*** League of Legends ***

after a few guys to make up a team, 2 of us at the min but need a few more so we can do 5v5 ranked matches as fed up of getting trolled due to picking order. so far we had a top and jun, so need mid, adc and sup. add me on LoL H3RBSKI in bronze 1 at the min so trying to climb the ranks just hard with troll teams. we play almost everynight from about 9pm-4am due to work and family commitments.
add me if your interested :)
I'm interested as well. I play jungler and mid, but can play anywhere if needed but I'd prefer not to play ADC. It is my weakest position. Like yourselves, I play in the evening when I can. We've just had a baby so sometimes I'm not around in the evening, it can be hit and miss. I'm Bronze II now, went into Bronze I but dropped after loads of troll games :( My name on LoL is Eecao.
Eventually ended my ranked solo losing streak last night. Hate going on tilt as you regret the hill you need to climb back up. Kept coming off after losing 2/3 games but then next night just did the same.

On 2 wins in a row now though despite my internet dying when their nexus was down to 50% last night.

Really need to work on my KDA though, slipping majorly lately.
is it me or is this game really really really really boring and tedious to play in it's current state? this game has become more of a spectator sport for me, the stress of ranked is too much to handle
Still enjoying it here but then I never play solo at all, always with friends and we are all reasonably chilled - though we do get stressed about it as well. If the guys I play with stopped playing so would I. That said this new team builder for me is really interesting.
If anyone wants to duoq who's around silver 1/2 and has a clue let me know - really struggling to get to gold in solo queue - guaranteed to either get a troll / afk in every game at the moment
Struggling to get out of silver I myself atm...
Idiots such as Janna top and AD zilean, jungle sona. Yep all in silver I with gold MMR. I don't even.....
Struggling to get out of silver I myself atm...
Idiots such as Janna top and AD zilean, jungle sona. Yep all in silver I with gold MMR. I don't even.....

Dont expect it to get much better, when i was gold 1 it was just as bad, people in platinum have by far the worst attitude towards the game i've experienced, im pretty sure Froggen tweeted something similair a few months ago.

Infact, for example, last week i was playing as kha mid, i myself did the most stupid thing top and got myself killed, i apologised saying i was stupid and shouldn't have done that and the reply i got was, "omg... i feel sorry for your parents because you must be retarded"

I've said it time and time again, people that play unconvential picks can be amazing and can be dreadful, if you lose the game, don't concentrate on how they lost, try to think what you could have done better and it's good.

Keep at it, originally it took me 7 times to get from Silver 1 to Gold 5 last season.
stuck in bronze 1 atm can't carry the teams i'm getting given. Not playign enough either which is my fault but it's hard to want to play sometimes :D

Oh well better luck next time xD

i wouldn't mind the feed or the loss it's the in fighting and blaming that annoys me. Pinging red and sayign in chat no liss and vi coming for them to push anyway and die then they blame my mid for not SS when I SS and pathed it for them.....

Gah! So frustrating.

Have enjoyed hexakill though
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Tried the new (old) Kha'zix build last night, extremelly fun and strong at the same time, this is how i used to play kha before they nerfed W.

Max W and Evolved it first, then max Q Evolve E and then Evolve Q.

Build Tear > Manamune and then get a Spirit of The Elder Lizard, aim of this build is to farm, farm and farm some more. Take wraiths and wolves whenever possible.

I had perfect CS nearly the whole game (ranked) had 385 at 40 minutes.

Just farmed most of the game, roaming when possible, poking before teamfights and then engaging when they are low enough ended up 9/0/8.

Alex ich streamed the other day using this build and i believe he used this build in the LCS last night to great success.


Don't worry about it mate, keep trying, don't do what i do and lose 3 games then go on tilt and continue to play till i win, usually doesn't help :)
As a team we got demoted to bronze 2, which hurt but our last 2 games have been possibly the most intense and fun i have had for some time. So not bothered what league we end up with as long as the matchups give us challenging games

Don't worry about it mate, keep trying, don't do what i do and lose 3 games then go on tilt and continue to play till i win, usually doesn't help :)

Did that last year ha.

Not worried I'm better than these players Just annoys me my team always seems to want to make it hard for us. Since ward limits too I find supports have lost interest in warding lol. not a problem as it's always been a team thing but when they don't ward their own lane fml.

Quite simply put Map control wins games but when you're expected to hard carry and initiate every fight you can't be warding everywhere too :P but Iff you ask for help you get flamed for spamming or being negative...
Tried the new (old) Kha'zix build last night, extremelly fun and strong at the same time, this is how i used to play kha before they nerfed W.

Max W and Evolved it first, then max Q Evolve E and then Evolve Q.

Build Tear > Manamune and then get a Spirit of The Elder Lizard, aim of this build is to farm, farm and farm some more. Take wraiths and wolves whenever possible.

Interesting to see that build is back.
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