*** League of Legends ***

Well we had one of those games which prove that the game is never lost till the fat lady sings :)

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Warmogs is a waste unless your a tank with easy mode farming (cho, mundo). Olaf needs two things: health and lifesteal. If you have both you can hover around 20% hp with crazy attack speed. If you don't stack health you basically nullify the passive (die too fast).

Frozen mallet should be the first luxury olaf gets. Hp a slow and + damage...perfect.
olaf is one of the best laning chars in the game you can easily lane 1v2 down a side if your team lets you how much more easy mode farming can you get?

warmogs is the best health item in the game and the + hp regen you can start with thats used on warmogs is better than lifesteal the majority of the time unless your laning against 2 class that dont attack you while you hit the mobs
Tals I know you told me it was bad but that's just ridiculous. I don't know how you pulled that out of the bag but I would have loved to watch it.

Just another point towards a much needed replay system....
What on earth were the other team doing while you were dead? Well done on the win though!! :D

Yep good point, I think they probably sat back too much and by then we started pushing multiple lanes. Arknor getting the middle inhibitor was probably key - very hard to catch up when the inhibitors are down
im back up and running again :) would love to finally play with a ocuk'er for once after 1 month of trying :)

what do most of you prefer btw, 3v3 or 5v5 ?
im back up and running again :) would love to finally play with a ocuk'er for once after 1 month of trying :)

what do most of you prefer btw, 3v3 or 5v5 ?

We tend to play 5v5 - the best way now of linking up is get yourself in mumble - mic not needed if you don't like the idea of chatting :)

The OCUK chat room in LoL also helps :)
We tend to play 5v5 - the best way now of linking up is get yourself in mumble - mic not needed if you don't like the idea of chatting :)

The OCUK chat room in LoL also helps :)

yus im allways in the chat room in lol, most ive seen in there at 1 time is 2 people :p
yus im allways in the chat room in lol, most ive seen in there at 1 time is 2 people :p

Agreed :) The best way is via mumble. Last nights stats for our mumble server


Which is a pretty typical evening. We have an area to show you are coming on later and another for showing you are ready to play
Bit of a lucky shop at Game. They had their buy 2 games for £4.99 and get one free so I now have LoL money coming out of my ears :)
Bit of a lucky shop at Game. They had their buy 2 games for £4.99 and get one free so I now have LoL money coming out of my ears :)

Same after I bought 2 packs last week online for I think £6 each.
I've now got 3675 RP points and 3861 IP points, with nothing I'm wanting to buy :(.

Think I've finally found my perfect champ, warwick :D Extremely fun to play and once you have a few kills and boots your very hard to stop chasing everyone down :cool:. (maybe the odd kill steal too ;))

Season 1 Q&A http://eu.leagueoflegends.com/board/showthread.php?t=14617

What queues will be available for Ranked Games in Season One?

Once ranked play begins, all player's ratings will begin at the same rating, and players will be able to select one of the following queues for competition: Solo/Two player Summoner's Rift, Full Premade Summoner's Rift, and Full Premade Twisted Treeline. Once in queue you will only be matched against other players who have selected this specific queue type.

What will Season One mean for me if I don’t want to play Ranked Games?

While the primary objective of Season One is to launch competitive League of Legends, there will be plenty of features available for those who aren't interested in an intense, highly structured competitive experience. Even if you aren't interested in playing Ranked Games, you will still have access to the upgraded look and feel of League of Legends and to Draft Mode when hosting a practice game.

How will Draft Mode work, exactly?

Once you have been matched into a Draft Mode game, the draft process will be separated into two phases: the banning phase, and the actual drafting process.

During the banning phase, each team will select two champions that will be disallowed from play in the current match. Banned champions cannot be selected for play by either team, so choose wisely! The team that has been assigned second pick during the draft phase will be given the opportunity to ban first. Bans will follow a 1-2-1 pattern.

Once the banning phase has been completed, the teams will begin drafting champions. Drafts will be exclusive; meaning that champions cannot be drafted onto both teams. The team that received the second pick during the banning phase will be given the opportunity to draft first. On Summoner's Rift, the draft will follow a 1-2-2-2-2-1 pattern, and on Twisted Treeline they will follow a 1-2-2-1 pattern.

At any point during the entire draft process, players will be able to make changes to their summoner spells and masteries, and may select any of their previously set up rune pages. These options will not be visible to your opponents during the draft, but remember that your opponents will be able to see your summoner spells once you're in game.

How can I play Ranked Games?

