*** League of Legends ***

What does everyone think of 4.7?

I think they've over nerfed Feral Flare tbh. The Wriggles stack gain from kills and assists is a good idea, but removing heal on hit scaling completely is too much. Should have put a cap on it or something instead. Nerfed base magic damage per hit and no more bonus ad or attack speed from transform into Feral Flare either.
Can't see many people taking this item anymore, or using champs which were good with it. Back to the same old champs and spirit items again. Completely defeated the point of introducing it in the first place.

I was enjoying playing Volibear with Feral Flare now I guess I'll probably have go back to playing something else since tank junglers are trash. Again highlights how this game is impossible to even remotely balance. All they can do is shift OP status.
A few select champions with certain builds become OP => Nerfs introduced to balance said champions => Whole range of other champions which were previously underpowered and just given new viability or already balanced get nerfed indirectly as well.

As I main support I have no issues with the nerf, I am glad they did the kill/assist change because I was getting sick and tired of 4v5 team fights and our jungler was off farming, or even when trying to defend and they still run off farming the amount of times I screamed "F%$KING FERAL JUNGLERS" my neighbours probably though I was having some mental breakdown.
Hi all

I'm hoping to play some ranked with my flatmate soon and was wondering who the best supports for these ADC's are

My friend who is my support likes to play Leona or Sona, I've been trying to get him to play Thresh.

Also I really want a new Jinx skin to come out, any champs you feel could use a visual update or skin?

You should try and get your support friend to think along the lines of what his support can counter on the opposite team and not just who compliments the ADC you are playing.

Most supports can work with any ADC as long as you have good communication, obviously there are some good combinations but just get your support to try and play a various range to build his skill/comfort with all supports so when his "main" gets banned out he has something to fall back on that he's familiar with.

I still rate thresh as one of the best supports due to his kit and utility but I have fallen in love with Morgana lately, she's just so strong with her stun and shield.

In terms of strong supports Leona is really strong and also really easy to play but this leads to her being banned a decent % of the time.

Annie is another great support, if you can master tibbers timing/placement its lethal along with her AA range for poke and stun she can really help steam roll a lane.

My go to supports lately are Thresh, Morgana, Leona, Karma, Annie (depending on who you are laning with/against)
What does everyone think of 4.7?

Not a massive fan of it to be honest.

The Kha'zix nerf is disgusting and just shreds his laning and jungling power, diving towers with him is now impossible and lane ganks are much harder.

Gragas buffs is just going to make him even more of a broken support.

Kassadin deserves everything he gets

Rest are "meh" except the MF buff may push her into post rework Sivir levels of OP.

Flare was nerfed a bit too hard, as its now just not very good.

Oh and the new Exhaust animation is really hard to see in team fights.

As to what WASN'T in the patch, the lack of any LB or Soraka changes is incredibly annoying.
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What about nami? I've played around 50 games straight of her atm :D

Nami is my favourite support by miles. I honestly feel 10 times more useful as Nami then I do with any other support. And the best thing is she's never banned so you can always play her :p
anyone else tried the new champ braum? played against him in a few games and seems massively overpowered at the moment, especially when gets to later into the game
The feed is strong!

Oh and then they leave xD. This seems pretty normal for the last 5 games - I get fed up top and roaming etc but the team oh god the team.
The feed is strong!

Oh and then they leave xD. This seems pretty normal for the last 5 games - I get fed up top and roaming etc but the team oh god the team.

Wtf is that jax build two cutlass ?? If you built your jax better you might be able to actually do something with your feed top :p
Wtf is that jax build two cutlass ?? If you built your jax better you might be able to actually do something with your feed top :p

NOOOoooooOOOooo I was getting my hex gunblade!!!!

Oh come on :p look at those! I could go into a team fight and take 2 out but still die because it wasnt just one person who was fed on there team :(.

They were just so fed! like they had breakfast lunch and dinner PLUS desert in 27 minutes :(.

NOOOoooooOOOooo I was getting my hex gunblade!!!!

Oh come on :p look at those! I could go into a team fight and take 2 out but still die because it wasnt just one person who was fed on there team :(.

They were just so fed! like they had breakfast lunch and dinner PLUS desert in 27 minutes :(.


It's still a very poor build you really needed merc treads rather then the armour boots. More magic resist against all the fed aps and the tenacity against the multiple stuns and roots they had. Not to mention vayne will chunk ever 3 hits regardless and she was the main ad threat. You need to sack off hex tech and grab a triforce or randuins but to be a scary jax you need to survive a little longer then just when your e is active :p

I agree the game was a loss but if that is your normal jax build you need to change it if you want to win :)
NOOOoooooOOOooo I was getting my hex gunblade!!!!

Oh come on :p look at those! I could go into a team fight and take 2 out but still die because it wasnt just one person who was fed on there team :(.

They were just so fed! like they had breakfast lunch and dinner PLUS desert in 27 minutes :(.


BOTRK -> Tri-force -> Randuins -> GA -> murder faces (though the murder faces part usually comes after you've got the BOTRK and continues all game if played well)
Then obviously boots depening on what team comp you're up against. Don't just build for the lane, Jax is a monster mid-late game so laning phase is negligible as long as you can farm well and get your core items.
BOTRK -> Tri-force -> Randuins -> GA -> murder faces (though the murder faces part usually comes after you've got the BOTRK and continues all game if played well)
Then obviously boots depening on what team comp you're up against. Don't just build for the lane, Jax is a monster mid-late game so laning phase is negligible as long as you can farm well and get your core items.

Yeah pretty much, I generally build for the over all game most of the time.

Check this out btw, the usual premades blaming the only person for not feeding for everything lmao.

XD report me for what being good and not running around solo in there jungle feeding haha?

Yes my CS is horrible but they had all but pushed every lane to our base by early mid game because of the extreme feed.

Its normal I suppose? lol.

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Try to focus on your own gameplay rather than what people think of you, it helps.

Also, you were pretty fed, im assuming you dominated lane, did you start to roam bot lane or top to try give them an advantage? You can go 8/0/0 in lane but if your not helping the other lanes get ahead then your 8 kills 0 deaths is worthless.

Just try to ignore what people think and you should improve.
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