*** League of Legends ***

The weather knocked my power out last night at 1150ish...


...I text my mate and apparently we lost :( I think that's my first in almost 2000 games. Weather blacked out my entire town yesterday and most of today! The death must have been from Akali or Diana as I was being chased after getting their bot inhib when everything went out :S
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Normal game matchmaking makes no sense but I really don't get why people find coop vs AI more enjoyable what's fun about stomping bots... Just because you don't know how to play vs a champ doesn't mean you instantly feed and yasuo isn't op, I'd'd say he's fairly balanced

Provided everyone actually cares about the game you are playing, normal matchmaking is probably the most balanced you will find. Part of the reason I don't solo queue is how boring and easy the games are compared to what I usually play.
Normal game matchmaking makes no sense but I really don't get why people find coop vs AI more enjoyable what's fun about stomping bots... Just because you don't know how to play vs a champ doesn't mean you instantly feed and yasuo isn't op, I'd'd say he's fairly balanced

It does when your team has fewer than 100 wins per person and the one playing Yasuo has almost 2k. He has to have at least some competence with the game after so long. Bot lane on Vayne wasn't exactly going in my favour but Yasuo just got fed elsewhere.

And that is precisely why Coop vs AI is fun. You press 'Play', start a game within 5 seconds, doesn't really matter what the lanes end up as, you start playing and unless your team feeds something fierce, you generally win. Certainly beats a shortish wait for Blind Pick that almost always results in trolling or a 5 minute wait for Draft Pick that almost always results in a **** match up.
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Got The Mighty Jax from a random gift to me which is cool, shame you can buy him in Feb. Kind of not really fussed about buying skins any more after the re release of "rare" ones.
Just another update on the website. I'm now posting actively on the websites new blog and also have added a Twitch.tv live stream for viewers. This is also to promote the website but also to get other people involved and group up, and stream some plays. Will add a website voice server eventually when there are enough users as above visit www.lolmatchfinder.co.uk and everything is in the navigation

Thanks Neil.
I love the team aspect of it particularly with the guys in mumble, was very enjoyable this afternoon. Albeit a very odd game
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