it does indeed I've been exploiting the lack of wards recently.
I by lantern and use sweeper usually I'll pick up the odd ward when I can very hard to press on people how important wards are in bronze. It's always teh same why you no gank etc etc not why didn't i see that gank coming.....
Yeah I'm trying to get into habits like warding more.
might even start seeing how sighstone works for me since I'm pickign up so much mroe farm in game i can resell it for the last item when/if we get to that.
I by lantern and use sweeper usually I'll pick up the odd ward when I can very hard to press on people how important wards are in bronze. It's always teh same why you no gank etc etc not why didn't i see that gank coming.....
Yeah I'm trying to get into habits like warding more.
might even start seeing how sighstone works for me since I'm pickign up so much mroe farm in game i can resell it for the last item when/if we get to that.