*** League of Legends ***

Yeah a fed nasus is horrible. Destroys any turrets and champs that get in his way so can't ignore him but too tanky to delete.
Oh my god. Team composition be screwed - lets just pick whoever in whatever lane and have a party. woo ;(

After all, what team needs a frontline or CC to be successful? lets just all pick bloody Teemo and proceed to be destroyed by lee sin, then contribute nothing to 5v5's.

Finally get a game in and actually won an Aram :D Although I do think I just played with someone from here.. Schizo, thanks for the carrying us on Jax!
wukong is so op.

My must bans these days include:
jaravan, yes jarvan

Always ban Nasus...always

You really shouldn't be wasting bans on champs like J4 (or Nasus); J4 is one of the worst junglers on the game atm, and there are much higher priority bans over Nasus. Also Kassadin not on that list? lulwutz
You really shouldn't be wasting bans on champs like J4 (or Nasus); J4 is one of the worst junglers on the game atm, and there are much higher priority bans over Nasus. Also Kassadin not on that list? lulwutz

Kassadin doesn't make my list because since he is so perma-banned, no one ever gets to actually play him, plus in Silver II/I people are just bad. (such as myself)
J4 makes my list because I find his ganks the hardest to escape from! and in ranked recently he has carried every time I've played against him. He does ridic auto attack damage with no damage items.
Kassadin doesn't make my list because since he is so perma-banned, no one ever gets to actually play him, plus in Silver II/I people are just bad. (such as myself)
J4 makes my list because I find his ganks the hardest to escape from! and in ranked recently he has carried every time I've played against him. He does ridic auto attack damage with no damage items.

Jarvan's ganks are a lot easier to escaper from now due to the fact that they nerfed the collision radius on his combo, he's basically been rendered useless now; Pantheon is a much more worthy ban, and he can be devastating if he gets going. Jarvan also falls off really hard later in the game, espec if he goes full tank.

P.S Anyone planning to go to All-stars this year? Being hosted in Paris May 8th-11th.
Most people you see insta-locking Kassadin (if it's not banned) in ranked aren't comfortable on the champ anyway, and end up doing poorly. What many people don't understand is that comfort >>>>>> picks. You can pick into counters and still crush your lane if you have a lot of experience on a certain champ.
I find pantheon scales off and becomes almost useless at lv 14 onwards, more so than most other champs. He doesn't scare me after mid game when I'm against him. Even when I play him jungle and am 10-0, I know things are gonna go downhill around that point in the game.
Kassadin gets the ban as he has an insane escape and still a high burst. Also if you are playing a game setting up the bans how sure are you that the opposite team doesn't have an experience Kas - too risky imho. The other bans ok, Jarvan - there are worse champs i'd prefer not to be against before I hit him :)
Kassadin gets the ban as he has an insane escape and still a high burst. Also if you are playing a game setting up the bans how sure are you that the opposite team doesn't have an experience Kas - too risky imho. The other bans ok, Jarvan - there are worse champs i'd prefer not to be against before I hit him :)

Kassadin is a horrible champion earlygame, has a slow buildpath (tear/catalyst core) and has bad lane match ups vs almost everything pre-6. Unless he manages to get kills early on it takes a really long time to get him going, even more so now with the recent nerfs.
Jarvan's ganks are a lot easier to escaper from now due to the fact that they nerfed the collision radius on his combo, he's basically been rendered useless now; Pantheon is a much more worthy ban, and he can be devastating if he gets going. Jarvan also falls off really hard later in the game, espec if he goes full tank.

P.S Anyone planning to go to All-stars this year? Being hosted in Paris May 8th-11th.

How much are the tickets? I would love to go!
Kassadin is a horrible champion earlygame, has a slow buildpath (tear/catalyst core) and has bad lane match ups vs almost everything pre-6. Unless he manages to get kills early on it takes a really long time to get him going, even more so now with the recent nerfs.

Double mana items on Kass is pretty bad now.
The thing with Kassadin is once he does get 1 or 2 kills he can snowball quite hard, and help other lanes snowball too as his roam potential is exceptional. He can be 0-4-0 in lane, but roam to bot/top to get a kill and he's right back in the mix.

For me at the moment my bans usually come from a mix of the following -
Kassadin - Obvious
Mundo - Obnoxious late game tank, especially if he's a bit fed.
Leblanc - Good assassin if played correctly, horrible if played badly by your own team mate usually...
Pantheon - The global pressure he can apply is godly and has some innate tankiness.
Elise - Good early game, mid game and late game. Can b built tanky and still shred people with % damage.
Kha'zix - He'll hump your ADC before you've even noticed what's happening!
Nearly back in the Silver -> Gold promo series some 5 months after I was last here, and funnily enough its been mostly achieved by playing Lulu support.
Ban Leona -> Dominate as Lulu.

My usual bans are:

however depending on what people want to play and the role I get given I may also ban Elise/Lee/Ziggs/Xerath ( :p )

Anyone see the Allstar AMA? top teams in each region go into a tournament, players vote for the people to make up the Allstar team however no one from the 'top team tournament' is allowed into the Allstar team.

NA's team just got very boring :p
TSM (on current rank) in the tourney and all of C9's players make up the Allstar team.
No one else is even close to the same level.
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