*** League of Legends ***

I would agree re a new user not being bothered, I don't think they have vision right at the moment and invisible characters seem to have a huge advantage. Relic is obviously broken so be interested to see the affect on merging it. Personally I'm not enjoying the core game at the moment, thankfully all for one is keeping me going, but not sure the game has improved worth these changes.

They can't add too much stealth detection though or you're back to Season 3 where you'd lose all your vision if you fell behind because stealth detection was too easy to get. It honestly made the support role (and indeed all roles) crap to play when you're behind because you couldn't see what the enemy was doing. The support would just place pinks everywhere because they were just plain better then normal wards and it's hard to stop a 4,000 HP tank from killing your wards with oracles if your team is behind.

They might just have to revisit the stealth champions now though. It is hard to play against Eve and Teemo when you have no reliable way of detecting them.
I don't have two accounts we are different people. I have no idea what Rogueblade said.

I was hardly aggressive, Bena asked for a source, you didn't provide so I simply asked again.


Props to Borrish for finding it.

That's the quote you were looking for, I saw it a few days ago and it doesn't exactly say they want double top to become the meta, it's basically code for we screwed the jungler and until we can fix it we will say this to make it look like we have everything under control.

Double top was always a choice, but it won't become the meta, they didn't change the jungle around to simply discard it a week later.

I don't have two accounts we are different people. I have no idea what Rogueblade said.

I was hardly aggressive, Bena asked for a source, you didn't provide so I simply asked again.


Props to Borrish for finding it.

That's the quote you were looking for, I saw it a few days ago and it doesn't exactly say they want double top to become the meta, it's basically code for we screwed the jungler and until we can fix it we will say this to make it look like we have everything under control.

Double top was always a choice, but it won't become the meta, they didn't change the jungle around to simply discard it a week later.

Well we weren't saying they were discarding the jungle completely. They are however open to the idea of running two people being a viable option rather than nerfing it into the ground and forcing people to jungle because of gold income.

If they nerf relic to the point where jungling gives you more income the streamers will go back to running junglers and then the rest of the community will likely follow suite.

Still, no harm in it being a viable option. Nice to see something different once in a while.

They aren't against the idea, i think its fine to run it if you're playing as a team or with some friends. But in solo q you can't have 2 meta's as what happens if you get someone who mains solo top but because of the change a guy wants to duo. It will just encourage trolling, especially at lower elo's. Also my main point before is that champions like sejuani or shaco etc have no viable lanes other than jungle so 2 top would eliminate the point of a fair few champions.

To be fair the main reason i got annoyed about this was the amount of people that just said jungling is dead and duo top was the new meta, as if they didn't know anything about how the game works, all because a pro said 2 top was better
Who's a good marksman to try? I play Jinx pretty much every game but fancy trying someone new!

I'm only level 18 and play vs bots at the minute.

I wouldn't recommend playing vs bots for very long because you'll develop awful habits.

You've gotta face the woeful LoL community at some point, I'm afraid...
Just going off what it's now called ;)

I'll try Vayne!

As said it's only worth playing against bots to learn the basic mechanics of the champ above that bot games are worthless. Low lvl normals are not scary, heck they don't even know what a jungler is and run 2 top virtually every game.
I would play PvP but I've just tried 6 games in a row and 1 person leaves at champion selection, every time. Petulant little children!

Where should Jinx play PvP? I always play mid vs AI.

edit: 8 attempts now :|

Back to bots I go, not wasting my life trying to get a game!
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I would play PvP but I've just tried 6 games in a row and 1 person leaves at champion selection, every time. Petulant little children!

Where should Jinx play PvP? I always play mid vs AI.

edit: 8 attempts now :|

Back to bots I go, not wasting my life trying to get a game!

If you want to play this game the experience is in the pvp element - whether that is hooking up with a team in ocuk or doing solo play. PVE is a bit mindless :)
Been practicing Ziggs atm, since hes seeing a lot of play in the competitive scene, he's actually rediculously strong, his poke in lane is really good, its super easy to farm on him, the only draw back i might see for some people are that every one of his abilities is a skillshot.
How long do you get to play your promo before its a default loss? Won my first promo game last Wednesday but my internets been down since as there's been some mess up with sky and BT. Still not sure when it'll get fixed.
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