*** League of Legends ***

^ but how?
What are you doing with Heim to get it to work. you cant really put turrents down as they steal cs like no tomorrow. and his slow isnt exactly brilliant.

You let the turrets take some cs. I'd rather give my support 5 cs if it means we can all in and win every single time because turrets do so much damage.

And yeah we just all in constantly. Heimer is so good we don't even run when their jungler ganks, we just win 2v3 because of turrets. Not exaggerating at all.
Is anybody else apprehensive of the S4 changes - Mainly jungling, I am a big believer in that the role requires a lot of game knowledge to play at the highest level and consistently and I am far more impressed by a great jungler than a great top laner. I can't help but feel it will be a big step back skill wise with the idea of carrying from the jungle, I hope jungling isn't farm for 20 minutes and come out with 2 core items ready to team fight - It looks like there will be no reason to leave the jungle with the gold you can grind from it, high risk gank high rewarding may be a thing of the past.
Is anybody else apprehensive of the S4 changes - Mainly jungling, ...... high risk gank high rewarding may be a thing of the past.

That's a really good point.
With vision changes people are likely (at least at the start) to play very defensive and the jungler might have no choice but to farm,

Or open up a lot more jungler vs jungler fights trying to snowball yourself from both
That's a really good point.
With vision changes people are likely (at least at the start) to play very defensive and the jungler might have no choice but to farm,

Or open up a lot more jungler vs jungler fights trying to snowball yourself from both

Considering people don't buy wards at the start of the game much anyway, other than support, I doubt it will affect jungler's much unless they get the ward trinket that is in which i dont even know
Urgh, that game could only get better.

Did a draft pick and wound up on jungle Nocturne. First gank really couldn't have gone worse. Went into the river bush by our Gangplank vs Renekton. Just as I move the view up to see if I have a chance to gank, Vi appears in the bush behind me and the Renekton reacts faster than our Gangplank and we give away 2 kills and couldn't quite finish either of them. Then right after I botched a finish on Orianna mid when I tunnel visioned onto the killing blow (which she shielded ><) and the tower killed me.

Luckily once it came to late game teamfighting we were consistently coming out on top. Lasted over 50 minutes in the end. There Orianna was extremely powerful and for some reason tried to push our inner turret alone because only Sona was there. We all came out the jungle and dove her (effectively 3 times thanks to Zhonya's and GA) but there team was miles away. We followed that up by chasing them into the base. Very happy with my flash Randiun's finish which slowed em just enough to let us re-engage, Ace and push through for the win.

Very happy with myself at 30minutes though. Managed to flash over the wall and steal Baron or we could've lost there and then (we then more or less wiped each other but it was worth it).
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Ok so im reading the patch it out now, the servers will be back around 12PM today. So ready for when we get home tonight! (too watch the servers die)

haha, ill probably log in a few hours before i actually play to avoid the insane login ques that im predictng.
Won a game last night with an epic troll on our team. Fed them 16 deaths intentionally as he was annoyed that someone picked top before him. I said to him at game start that I have won plenty of 4v5s so he can do what he wants as he will soon be worth no gold.

Needless to say the plan worked, I bought limited wards went high AP plus some AP aura items to help the team out and voila we absoltely smashed them in the end it wasnt even close.

Needless to say everyone report the troll and then the enemy team all reported themselves for sucking so much, rofl.
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