*** League of Legends ***

I've never played this before. Is this same kind of things as Torchlight but multiplayer? I might grab a copy on Steam tommorow.

Don't grab it on steam. Download it from the link on the first page and then try it :) If it appeals then if you want you can get the collectors pack but the game can be played free if you are happy to wait for unlocks etc. They have pretty much the only micro transaction system that really is down to the individual how much they play :)

Not like Torchlight - but grab it try the tutorial and go from there :) 1st Post contains a load of videos that will help as well
Had some nice games with tals, silent, mags and siox recently; thanks for the invites!

Thanks for the suggestions on tanking champs too. I somehow segwayed into picking Shen even though he wasn't mentioned here... thought his play style looked kinda nice but so far I've found him pretty hard to tank with.

Anyway, a question about runes... I've not bought any yet because I'm waiting till level 20 before I spend any IP on them to get tier 3 runes. When you buy a rune can you duplicate it to as many slots in your book (of that type) as you want, or do you need to buy the rune over and over to use many of the same type?

Also the Season 1 stuff looks nice, I liked the draft system in HoN and the picking in turn kind of helps promote people to think "What sort of champion should I take" although I guess we'll see how that pans out ;).

Yes you can.
I have both a Crit/Dodge page (for Gank/Teemo/Tris/Kog'Maw/TF) meaning I start the game with 18% Crit and 7% Dodge (Inc Masteries)

Then a Mana regen/Magic Pen and Cooldown for Morgana/Anivia (7% cooldown/10Magic Pen/6.2mana/5sec regen (Plus 15%magic Pen/3% cooldowns and 1mana sec from Masteries.

All without my starting items
Had some nice games with tals, silent, mags and siox recently; thanks for the invites!

No problem been loving the community so far :)

Anyway, a question about runes... I've not bought any yet because I'm waiting till level 20 before I spend any IP on them to get tier 3 runes. When you buy a rune can you duplicate it to as many slots in your book (of that type) as you want, or do you need to buy the rune over and over to use many of the same type?

Yes you can get lots of the same rune to the number of slots available

This is a great spreadsheet which highlights the best runes for each area


Also the Season 1 stuff looks nice, I liked the draft system in HoN and the picking in turn kind of helps promote people to think "What sort of champion should I take" although I guess we'll see how that pans out ;).

You need to be level 20 for this so now may be the time to get that xp boost :)

They also have a nice system where if you are 1 or 2 players it will not match you against premades, should make it far more fun. Although I am guessing it's going to get intense :)

Game will now go into the Stratosphere IMHO - it's already the 4th biggest game in xfire
Don't grab it on steam. Download it from the link on the first page and then try it :) If it appeals then if you want you can get the collectors pack but the game can be played free if you are happy to wait for unlocks etc. They have pretty much the only micro transaction system that really is down to the individual how much they play :)

Not like Torchlight - but grab it try the tutorial and go from there :) 1st Post contains a load of videos that will help as well

Thanks for the info, I'll check it out :)
Anyway, a question about runes... I've not bought any yet because I'm waiting till level 20 before I spend any IP on them to get tier 3 runes. When you buy a rune can you duplicate it to as many slots in your book (of that type) as you want, or do you need to buy the rune over and over to use many of the same type?

You can't just buy 1 rune, then have it work on all the slots for that colour. You need to buy a new rune for every slot.
You need to be level 20 for this so now may be the time to get that xp boost :)

About mid way through level 18 at the moment so hopefully I'll make it :)!

You can't just buy 1 rune, then have it work on all the slots for that colour. You need to buy a new rune for every slot.

Drat, that's a shame I guess it costs quite a lot of IP to deck out a full page with tier 3 runes then. I guess I'll figure out the ones that suit the characters that I play and maybe start to buy a few since when it's fully decked out it seems to give a decent advantage... right now I've just been building up a collection of champs so that I had a reasonable selection for each role.
It costs about 18K IP to get a good all round set of Tier 3 Runes suitable for all characters. A very good setup is:

Flat HP for Quints
Scaling CDR for Glyphs
Penetrations for Marks (Magic or Armor depending on the champion)
Dodge for Seals
I played Rammus in a test practice game last night and really like him, love his powerball with Ghost, just WOW!. So tonight's character will be Rammus for me. Probably need to try a different character each evening.

