashe are:
IE & phantom dancer - crit build with move speed for easy kiting
bloodthirster & BC - pure damage

most importantly, farm, kite and don't miss your arrow :p
If you go Bloodthirster you are regulating the main source of your damage to volley and so a Last Whisper is a far better pick up then a BC but other then that I'd agree with everything you said.

Rune wise, I run all my ranged carries with Arm Pen Red + Quints and Mana regen/18 Yellow and Blue. 21/0/9 is also the standard carry mastery set up (skipping Archmages Savvy for Ashe and make sure you pick up all 3 points in the crit damage mastery near the end).

Dorans Blade/Shield or boots are the standard starting items. The one you pick up depends entirely on who you are going to be midding against, with boots becoming very popular now after the Dorans changes (especially on Ashe as she relies on kiting).
I have found myself going Dorans Blade > Boots(Depending on what the enemy is bringing to the table)>B.F Sword >Vampyric Sceptre>Bloodthirster >Phantom Dancer then it depends on the situation.I may get some MR earlier if needed.
Sword of the Occult is good, it does tend to make you more agressive. Liek any stacking item if you get the kills/assists it pays in dividends - if you don't its a wasted item :( Boots I would definitely go for swiftness. I would also start with boots first but it depends if you are good enough to stay in lane without the extra speed - which i'm not :)

Perhaps normally, but with my build the Phantom Dancers makes swiftness boots not such a good pick imo.
The game we played just now was a good example why swiftness is always a good idea. Ashe was trying to escape from me with 2x boots - it just wasn't going to happen :)

** Even with phantom dancer I don't think you max speed?
The game we played just now was a good example why swiftness is always a good idea. Ashe was trying to escape from me with 2x boots - it just wasn't going to happen :)

** Even with phantom dancer I don't think you max speed?

Tals... This is the max speed recorded so far, I don't think your in any danger of hitting that cap with a single PD and Boots 3 :D
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