*** League of Legends ***

People forget Season 3's start so easily. Pre-season for S3 was MUCH worse. 5 Black Cleaver builds anyone? Remember when Warmogs was an essential item of EVERYONE and no-one bothered with resists? There's still tweaking to be done. It'll be much better for when S4 starts.

aaaw yeah, I played 5 gunblade hecarim for a bit. couldn't die, wander around under towers all game, as long as a champ was alive, you were alive :P
You should buy AP now, Supports were adjusted to scale with ap much better and are weaker without any then they used to be.

I have to say it's gonna take some getting used to for me, the jungle changes are actually quite harsh.
An invade puts someone back HARD, all the monsters scale so are then harder for the jungler, meaning they clear for **** while they're lanes get pressured.
I can't say if this happen because they're also getting used to the new jungle, but I feel it still needs a little tweaking

except Taric and Leona, who you build tanky (and in taric's case, scale with armor)
If you decide to quit I doubt riot will care neither will anyone here, all you seem to do is rage, if it's that much stress for you maybe you should go and playing something simple like Solitaire.
oh im so gutted by that. :rolleyes:
I gave my opinion - things like this can cause people to leave, its happened before and can easily happen again. People play the game for various reasons and if those reasons have become a joke then theres no point in playing.

jesus even Oddone said that Jungle is null and void at the moment.
You can make more money by duo top lane.
oh im so gutted by that. :rolleyes:
I gave my opinion - things like this can cause people to leave, its happened before and can easily happen again. People play the game for various reasons and if those reasons have become a joke then theres no point in playing.

jesus even Oddone said that Jungle is null and void at the moment.
You can make more money by duo top lane.

duo top is good
they might tweak it out, but it's a good style

your point about the flakiness of some people counts, but they care about the people who pump money in. those people don't quit so easily (in most cases)
oh im so gutted by that. :rolleyes:
I gave my opinion - things like this can cause people to leave, its happened before and can easily happen again. People play the game for various reasons and if those reasons have become a joke then theres no point in playing.

jesus even Oddone said that Jungle is null and void at the moment.
You can make more money by duo top lane.

Well, to be fair this is true but the main reason for this is that Runic is complete ********. It just means you can share farm and it actually increases the gold income for BOTH players. I imagine it'll get a nerf before the season starts.
duo top is good
they might tweak it out, but it's a good style

your point about the flakiness of some people counts, but they care about the people who pump money in. those people don't quit so easily (in most cases)

If duo top is better than jungle, then riot will make jungling better. It will never be a thing to duo top rather than have a jungle or it makes a hell of a lot of champs pretty bad and removes a key concept of the game
Well I got what I wanted. Really wanted to see what 5x Mordekaiser would be like...

Unfortunately we were against possibly one of the worst APCs possible, Ahri. We won in the end because we were much more tanky but we were killed about twice as much just because of how OP Charm is against melee bruisers :p
Why are people getting their knickers in a knot over this patch, there is no way Riot wants 2 laners as normal practise top things will get changed.
Well I got what I wanted. Really wanted to see what 5x Mordekaiser would be like...

Unfortunately we were against possibly one of the worst APCs possible, Ahri. We won in the end because we were much more tanky but we were killed about twice as much just because of how OP Charm is against melee bruisers :p

We played nidalee v Malzahaar
Gangplank v lux
Malphite v elise
Kog v cho

Except for gp v lux they were pretty good matchups,as gp we got seriously whupped. As Malphite I am not sure if they just played bad but we were very dominant, dive the tower at will. 3 wins. As nidalee we banned her afterwards, Malazahaar dominated with his ultimate until we all took quick silver sash and that was gg :)
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Maybe a silly question but how can i watch IEM but from an earlier point?

I watched the first C9 game and thought id watch the others later but the only streams seem to be twitch and cant see how you can rewind it. Usually when watching LCS i watch on azubu or youtube where you can simply rewind the stream and watch from an earlier point.
Maybe a silly question but how can i watch IEM but from an earlier point?

I watched the first C9 game and thought id watch the others later but the only streams seem to be twitch and cant see how you can rewind it. Usually when watching LCS i watch on azubu or youtube where you can simply rewind the stream and watch from an earlier point.

Past broadcasts from esltv_lol


Second game picks and bans 1:35:50
Great game last night, we as blitz, they as Leona. They first took the crown towers them held off, we then came back and took there's and out of fairness held taking the nexus. then final battle for the game. Good humored match and we even managed a tag grab of a Leona...loads of fun and all honors
We played nidalee v Malzahaar
Gangplank v lux
Malphite v elise
Kog v cho

Except for gp v lux they were pretty good matchups,as gp we got seriously whupped. As Malphite I am not sure if they just played bad but we were very dominant, dive the tower at will. 3 wins. As nidalee we banned her afterwards, Malazahaar dominated with his ultimate until we all took quick silver sash and that was gg :)

I know its all for a laugh but its even worse than ARAM when you've lost before the game even starts. We had a brilliant game of Fiddlesticks vs Rengar where Rengar eventually outscaled us because we couldn't close out the game fast enough (ganks were hilarious when 3 Fiddlesticks turned up with Fear and Siphon).
That was after games of Zilean vs Fiddlesticks where the sustain from the Siphon was simply ridiculous and we couldn't do a thing. Shaco vs Katarina, never played Shaco before and we're up against Katarina who just spams skills on recharge and there wasn't a damn thing we could do about it. A very unfortunate Blitzcrank vs Shaco game, I mean really, is there a worse matchup for Blitz?

Past broadcasts from esltv_lol


Second game picks and bans 1:35:50

Seems Twitch is fixed now too. I was trying to watch it earlier Sunday and it was stopping every 30 seconds to load more. Luckily it was sorted by the evening. Youtube is really hit n miss with the resolutions. The first NIP game the resolution was 1080, the second, 360 :(

The C9 vs Gambit games were amazing and only seen the first CLG vs Fanatic game but its looking like its gonna be awesome too.

Alex Ich's double kill at the dragon with Kha'zix.

And xPeke's hilarious escape with Nidalee. Cannot believe he ran the full length of the enemy jungle and escaped all 5 champs.
If duo top is better than jungle, then riot will make jungling better. It will never be a thing to duo top rather than have a jungle or it makes a hell of a lot of champs pretty bad and removes a key concept of the game

Why are people getting their knickers in a knot over this patch, there is no way Riot wants 2 laners as normal practise top things will get changed.

They have already confirmed that they DO want duo top to become a meta.
If the combo is op it'll be adjusted, but anything that shakes things up is good

Having a jungler isn't a must, it was just silly not to before, having another option only makes the game better, so they have no reason to change it too much
If the combo is op it'll be adjusted, but anything that shakes things up is good

Having a jungler isn't a must, it was just silly not to before, having another option only makes the game better, so they have no reason to change it too much

The only reason it is op is because of the relic shield, once thats toned down a bit, it'll most likely be solo top and jungler again, due to the fact the jungler will get a lot more gold and experience in the jungle than he would have if he was duoing top, not to mention more map pressure.
They have already confirmed that they DO want duo top to become a meta.

Relic shield is the only reason that double top has become a thing recently and it's charge time is being doubled. It's probably going to be one of the worst gold income items now which would bring Jungling back ahead of double Relic lanes.
I gotta admit though, support is absurd! I keep on ending up with at least 3 Needlessly large rods by the end of the game.
Literally becoming a game in itself to see if I can get all 6, since nothing really else to do apart from put 3 wards down every few minutes and follow people around collecting gold.
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