*** League of Legends ***

It's about bloody time I had some gaming time with my fellow ocuk buds! Please for the love of god somebody add me "Claymech" and get on the mumbles.
Has anyone got themselves out of Bronze as support main? I'm most comfortable playing Sona and Janna, but many times no matter how well I play, my team is rubbish and I have an ADC who finishes like 2/7/10.

I know it's possible but surely it would take more effort and patience to move up as a support?

Should I practice playing something like ADC or AP Mid instead? I suck at top lane.
I main support, top and mid have been the most contested lanes in my games. Which I dnt mind, I can play any but I'd rather play support and grant vision than let someone play support and never ward. I didn't have that much problem getting to Gold all the way from bronze 1.

I try to be as aggressive as I can depending on how aggressive my ADC is and just simply ward 24/7. Make the plays for easy kills for your ADCs.
Serious, Heimer is the best support in the game. Me and my friend Shay are 10-0 with him on Heimer support, stomped every single lane. It's so good I can't believe it.

Also, there's something weird about support in general. The best 2 supports I've ever played with aren't support mains (mcknight and Shay). I wish I could explain why they're so good at support (I'm not sure they know either), but I really can't. I guess it's similar to trying to explain how to lane correctly in top/mid, it's not something you can properly explain. I can't at least.
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Also, there's something weird about support in general. The best 2 supports I've ever played with aren't support mains (mcknight and Shay). I wish I could explain why they're so good at support (I'm not sure they know either), but I really can't. I guess it's similar to trying to explain how to lane correctly in top/mid, it's not something you can properly explain. I can't at least.

It's that synergy thing, my best ad's I support is not you yet you are the best ad I play with, it maybe the level you play at. I find your play very independent which is probably down to how much you solo queue and maybe my play ;-)
Has anyone got themselves out of Bronze as support main? I'm most comfortable playing Sona and Janna, but many times no matter how well I play, my team is rubbish and I have an ADC who finishes like 2/7/10.

got from b5 - b3 with Janna alone. then from b3 to s5 with janna and Xin mix.

I agree with others, currently the best supports are the super tanks (naut, dr mundo) havent tried heim but easy to see why that would work well.
got from b5 - b3 with Janna alone. then from b3 to s5 with janna and Xin mix.

I agree with others, currently the best supports are the super tanks (naut, dr mundo) havent tried heim but easy to see why that would work well.

Personally I disagree on that as I view the best supports as those that function well without the need for items as the majority of games you'll be getting a Sightstone, a GP5 item and then a butt-load of wards/oracles etc.
A Mundo or Nautilus without the backup of a few items will just evaporate in a fight if they try to go front line. The CC from Naut may be useful as a peel though, so I could kind of see that working :)

My go-to support through silver/gold was leona as she's inherently tankywith no items and has great peel for your ADC and initiation for teamfights. People just don't know how to deal with CC at that level I found!
Serious, Heimer is the best support in the game. Me and my friend Shay are 10-0 with him on Heimer support, stomped every single lane. It's so good I can't believe it.

Also, there's something weird about support in general. The best 2 supports I've ever played with aren't support mains (mcknight and Shay). I wish I could explain why they're so good at support (I'm not sure they know either), but I really can't. I guess it's similar to trying to explain how to lane correctly in top/mid, it's not something you can properly explain. I can't at least.

I can relate to this. Two of my mates (one who mains jungle/mid and the other who mains top) are by far the best supports I've had. Every time I lane with one of them, it feels like such a bot stomp.

I dislike it when my support is a pussy, so I guess I'm naturally aggressive. But if my support isn't prepared to back me up or harass, I'm far more passive than I'd like. We have good synergy I suppose. I don't get the same feeling with my mate who actually does main support :p

I'll have to also get one of them to try out Heimer support :D
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