Ranked Games will become available to all players once they have reached summoner level 20. Additionally, to join any 5v5 queue you will need to have at least 14 available champions. This includes the 10 champions that are free-to-play in a given week. This has to do with the exclusive draft and ban format that requires a total of fourteen champions to complete. Players who do not meet this minimum number of champions will still be able to play on the Twisted Treeline.

What’s the “Choose your Experience” “Beginner, Intermediate, …” dialog?

Once Season One begins, new players will have the opportunity to rate their own familiarity with the genre. Players will be asked to assess their own skill level by selecting one of the following options: Beginner, RTS Player, Advanced, or Expert. Players' initial matches will then be picked according to the skill level they have selected.

Who controls the bans and picks?

In team play, bans will be distributed by the player on each time who hosted the premade lobby. In the solo/2-player queue, the player with the highest Elo rating on each team will receive the right to ban. Each player will be responsible for drafting his or her own champion.

What will happen to my old stats?

You Normal Game stats will not be affected by the launch of Season One. These stats will also remain private, and will not be reset. Your Ranked Game stats will have their own Elo rating, and will track a large number of public stats. There will also be tools provided for you to easily track, compare, and contrast your stats against other players.

Will we get more than 2 rune pages?

We are currently working on allowing players to obtain more than two rune pages. This functionality will be available either at the launch of Season One, or shortly thereafter.

What about clan and team support? Observer mode and replays?

These features will not be available with the launch of Season One, but remember that we here at Riot are constantly updating League of Legends and we have plans on rolling out these features in the future.

What kind of tournaments will be taking place during Season One?

Season One will include several official tournament events over the course of the season. Additionally, Riot Games will continue our support of community tournaments by offering to supply prizes of Riot Points.

What kind of tournament will be taking place at the end of Season One?

The end date of Season One has not yet been determined, but it will be punctuated by a major Season One finals event. We’re not ready to give out details just yet, but we will be hosting a huge tournament at the end of Season One.

What champions will be available in Ranked Games?

All those champions that are currently available in League of Legends will be allowed for play in Season One. Additionally, we will be continuing to release champions at our usual pace of one champion every 2-3 weeks over the course of the season.

How will patches be handled in Ranked Games?

Patches will affect ranked games in the same manner that they affect normal games.

How will queue dodging be addressed in Ranked Games?

At the release of Season One, if you leave a game during the draft, you will receive a “Leave” as well as a “Loss” and a reduction of Elo equal to you losing that game. In a subsequent patch, we will be adding a “Reconnect” feature to the Draft process on some of our Ranked Games queues. After that patch, players will be allowed the option to reconnect to the draft, but not to start another game.

Will we see our opponents during champion select?

While you will be able to view those champions drafted by your opponents during Champion Select, their summoner names will be anonymous during this time.
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Once Season One begins, new players will have the opportunity to rate their own familiarity with the genre. Players will be asked to assess their own skill level by selecting one of the following options: Beginner, RTS Player, Advanced, or Expert. Players' initial matches will then be picked according to the skill level they have selected.
pretty obvious what everyone will pick
Hi guys, i just finally got myself set up on LoL after about a 2 year absence from dota. Hopefully see some of you around :)

The only things i havent fathomed yet are how to unlock new heroes, what on earth runes are and how to get them, and what the items/item combos are/do.
Hi guys, i just finally got myself set up on LoL after about a 2 year absence from dota. Hopefully see some of you around :)

The only things i havent fathomed yet are how to unlock new heroes, what on earth runes are and how to get them, and what the items/item combos are/do.

When you play you gain in game cash. If you win this is more than if you loose and for each new day you get an additional bonus for the first win. You can then unlock heroes with this ingame cash or alternatively purchase cash through the online store or collectors pack to unlock heroes.

To start people going there are 10 heroes that are unlocked for each week - these change from week to week.

Runes. You have a number of rune slots you can fill as you level. These get more till they max out at level 30. The runes are organised into 3 tiers culminating in tier 3 at level 21. Because Tier 3 is the best there is very little point purchasing lower tier runes. Runes affect aspects of the game i.e your ability to dodge/magical resistance etc - they're listed properly in a spreadsheet on the 1st post. Runes can only be purchased with ingame cash

In addition there are masteries which are free - I believe you gain 1 additonal mastery point for every level you achieve.

All the above will soon become clear once you have played a few games :) Read the first post it has various tips on it - although as an ex Dota player you should be fine

Masteries are a
lol just did AP teemo for a laugh
blind did 700dmg
poison ticked at 100dmg/second
mushrooms did 1200 dmg

was lol worthy i had around 600 ability power which wouldnt happen in most games then everyone was calling me a hacker lol
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