*** League of Legends ***

So general consensus are that GP10 quints are not worth while, neither is the GP10 in utility masteries? I take it your getting your gold off of the items then? either the spell thief or the coin? or is it just the kills/assists you are getting from being an AP champ?

Items and kills / assists. I tend to do OK in laning phase even i fail mid game so I'm not usually starved for gold. It could be a problem if your lane is really passive I guess but I haven't seen many passive lanes in season 4.
Sick and tired of awful duo partners now. S3 and a B4 in my S3 promo, they were shocking as anything., then I look at their match history and its there 9th straight loss - dont they get the hint to stop FULLY STAR OUT SWEAR WORDSplaying together! grrrrr

Couldnt carry the team at all despite my best efforts. Hate them!
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I do think they should restrict duo Q. Something like you have to be within 2 leagues of each other. It's completely toxic to everyone at the moment including the person getting carried because is messes up their MMR.
been enjoying messing around when i've had a chance to play won't be on till the new year now though too much work on and not enough hours!!!
Is Lux viable as a supp now with S4 changes?

"Viable" is a dirty word and people should stop using it.

Lux can support much like any caster with some sort of cc, the question you have to ask is "why am I picking Lux over someone else".
I do think they should restrict duo Q. Something like you have to be within 2 leagues of each other. It's completely toxic to everyone at the moment including the person getting carried because is messes up their MMR.

This. Been times where I get thrown in a pool with Platinums duo-ing with their Silver pals. :confused:
Its messed up, but am i right in thinking though with a high MMR and ELO will lose a lot when they do the soft reset ?

If i heard right its your current ELO + 1200 / 2 right ?

So anyone with and ELO of 1200 or more will lose a lot ?

Say for example my ELO is 1000 i would gain 100 from the soft reset.

If it was 3000 i would lose 900 ? or am i being dumb ?
Played my first ranked today in over a month. Failed Plat promos 0-3 and then nearly got demoted to Gold 3 so was disheartened to play, and thankfully we won. Was so satisfying; nobody in our team flamed even though quite a few mistakes were made. We were actually down about 7-10 on kills and at the end of the game we finished with something crazy like 47 kills to 25. Need to try and at least get my MMR a bit higher before the soft reset.
Feels awesome when you getting owned hard and manage to turn it around.

Me and freind regularly Duo Q, and we was playing a game a week or so ago and was getting smashed late game we started to turn it around only for our top laner to DC.

Instantly you think great, we have just lost but we kept at it, and eventually at good ace by our 4 man team near the enemy teams inner mid turret, a push to take the inhib and they surrendered.

I've never felt so good before :D
Last three ranked games I lost, all from throws. Comebacks are A LOT stronger since the pre-season.

This week I've been playing a ton of ranked games, most of which we do exceptionally well. However during mid game, if we lose ONE team fight (which seems to happen), the whole game seems to favour the opposing team.

So basically, if we do really well, we'll lose late game.
If we feed early game, we win late game.

Weird system :/
Weird system :/

It's far better than the horrible snowballing system of previous seasons, where a team taking down a tower at level 2 resulted in a win around 70% of the time.

At least now a team that is behind has a chance of coming back if they play well and win a key teamfight. Also teams that are ahead need to WORK to stay ahead.
It's far better than the horrible snowballing system of previous seasons, where a team taking down a tower at level 2 resulted in a win around 70% of the time.

At least now a team that is behind has a chance of coming back if they play well and win a key teamfight. Also teams that are ahead need to WORK to stay ahead.

Yeah you can really see that in the BotA and Promo games. The game progresses much faster and Dragon is a much more important objective to keep control of when you're ahead.

On the one hand, it does make games tend to play out for much longer, but it makes for much more intense games. Doesn't matter if you dominate early game teamfights if you can't seem to figure out how to break into the base and your opponents win 1 crucial teamfight and get back into it.

Last 4 games now. I seem to be doing okay (when fed, try help other lanes) but not sure why there is always one person that don't want to listen and rather chase, get baited and then have a go at the team for not helping lol.

Edit: Also I agree, the snowballing was too strong in season 3. Though the gold income from the losing team is a little bit too forgiving I think. Games have been lasting much longer, also surrender appear less frequent :D
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Now I remember why I just stopped caring about playing Normals and would rather just jump on for a quick Coop vs AI.

The matchmaker is ****ing retarded. Our team, bunch of players with less than 100 wins each. There team, 3 with less than 100, 1 with 500, 1 with almost 2000 wins who picks the new champ nobody has a clue how to play against so gets fed. How the hell can a champ that dashes 4 times for seemingly nothing balanced?
Now I remember why I just stopped caring about playing Normals and would rather just jump on for a quick Coop vs AI.

The matchmaker is ****ing retarded. Our team, bunch of players with less than 100 wins each. There team, 3 with less than 100, 1 with 500, 1 with almost 2000 wins who picks the new champ nobody has a clue how to play against so gets fed. How the hell can a champ that dashes 4 times for seemingly nothing balanced?

Normal game matchmaking makes no sense but I really don't get why people find coop vs AI more enjoyable what's fun about stomping bots... Just because you don't know how to play vs a champ doesn't mean you instantly feed and yasuo isn't op, I'd'd say he's fairly balanced
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