*** League of Legends ***

I'd like to see where they confirmed this.

I can't find the quote right now (was on the official forums in a thread about relic shield) but they pretty much said that Jungling should be an option with it's own risks and rewards and that you shouldn't be forced into doing it.

But then again they're also nerfing the item that made not Jungling workable :p
How do you counter nasus top? I usually jungle but was 4th pick and top was left. I went aatrox for sustain and passive. we got to around level 10 both 0/0/0 both surviving ganks but then end game he just ripped through everyone when he started getting kills in team fights.

I presume you have to steam roll him early but any other advice? I was 9/21 in masteries and went BOTRK and then Raniuns.
How do you counter nasus top? I usually jungle but was 4th pick and top was left. I went aatrox for sustain and passive. we got to around level 10 both 0/0/0 both surviving ganks but then end game he just ripped through everyone when he started getting kills in team fights.

I presume you have to steam roll him early but any other advice? I was 9/21 in masteries and went BOTRK and then Raniuns.


although vayne top is problematic in its own way. you stomp every single top laner but your team comp ends up suffering.
Vayne had already been taken by the adc, aatrox has a bit of poke with his e and some escape from the withering with q so that's why I chose him. I'm going to try and stick to the jungle or if against a top Nasus again just go all out damage with riven or something and deny farm.
Speaking of Nasus. Decided to get his Infernal skin because it looks awesome. Only really played him once or twice in normals but I figured it was worth a try.

Had a fairly decent game. Was against an Elise top. Last hit with the Q fairly well for the first few minutes before stupidly trying to tank about 3 waves worth of caster minions just to get 1 last hit. Got cocooned and bursted down by 2/3 straight away. Luckily our Mundo jungle was Diamond and knew what he was doing and I'd leveled up Wither (I'm honestly not sure why I maxed it first as a top laner but it certainly helped for the 3 ganks against Elise). Was a fun game.
Qshould be maxed first - to counter Nasus you have to stop his farm, stop him stacking his Q.

I find Teemo allows for decent harass v nasus.
Too many changes too quickly

Pretty much changed the whole mechanics of the game. Put it this way I sure the hell wouldn't want to be a new player trying to start out
Too many changes too quickly

Pretty much changed the whole mechanics of the game. Put it this way I sure the hell wouldn't want to be a new player trying to start out

Why would it mater to a new player? You wouldn't know the mechanics anyway so it wouldn't make any difference :p The only big change is vision and honestly that HAD to change because the old vision system was a massive snowball mechanic. You have to remember that this is still pre-season.
I didnt realise he had two accounts im sorry.
and im not the only one to spot the post on the official forums, unfortunately like most things there they get swamped with spam quickly. Though it was briefly discussed on Reddit if your better at searching then I am.

He started this aggressive tone, so you can either believe me or not...don't really care. The evidence is out there if you can be bothered to look, but I aint your news service.
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I would agree re a new user not being bothered, I don't think they have vision right at the moment and invisible characters seem to have a huge advantage. Relic is obviously broken so be interested to see the affect on merging it. Personally I'm not enjoying the core game at the moment, thankfully all for one is keeping me going, but not sure the game has improved worth these changes.
I would agree re a new user not being bothered, I don't think they have vision right at the moment and invisible characters seem to have a huge advantage. Relic is obviously broken so be interested to see the affect on merging it. Personally I'm not enjoying the core game at the moment, thankfully all for one is keeping me going, but not sure the game has improved worth these changes.

I enjoyed all of one for the first few games but I just can't stand it now, the games are won and lost at the start most of the time and it's a laugh for the first 10-15 mins then it just gets old fast.
I can believe that said they wanted to give the choice but ultimately if a jungler is even slightly viable you have to bring him into play. Imho without a jungler it makes it all very predictable

Jungle vs 2:1:2

We like that players are experimenting with the game. However, we want to make sure that whatever meta changes occur have clear trade-offs. Once Relic Shield is adjusted, we'll continue comparing jungler and non-jungler comps and make sure that there's a clear reason for doing them. Jungle should bring a distinct, clear advantage and risks, just as 2:1:2 brings its own advantage and risks.

So Riot aren't against the idea of double top lanes.
I like the changes to Support gold income and items. Usually reach full build at lvl 15 ish.

The only thing I don't like is what they've done to pink wards and removal of oracles. Stealth champs like Rengar and Evelyn are gonna be difficult to counter with these changes and lets not forget about those NO SWEARING teemo shrooms... jesus.
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I didnt realise he had two accounts im sorry.
and im not the only one to spot the post on the official forums, unfortunately like most things there they get swamped with spam quickly. Though it was briefly discussed on Reddit if your better at searching then I am.

He started this aggressive tone, so you can either believe me or not...don't really care. The evidence is out there if you can be bothered to look, but I aint your news service.

I don't have two accounts we are different people. I have no idea what Rogueblade said.

I was hardly aggressive, Bena asked for a source, you didn't provide so I simply asked again.


Props to Borrish for finding it.

That's the quote you were looking for, I saw it a few days ago and it doesn't exactly say they want double top to become the meta, it's basically code for we screwed the jungler and until we can fix it we will say this to make it look like we have everything under control.

Double top was always a choice, but it won't become the meta, they didn't change the jungle around to simply discard it a week later.
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