I'll probably be on late tonight +10.
u should try olaf.

build warmogs armor first its under defence > health , start with the part that regens hp
then build thornmail which is under defence > armor
then get the boots that give +3 speed
then build the frozen mallet if your team hasnt won the game buy then.

you can easily take on 2-3 people once you have warmogs armor and thornmail :D

you can do middle as olaf aswell really easily , probably one of the best chars for middle even though you dont really see anyone doing it just start with the mana regen item if you do middle because you need to spam undertow to kill the minions (once you get under tow at lvl 3-4 you should be able to pretty much kill a whole wave of minions in one go)

its amazing how much dps olaf can throw down while still taking a huge beating
I'm kinda meh about using Warmogs on anyone, although Olaf would be a prime candidate due to his passive scaling with his health. Frozen Mallet is mandatory for him and I'd advise getting it a lot sooner then you are suggesting as he needs it to stick close to his targets in team-fights. It also provides a big boost of health if your not going Warmogs.

Then you get the whole Boots of Swiftness/Zerker Greaves debate. Personally I go with Zerkers for the attack speed bonus early as Olaf already has amazing chasing ability and you should be taking Ghost for teamfights, etc. anyway. Thankfully he's one of the few heroes that you can forgo mercury threads on completely which is nice.

Some other really nice picks for him are Starks (if no-one else on your team is getting it, more lifesteal and att. speed = awesome) and the new Ghostblade which really synergizes well with him and the active plus ghost means you'll be at full speed at all times.

Ideally what you want to do (If you are not mid, ideally you want a ranged toon mid) is start with a Vamp. Sceptre and then on your first trip back grab boots, an avarice blade and upgrade to an Emblem if you are the one getting Starks (if not keep the Sceptre as you'll be turning it into a Bloodthirster eventually). Then you want to build your Phage and your Zerkers, then go back and finish the Ghostblade. The small delay in building this Key item is so as to ensure your Avarice pays for itself. After that you want to finish off Starks and your Mallet. At this point your pretty much hitting critical mass item wise and you probably won't afford anything else. If the game does go on longer just use your head and pick up solid items depending on the opposing team. Stuff like GA, a Veil, Thornmail, Last Whisper, IE, Bloodthirster.... the list goes on.
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Zerker boots are bad, i would advise people to avoid them like the plague. Attack speed is very easy to get but the other boots all have much more valuable stats, like magic pen, dodge, CC reduction.

Still no monitor yet, so cant play yet :(
Played rammus last night, first game was absolutely dire - died 11 times to a total team death of something like 22. We did win however which was a relief. I then played him in the next match, whilst we lost I died only a few times and racked up the assists. Kills are more difficult but he was quite fun - particularly his ability to change lanes quickly. Does anyone know if speed is maxed at any value?

Our second game we struggled to mix it up enough and ended up loosing the team fights

Will play rammus again tonight dependant on team make up
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EvilOne I do know that generally Zerker boots are a bad choice. However Olaf's Ult already lets him ignore CC and with my build you get two different active speed boosts so you don't need Boots of Swiftness. What you do need is an early boost to your attack speed to help with your innate lifesteal. It also allows you to build the other items without detouring for a pure att. speed item.

There are very few champs in the game where Zerkers happen to be a good choice..... Olaf just happens to be one of them.
Played rammus last night, first game was absolutely dire - died 11 times to a total team death of something like 22. We did win however which was a relief. I then played him in the next match, whilst we lost I died only a few times and racked up the assists. Kills are more difficult but he was quite fun - particularly his ability to change lanes quickly. Does anyone know if speed is maxed at any value?

Yeah was a good few games, I'm getting use to Warwick now and can't understand why I've not played him till now. I just love tower diving people hiding under a tower on low hp after jumping out of the jungle :D

As for speed cap, I have a feeling its 550, as thats what I seem to get when I use Teemo/ghost/speed boots/ability...
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There are very few champs in the game where Zerkers happen to be a good choice..... Olaf just happens to be one of them.

Yep, if I go zerker boots I often drop them later on for different ones once I have obtained other attack speed items
EvilOne I do know that generally Zerker boots are a bad choice. However Olaf's Ult already lets him ignore CC and with my build you get two different active speed boosts so you don't need Boots of Swiftness. What you do need is an early boost to your attack speed to help with your innate lifesteal. It also allows you to build the other items without detouring for a pure att. speed item.

There are very few champs in the game where Zerkers happen to be a good choice..... Olaf just happens to be one of them.

i never have a problem with lack of attack speed i always have a problem with no one wanting to fight olaf everyone tries to run a lot of the times people have their own slowing effects and without the boots they will escape
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