*** League of Legends ***

Not a fan of Mundo and Nautilus support, especially Mundo :S Ive not tried Heimer support but Ive heard hes worth a try there so might try it sometime.

Here's a few clips of me support for those interested :)

Yep definitely - some old faces some new faces. Game has changed and tweaked over time and particularly the next season coming in with its changes on Monday are quite large particularly for support and junglers :)

I've pinged you over the password if you fancy coming and joining us - other details on the first post
Taking a break from revision to play a game. 2x this happens in a row, both first pick and both with members who were playing for promotion so I left both losing 13 points (I think?) and now have to wait 30mins so will just get back to work I think. Nice bans and then picked urgot jungle. Fun times

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Pff... Not worth leaving for. I'd play regardless of picks and it irritates me when people dictate what champs other people decide to play.
What? He said in chat that he was going to troll and feed. Do you really think those are legitimate bans? I don't mind what champs anyone plays as long as they are playing to win that's fine with me.
Ok, genuine question. I play jungle and I usually build a tank playing noc/ aatrox/ lee sin (depending on other champs/ enemies but most of the time). This is due to them having good engages in late game.

However, in bronze the concept of tank is lost on a lot of people and so they engage without me/ don't wait for me and so I don't do a lot of damage when they get peeled off by the adc. Should I just build damage to help early game with ganks (not that I don't as tank but the kills would be quicker and easier) to get an advantage rolling or should I stick with it or try a hybrid build?

It seems that everyone else stacks damage for early game and no one really plans for the late game.
Ok, genuine question. I play jungle and I usually build a tank playing noc/ aatrox/ lee sin (depending on other champs/ enemies but most of the time). This is due to them having good engages in late game.

However, in bronze the concept of tank is lost on a lot of people and so they engage without me/ don't wait for me and so I don't do a lot of damage when they get peeled off by the adc. Should I just build damage to help early game with ganks (not that I don't as tank but the kills would be quicker and easier) to get an advantage rolling or should I stick with it or try a hybrid build?

It seems that everyone else stacks damage for early game and no one really plans for the late game.

Build damage early, like dorans or a phage. Depending on the jungler that is. Then go tank late but if you're ahead in solo q you might want to just go damage, especially in bronze seeing as you can just roam killing people as im guessing they have no idea when to group etc
So I tried Heim support - Just No! Doesnt work in my opinion, Zyra is better in everyway.

Im trying to get my head around Moakai , I had a great win streak with him and then had a massive losing streak also. So you build him tanky, but he literally does ZERO damage. So if your team dont have decent DPS your ****ed - does this sound about right? and you cant put AP on him because it scales so badly..
Plus his passive is just awesome in a teamfight. Get a Spirit Visage and just watch how much damage you can take when you're healing yourself every auto attack with all the spells flying around :)

Maokai is a great jungler, max your slow and you can pretty much guarantee to blow a flash every time you walk into a lane.
I played jungle mainly a while back, planning to go for it again in the new season.
Anyone think they see major changes that would make any of Lee/Amumu/Xin on viable in the jungle anymore?
A few friends want me to play this, anything I need to know before I start? Probably going to download it Wednesday (doing a fresh Windows install tomorrow).
I played jungle mainly a while back, planning to go for it again in the new season.
Anyone think they see major changes that would make any of Lee/Amumu/Xin on viable in the jungle anymore?

You'll be likely to see a rise of single target junglers that rely on auto attacks to begin a dominance - reason being the new wriggles will probably be a viable item path and with the "apparent" gold income being increased we may see a rise of Tryndamere, Yi & Xin which are champions that thrive of gold.
I'd not given Xin as much practice as I should have, might give him some more playtime then.
Yeah, I remember the days of lee & wriggles being a must have, it'd be nice to see it again but I will miss health from carrying a sitestone
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