Can anybody provide me with the Mumble password and access to chat please?
Also, there's something weird about support in general. The best 2 supports I've ever played with aren't support mains (mcknight and Shay). I wish I could explain why they're so good at support (I'm not sure they know either), but I really can't. I guess it's similar to trying to explain how to lane correctly in top/mid, it's not something you can properly explain. I can't at least.
Has anyone got themselves out of Bronze as support main? I'm most comfortable playing Sona and Janna, but many times no matter how well I play, my team is rubbish and I have an ADC who finishes like 2/7/10.
got from b5 - b3 with Janna alone. then from b3 to s5 with janna and Xin mix.
I agree with others, currently the best supports are the super tanks (naut, dr mundo) havent tried heim but easy to see why that would work well.
Serious, Heimer is the best support in the game. Me and my friend Shay are 10-0 with him on Heimer support, stomped every single lane. It's so good I can't believe it.
Also, there's something weird about support in general. The best 2 supports I've ever played with aren't support mains (mcknight and Shay). I wish I could explain why they're so good at support (I'm not sure they know either), but I really can't. I guess it's similar to trying to explain how to lane correctly in top/mid, it's not something you can properly explain. I can't at least.
Come and join us in mumble if you want to group up with other ocukers, details on first page
I very well might tonight
Though I don't know, it might cause the problem of finding out I'm not as good as I hoped as I increase the pool of players I play with haha