*** League of Legends ***

Anybody else here at the LCS? Sitting just behind the shoutcasters at the side, great view! Couple of pretty nice Katarina cos-players too :p oh and a Fiddle

- GP
I still got a penta earlier :)
Its just a big hit to his early game.
Like a 5% damage reduction for starters .Weakend passive means missing out on an early kill or 2.
If you get hit now stealth wont save you as you will die.Q is only for initiating now :(
Going to have a bash at Karthas jungle later, any other ideas for functional junglers with a decent gank?.

Want to mix it up a bit & play something different, blitz will be my next try.
Viktor is a brilliant jungler, Ryze can do it but, meh. Fizz can jungle really well, Gragas and AD Malzahar too, other than that, mid laners are going to have trouble.

Also worth noting that every ADC can jungle with ease, won't need potions or anything and will always have enough HP to invade, I'd pick Vayne for this as her anti-jungling is insane, a good Vayne will solo Udyr piece of cake, also; Heartseeker...
Yeah anything BUT Karthus. ;)

Try new Skarner
Yeah, he's ok.

I don't like the huge damage nerf tbh, but his ganks are still alright.

Viktor is a brilliant jungler, Ryze can do it but, meh. Fizz can jungle really well, Gragas and AD Malzahar too, other than that, mid laners are going to have trouble.

Also worth noting that every ADC can jungle with ease, won't need potions or anything and will always have enough HP to invade, I'd pick Vayne for this as her anti-jungling is insane, a good Vayne will solo Udyr piece of cake, also; Heartseeker...
Some good suggestions.

I've done Lee Sin, Elise, Xin, Shaco, Skarner, Noc, Hecarim, Evelyn, Riven, Mundo, Kha & Rengar countless times - bored of most the traditional junglers & want to play something different!

Vayne I can imagine would work pretty well, not bad on the ganks front either (initiate, knock-back, speed boost & good damage) - would also snowball stupidly quickly after a few good ganks.

Does AD actually function (does his pet scale with AD or something?).
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Yeah, he's ok.

I don't like the huge damage nerf tbh, but his ganks are still alright.

Some good suggestions.

I've done Lee Sin, Elise, Xin, Shaco, Skarner, Noc, Hecarim, Evelyn, Riven, Mundo, Kha & Rengar countless times - bored of most the traditional junglers & want to play something different!

Vayne I can imagine would work pretty well, not bad on the ganks front either (initiate, knock-back, speed boost & good damage) - would also snowball stupidly quickly after a few good ganks.

Does AD actually function (does his pet scale with AD or something?).

Vaynes ganks are decent at best, but after lv6 become pretty strong as her ult allows her to go invisible when she tumbles. Tumble out the bush and condemn them towards your laner. AD Malzahar is for the pet damage yes, although I haven't seen it a lot recently I know it can be done. AD Malz can kill almost anyone during his ult if he has pets, and being in jungle he will have no champions around to kill his pets, he's almost built for jungle. :p

Don't get me wrong it isn't LCS level of viability but it's all good fun.
Vaynes ganks are decent at best, but after lv6 become pretty strong as her ult allows her to go invisible when she tumbles. Tumble out the bush and condemn them towards your laner. AD Malzahar is for the pet damage yes, although I haven't seen it a lot recently I know it can be done. AD Malz can kill almost anyone during his ult if he has pets, and being in jungle he will have no champions around to kill his pets, he's almost built for jungle. :p

Don't get me wrong it isn't LCS level of viability but it's all good fun.
Yeah, not for anything really serious! :).

The only downside with mage/ADC jungle is vulnerability to counter jungling. Just want some further variety - most champions are pretty boring to play tbh.

Do you guys tend to play all the champions? (have all but one atm), I find I switch between champions & positions pretty much every single game - it's good I guess as you learn every single ability, range, cool-down & damage in the game!.
Just started in ranked.

Did my first 10 games & it dropped me in silver 2, a few games in I managed to reach promotion & got into Silver 1 now.

Will be aiming for gold soon!. The only problem is the lack of consistency in my games - I tend to either hugely carry or a moderate 6 - 6 break even fail.

Got a few ranked penta kills recently also (which was fun!), Evelyn & Master Yi (master of cheese, so he doesn't really count).

Does the patch land today (with the notes on jungle item changes?) - would be interesting to see how it is.
Will be aiming for gold soon!. The only problem is the lack of consistency in my games - I tend to either hugely carry or a moderate 6 - 6 break even fail.

This will happen until you stop worrying about carrying, which is generally when you reach your first skill plateau. Once that comes you won't be able to carry and you can start worrying about dealing with issues in your play much more easily.

Also yes 4.11 is out. The jungle changes aren't that big, the current meta really doesn't fit the tank utility junglers regardless of their effectiveness in the jungle because they all suck at pushing towers and securing objectives.

One thing to take note of in the patch notes is that they basically buffed every single one of Nidalees abilities.
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This will happen until you stop worrying about carrying, which is generally when you reach your first skill plateau. Once that comes you won't be able to carry and you can start worrying about dealing with issues in your play much more easily.

Also yes 4.11 is out.
That's what I'm hoping, in an odd way I'm feeling too much pressure to save all the lanes, counter jungle & then bring the big guns to the team-fight.

Sometimes I can, but in games where all the lanes fail & I have mid/top & jungle invading every 5mins then I tend to do badly!.

Still, was shocked to see a 34 - 2 ranked game (that's carrying hard!) I'm actually looking forward to avoiding that kind of play tbh, it's either depressingly difficult due to imbalanced teams or mind-numbingly easy to poor opponents.

I'm hoping it evens out once I reach the higher levels, as currently my win ratio is significantly higher when playing a champion able to carry the game.

Edit - Nid buff?..., why on earth... now we get to see Nidalee in 100% of games (as opposed to just 80% of games).
Did my ranked games and got placed gold 4... Won 4 straight got in to my promos... Won 1 and lost 2 so I was out of my promos... Won my next game and it jumped me up to gold 2 -.-
Did my ranked games and got placed gold 4... Won 4 straight got in to my promos... Won 1 and lost 2 so I was out of my promos... Won my next game and it jumped me up to gold 2 -.-
Yeah it seems odd!.

The odd thing is I tend to have easier games in ranked than I do in normal matches (do you have different ratings?).
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