Finally gotten into my silver promos. Taken a while but now i need to win 3 games...
So, having been a mid laner for ages, i decided to switch over to ADC, and boy what fun im having, im becoming a lot better player for it, and already got to platinum just by playing ADC.
Gonna try hard to diamond now
Any of you ADC mains wanna help me out a sec, scotteh? your diamond yeah?
Ive been playing draven quite a bit and currently not lost with him in ranked, i can't decide between statik shiv or phantom dancer, i know the stats of PD are slightly better but the fact that draven can chunk people so hard, surely the statik shiv effect is much more beneficial?
Never played draven but most people go pd so that's what I'd do
I only really go shiv on Jinx because of the aoe, but tbh the shiv aoe isn't even good and it might as well not exist. The real reason to go shiv is to get your lw faster if you need to.
Quick question. If youre top and the jungler asks you to cover red, where are you meant to stand the top entrance or the bottom entrance?
Shiv is good as a cheap, quick to obtain item to further establish dominance after a strong early game. The proc is nice for pushing too. But apart from that, I'd go PD.
I don't think ADC main is the best idea for solo queue unless you are duo'ing with a decent support. It's ok at low ELO but once you get to high plat/diamond it feels like it becomes hard to make an impact without heavy reliance on your team. Support is the real carry of bot lane IMO. It's also incredibly frustrating to play ADC in team fights when your team doesn't protect you/peel, which unfortunately is common in solo queue. Again, heavy reliance on team. In my experience ADC is very all or nothing in solo queue. You either get fed early and utterly demolish or you have a weak lane phase and will feel useless for most if not all of the game.
Hi all
I'm hoping to play some ranked with my flatmate soon and was wondering who the best supports for these ADC's are
My friend who is my support likes to play Leona or Sona, I've been trying to get him to play Thresh.
Also I really want a new Jinx skin to come out, any champs you feel could use a visual update or skin?
Meh it all depends on how good you actually are. Diamond has been very easy for me to attain in the last 2 seasons only playing AD.
Meh it all depends on how good you actually are. Diamond has been very easy for me to attain in the last 2 seasons only playing AD.
Hi all
I'm hoping to play some ranked with my flatmate soon and was wondering who the best supports for these ADC's are
My friend who is my support likes to play Leona or Sona, I've been trying to get him to play Thresh.
Also I really want a new Jinx skin to come out, any champs you feel could use a visual update or skin?