*** League of Legends ***

Nah, I didn't care about ranked in season 3. Well, a little bit because I wanted diamond. But solo queue was never a big deal for me. 95% of the time I want to play normals and that won't change when season 4 happens.
I gave up on the game about a month back because I was getting owned so far every game, but I'm going to give it another whirl!

I noticed the new ward thingy you start off with, can anyone highlight what the main changes of play are to us newbs?

I'm level 30 and havent entered ranked yet or anything, if any other similar players want a game with me. (90 games, ign: imflippingcrap)

Welcome back. hopefully you will enjoy it more this time!. The new wards are part of the preseason changes, basically you can take a choice of 3 trinkets. a 60 second ward, the ability to view and clear wards and a final one like the spell clairvoyance, reveal an area of the map to spot enemies, check baron safely etc). There is a lot of changes aswell, E.G 3 green ward 1 pink ward limit per person at any given time, would recommend reading up on the patch notes as a lot has changed

If you've justed got 30 i would really recommend not entering ranked straight away based on how volatile MMR is initially. Keep playing normals learning a few champions for each role and try to really improve your mechanics etc.

I'd love to play some but my Gcard exploded last night so i'll be back on once I get my new one! :D
I gave up on the game about a month back because I was getting owned so far every game, but I'm going to give it another whirl!

I noticed the new ward thingy you start off with, can anyone highlight what the main changes of play are to us newbs?

I'm level 30 and havent entered ranked yet or anything, if any other similar players want a game with me. (90 games, ign: imflippingcrap)

Main changes are:

*Only 3 wards can be planted by anyone person.
*Pink Wards are visible but last until destroyed
*New trinket for supports and added passive abilities to jungle items to aid gold generation.
*Oracles Elixir has been removed.
*Redesigned jungle that aids gold generation.
*Dragon gold scales based on average level.
*3 ward items which either give a free ward, reveal wards in a small target area and one that gives sight in an area for a small amount of time.
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I've been playing Annie support recently and with the new support gold income it just seems ridiculous. You don't even have to run utility now so you can just run AP runes and 21/9/0. As soon as you hit 6 the enemy ADC can't go anywhere near you because you can combo them for 3/4 of their HP and it only gets worse as the game goes on. What makes it extra effective is people still have the season 3 mindset that supports are free kills so they're so surprised when you suddenly kill them in one spell burst. It sucks for ADCs though since they're already in a bad position because of the defensive tree and now they have to put up with supports nuking them.

I do think they need to rebalance the supports to give you a reason to pick the utility supports again. Supports like Nami gain virtually nothing from being full build at the moment except CDR because she has 1 utility scaling spell and her AP ratios are terrible.
I used to like Annie support, but after playing Leona it makes Annie look tame in comparison. Get Leona with a cape, heart and visage and your basically untouchable.
Literally won so many games because of that alone.

I also like voli support so much, but you cant run that in a vayne or janna lane for example.
I've been playing Annie support recently and with the new support gold income it just seems ridiculous. You don't even have to run utility now so you can just run AP runes and 21/9/0. As soon as you hit 6 the enemy ADC can't go anywhere near you because you can combo them for 3/4 of their HP and it only gets worse as the game goes on. What makes it extra effective is people still have the season 3 mindset that supports are free kills so they're so surprised when you suddenly kill them in one spell burst. It sucks for ADCs though since they're already in a bad position because of the defensive tree and now they have to put up with supports nuking them.

I do think they need to rebalance the supports to give you a reason to pick the utility supports again. Supports like Nami gain virtually nothing from being full build at the moment except CDR because she has 1 utility scaling spell and her AP ratios are terrible.

Was that running gold per 10 runes? and which gold item did you buy?
I used to like Annie support, but after playing Leona it makes Annie look tame in comparison. Get Leona with a cape, heart and visage and your basically untouchable.
Literally won so many games because of that alone.

I also like voli support so much, but you cant run that in a vayne or janna lane for example.

Leona is good but I found you get zoned against the ap supports, had a lissandra and it just hurt, you felt like you could never go in due to the cc and harass you received.
Was that running gold per 10 runes? and which gold item did you buy?

I've completely stopped using gp10 because you get so much gold anyway you don't need it. I honestly wouldn't recommend them on any of the supports now. It's much more worth while having combat stats or HP. I've been using Spellthief with Annie but it's only any good if you're in a lane where you can constantly auto them.

I am by no means the best Annie support ever though :p
This, I've moved over the move speed or flat health.

So general consensus are that GP10 quints are not worth while, neither is the GP10 in utility masteries? I take it your getting your gold off of the items then? either the spell thief or the coin? or is it just the kills/assists you are getting from being an AP champ?
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