*** League of Legends ***

it does indeed I've been exploiting the lack of wards recently.

I by lantern and use sweeper usually I'll pick up the odd ward when I can very hard to press on people how important wards are in bronze. It's always teh same why you no gank etc etc not why didn't i see that gank coming.....

Yeah I'm trying to get into habits like warding more.

might even start seeing how sighstone works for me since I'm pickign up so much mroe farm in game i can resell it for the last item when/if we get to that.
Could do i keep meaning to Duoq to increase my chances but I play at such random times I keep missing people :D

I mainly jungle but Did ADC again a couple of times and Can still do it at this level.
Looking forward to the LCS EU Spring Split final tonight, routing for fnatic as really hoping to get to see them in Paris.
Looking forward to the LCS EU Spring Split final tonight, routing for fnatic as really hoping to get to see them in Paris.

As much as i'd like to see Fnatic Win, i think SK deserve it more.

Theyv'e come so far recently its been awesome to watch !

did you see GMB last night, theyv'e been so flakey lately, was nice to see them start playing proper again.
As much as i'd like to see Fnatic Win, i think SK deserve it more.

Theyv'e come so far recently its been awesome to watch !

did you see GMB last night, theyv'e been so flakey lately, was nice to see them start playing proper again.

Yeah I would be happy whoever wins it. Should hopefully be a close Bo5.

Just I prefer the personalities of fnatic so moreso want them to win it.

Was glad to see GMB take it, would have hated them to drop into relegation as they dont deserve to be now there based on overall performance.
havent played this in a while. if i remember right the last new character was the insect one who was rengars enemy. i forgot his name.

So you can tell its been a while. Should i come back. whats changed?
getting fed up of ranked now.... i got to bronze 1 from my 10 pre lim games but since then dropped back down to bronze 5!! no matter what i do i cant get out of it. if i always seem to be carrying games but my team have no idea what the are doing. i play mid as nidalee and seem to gank more than our junglers do. in team fights no body listens and you get people coming in going "oooo first time draven hope hes good" why the hell play ranked if your not familiar with the champ? highest i got was my pre lims but lost them because my net dropped in champ select on first game:( got back to 94 points then dropped down to 12, then back up to 81 and end up loosing 3 in a row so now im back to 36, its driving me mad!
do the higher ranks actually play as a team and know what they are doing? as bronze just seems to be full of absolute idiots :(
do the higher ranks actually play as a team and know what they are doing?

Ahahahaha no.

Bronze = Babbling retards, Silver = Babbling retards who think their are gods because they aren't in Bronze, Gold = Silver but more so, Plat = People tryharding to get to Diamond.

All you need to do to rise in rank is be consistent, don't worry so much about carrying games at this point as a, you probably can't and b, if it goes wrong you're done for. Just play safe and consistent, if you get ahead use that lead to help your team, if behind play safer.

Concentrate more of securing objectives and warding than kills, an early Dragon can make or break a game at low level where games tend to be incredibly snowbally. If you are playing Mid and see the enemy jungler top and bot lane is winning, take dragon. If you are winning your lane hard, rotate bot and get their tower down giving them much more freedom.
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Never played this but would you say it's too late to get into it now?

I'd watch some vids and get an idea what it's about first but is it worth it at this stage?

It's never too late to learn League.

However be prepared for a steep learning curve and and have thick skin as sometimes the people you can play with can be a little toxic.

Other than that enjoy one of the best games on the market.
However be prepared for a steep learning curve

LoL really doesn't have a steep learning curve.

You have 30 levels to grind whilst learning the basics and frankly if that isn't enough time then MOBAS probably aren't for you.

The key to learning to play LoL, like with most multiplayer competitive games, is educating yourself.
Well decided to learn an op champ to carry myself out of bronze. Working so far managed to get to my pre lims from 0 points in a day. Winning almost every game and carrying pretty hard. Learning how to play yasuo mid and top so far won 8/10 games with him. Hopefully will rank up tonight and continue up.
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