*** League of Legends ***

People are on pretty much all the time. There's obviously more people on in the evenings though. Join the server and jump in a game with some of us.

Don't worry about thinking you're not good enough. Just listen to the advice that some of the more experienced guys like myself have to offer and you will pick it up quickly enough :)

more experienced guys like myself


Can't.... Stop.... Laughing.... :D
I'm always up for giving new things a go (I probably play too much different things though).

Just a few questions before I decide if I will or not, is it still possible to unlock every character without paying any money? Also what type of game is it? Is it something along the lines of Starcraft 2 gameplay?

Finally, how long would you say it took to unlock every ingame character without buying any of them?


It's entirely possible to unlock every champ without paying a cent. I own 55 champs right now and although I've spent a fair bit of money on the game not a penny of it went towards buying any of them. In fact Runes, one of the most important aspects of the game, cannot be purchased with money at all and only earned in game.

It's a MOBA, a term coined a while back. There's load of stuff in the OP about it, I know tals keeps it relatively updated. Not quite like SC2, as you only control one unit, but if you are good at SC2 then some of the skills do travel across.

Somebody did the maths on this a while back, if I can find the post I'll edit it in (or maybe somebody other helpful person remembers). Needless to say it's quite a while :D
Must admit I like Vayne, now I'm crap so I'm not using her to her full potential. But it's good, great at keeping people back and great harasser... In a 1v1 if that class isn't range then I seem to do really well against them.
Just had a funny bug in one of my matches, although none of us realy noticed it at first. We was playing against twisted fate and at some point in the game we noticed that our team had his buff, we were all getting 2 additional gold per kill even though he was on the enemy team. The only answer we could come up with is that mord used his ultimate on him and one point and killed him, capturing his spirit and that must have been what gave us his buff, but we kept it even after that spirit died.
Vayne is amazing if you can get a decent build together.

I usually go Sheen for burst, Zerker's Boots for some attack speed. Then either BF Sword or Madred's Bloodrazor. BF to boost your burst on squishies, Madred's for the tank melting approach.

Her W passive with Madred's and a boatload of attack speed can be really powerful at burning down anybody, even tanks. Lots of true percentage based damage. You can burn down a tank almost as quickly as you'd burn down a caster.

Although she is very squishy she can make mincemeat out of people with targeted AoE's and skill shots. Tumble spam with Sheen/Trinity Force is tons of burst and lots of damage negation by dodging them.

Ryze is definitely one to fear as his spells are direct and he has a good CC to totally negate your defenses.

She seems to be really gear dependent but with Sheen at least she can burst and escape if she's outgeared. I've managed to butcher an Ezreal when I had low health, I tumbled through him for burst damage, shot him into the wall that was behind me for damage and stun, then at that point my W's passive is up for the third burst shot. Finished off with a tumble.
k i did a game as morde , bought all the correct resistance gear for the team we were fighting against...

i was 7/7/11 with randoms and then they all told me morde isnt a tank and i was a noob..

didnt think i was doing to bad to say we were against
and the new champ

i just thought **** it no one apreciates me going thre boring role of tank so i bought all AD gear for the lulz and we barely managed to win a game we had been dominating....
morde isn't a tank, he has no tanking abilities... you were right in building him tanky though. hes a 'bruiser' in lol's own terms, he soaks up a lot of damage whilst dishing it out
@Lucas thanks mate - what spells do you build up in what order?

Q W E is my regular priority order, taking ult whenever it's available to upgrade.

Q and W are interchangeable depending on your needs. Q's awesome for procing Sheen whereas with W and attack speed you can melt tanks and conserves mana. I personally go with Q as tumble is just so satisfying.

I let E trail behind, the damage is okay but it's more a method of crowd control for me.

Forgot to say, when I go BF Sword I usually go Black Cleaver, the attack speed and stacking armour pen really shine on her if you're locked into a 1v1. I'm not sure it'd be worth using Infinity Edge on her, she's a burst assassin rather than an auto attacker most of the time.
The mumble server has now been increased to 50 users. Hopefully we can make use of this, nice community in here and i'd hate anyone not to be able to get in because it's full. So if you have access and have been holding off - come on in :) If you haven't got access just post here and i'll (or one of the other admins) will send you the password in trust
Check out SoloMid for guides, they've got some guides from the best players, and the others tend to be pretty good.

For Vayne I tend to split Q and W evenly, and just put 1 point in E until I've maxed the other two. Trinity Force/Sheen is so good on her, I like to rush Sheen then either Trinity or grab a BF Sword and upgrade that based on the game.
morde isn't a tank, he has no tanking abilities... you were right in building him tanky though. hes a 'bruiser' in lol's own terms, he soaks up a lot of damage whilst dishing it out

I played Mord last night as a glass cannon - ie. fully specced in damage and speed. Early games left him squishy, but a decent farmer from buying attack speed items, until about lvl 6 when he started stealing life with ultimate. Late game, Mord became a swift killer using a combination of life-steal and high damage items. This allowed him to quickly kill ranged units and survive enough for team killing a tank. In team fights Mord owned, but 1v1 he needed a bit of speed to try and catch fleeing champions.

I find that many players expect you to use cookie builds, but if you build your champion to the feel of the game, you can catch the enemy by surprise.
I played Mord last night as a glass cannon - ie. fully specced in damage and speed. Early games left him squishy, but a decent farmer from buying attack speed items, until about lvl 6 when he started stealing life with ultimate. Late game, Mord became a swift killer using a combination of life-steal and high damage items. This allowed him to quickly kill ranged units and survive enough for team killing a tank. In team fights Mord owned, but 1v1 he needed a bit of speed to try and catch fleeing champions.

I find that many players expect you to use cookie builds, but if you build your champion to the feel of the game, you can catch the enemy by surprise.

you should always build you champ to the feel of the game. you have a small relatively cheap core build before you deviate and build to the needs of your/their team.

AP morde is a gimmick though :p. there is never any surprise in in any build because the other team should have kept track of what you are building. AP morde explodes just like any other squishy caster... they just had to focus you.

the damage that an AP/tank morde brings to a team fight is much more valuble than the burst a glass cannon AP morde brings. plus if you built morde with pure AP in mind.. there were several better champs you could have picked to fill that roll. it was probably fun though so i won't knock you for that, AP morde is no where near the fail of say.. AD anivia or something lol.
you should always build you champ to the feel of the game. you have a small relatively cheap core build before you deviate and build to the needs of your/their team.

AP morde is a gimmick though :p. there is never any surprise in in any build because the other team should have kept track of what you are building. AP morde explodes just like any other squishy caster... they just had to focus you.

the damage that an AP/tank morde brings to a team fight is much more valuble than the burst a glass cannon AP morde brings. plus if you built morde with pure AP in mind.. there were several better champs you could have picked to fill that roll. it was probably fun though so i won't knock you for that, AP morde is no where near the fail of say.. AD anivia or something lol.

AP Morde? Lol - I played as AD Morde last night!! My Mace of spades absolutely hammered the enemy! With the combination of Phantom Dancer, swift boots, heavy damage/speed cleaver and that +55 damage/lifesteal item(Blood reaver?) I was able to charge down and critical smack/life steal swiftly with mace of spades. I suppose if my Morde was AP specced he would have caused bigger spell damage but it would have taken longer for him to kill as they probably magic resist specced to buffer his assault...
i was wondering why you mentioned attack speed.. when you didnt specify the damage i just assumed ap...

can't say i have ever seen AD morde. i've even seen AD soraka but this is new o_o
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