*** League of Legends ***

Anyone up for some duo q? I'm gold v and pretty laid back. Need to get on the duo q bandwagon to reduce the odds iof getting trolls / afks that seem to be prevailant at the moment
I have noticed lately - the general quality of people in normal seems to be better then the lower mid tiers of ranked.

Its as if there are desperate wana be pros in ranked where as a lot of the good players who cba with ranked will play normal most of the time lol.

So backwards xD
I've decided to start playing AGAIN and I swear each time I come back the community gets worse each time. Played 8 games yesterday, won 6 and came out of each game with a decent k/d ratio. Apparently the new thing to do though is blame the other person you're with in the lane when you die?! I was called a "***", "**** sucker" etc etc... also it now seems it's acceptable to "Report" some one for no reason apart from dying LOL?! "OMFG I'M REPORTING YOU COS YOU DIED" as an example. If I was a Riot dev I would ban every tool who reports players for no reason!

I swear you don't get any of this nonsense in DOTA :/
Both games are terrible for it. LoL isn't friendlier than Dota and the same goes for Dota. Both are toxic and have terrible communities.
I found the 'mute' button to be your friend..its unfortunate but having a kid talk about members of my family in nasty terms...well ;)

The lag is atrocious atm.. the amount of freezes in game i get ruin the experience atm.

Really finding MF stronger this season than last. That though might be my csing has greatly improved .
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First pentakill today, after a week of playing. Bet I'll never score another one of them again. :(

Loving Kha'zix in top lane, he just seems to outclass everybody and his E+R make him so hard to gank. Learnt the hard way though that Khaz sucks in jungle without runes, he just gets eaten alive. Looking forward to trying him out in jung when I'm level 10, although will probably have to wait till 20+ to be able to sustain.

So tempted to buy his alt!
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First pentakill today, after a week of playing. Bet I'll never score another one of them again. :(

Loving Kha'zix in top lane, he just seems to outclass everybody and his E+R make him so hard to gank. Learnt the hard way though that Khaz sucks in jungle without runes, he just gets eaten alive. Looking forward to trying him out in jung when I'm level 10, although will probably have to wait till 20+ to be able to sustain.

So tempted to buy his alt!

Renekton > Khazix top lane
urf mode is much fun allthough no one takes it seriously so games snowball pretty hard.

Played Olaf and vi so far Vi with TP is good fun

Olaf is just a mean farmer with the axe if you pick it up you can basically multicast it :D

Oh and his W cd is faster than the effect lasts so he can just toggle that.

Not sure who to play next Trying to avoid the obvious picks like karthus and nidalee

udyr could be fun :D
urf mode is much fun allthough no one takes it seriously so games snowball pretty hard.

Played Olaf and vi so far Vi with TP is good fun

Olaf is just a mean farmer with the axe if you pick it up you can basically multicast it :D

Oh and his W cd is faster than the effect lasts so he can just toggle that.

Not sure who to play next Trying to avoid the obvious picks like karthus and nidalee

udyr could be fun :D

I can imagine playing ziggs in that mode, perma bombing everything haha :P
Ziggs and Alistar are by far the most op champs in the new mode that I've played against so far

ALI omg great idea

so gonna udyr and alistair next. Lee sin could be good. would be a great way to practice lee mechanics too as long as you remember energy bar empties in normal mode.

Shen could be pretty broken too.
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