Struggling to get out of silver I myself atm...
Idiots such as Janna top and AD zilean, jungle sona. Yep all in silver I with gold MMR. I don't even.....
Don't worry about it mate, keep trying, don't do what i do and lose 3 games then go on tilt and continue to play till i win, usually doesn't help
As a team we got demoted to bronze 2, which hurt but our last 2 games have been possibly the most intense and fun i have had for some time. So not bothered what league we end up with as long as the matchups give us challenging games
Tried the new (old) Kha'zix build last night, extremelly fun and strong at the same time, this is how i used to play kha before they nerfed W.
Max W and Evolved it first, then max Q Evolve E and then Evolve Q.
Build Tear > Manamune and then get a Spirit of The Elder Lizard, aim of this build is to farm, farm and farm some more. Take wraiths and wolves whenever possible.