*** League of Legends ***

Well I'm not really happy at the moment, playing some ranked last night to attempt to get Gold before rewards for the seasons come and got demoted from Silver 4 to 5 :( lost 4 games in a row mostly due to people disconnecting and raging at the Jungler when they cant hold their own 1 v 1.
Hmmm... I started my seeding the other day, and having played 5 with 3 wins I'm kinda dreading it. The losses were toxic players behaving and playing badly.

Lots and I mean lots of rage for little reason. I really felt for the junglers as they enough right.

First loss, The top lane teemo was up against a kha'z and just couldn't handle the kha so his lane fell quickly, and kha made massive CS gains. Teemo didn't help himself at all . He then turtled up and proceeded to rage.

Shame as I was Adc and had farmed well and with 2 kills was far ahead of enemy bot. Good synergy with my support. Couldn't turn it around 4v5 most fights.

2nd loss I was gragas jungle. Good early ganks on mid and productive harras on bot. Top (a Yasuo) couldn't handle an Aatrox. Went in a couple of times but the Yasuo couldn't get it together and lost the lane. Then he was underfarmed and started to feed.
I managed a 10/2/12. But we just flat out lost teamfights to bad focus and overextension.

Ranked, fun but potentially a real kick in the face :)
Anyone on here fancy a few games sometime? My name ingame is Eecao and I'm on EUW. I usually play in the evenings, later on when life permits. I'm currently in Bronze III after losing my promo games from Bronze II and being demoted. Bronze is a hard nut to crack given that most people tend to play awfully and don't seem to care about it, they just blame everyone else for their own mistakes. Anyway, I mainly play jungle, top and mid, but have recently been playing Gragas support and he's so potent with since the changes they made to him. He's a proper all-in bruiser with the ability to deal some decent damage and control champions. I always liked him as a mid laner but I do like his usefulness as a top laner and support now too :) Feel free to add me if you fancy having a few games. I'm happy to go with anything to be honest :)

I did it!
Is that with TeamBuilder? It's going through some match making changes so that might affect it.

I've gone back to basics and I'm playing normal games to get more skill. I'm in Bronze III but I ended up having some awful games with some of them being with troll players, others down to me just playing badly and making silly mistakes. I was gutted because I was on two promo series to move to Bronze II but ended up on a major losing streak and now I'm bottom of my division! So I've decided to take a break from ranked as I want to learn more restraint and control whilst playing and also get better at reading map situations. I had a game last night where I jungled and a lot of what I'm trying to teach myself I found myself doing more and more as the game went on, so, so far so good :)

I'm still up for some games with OcUK players if any want to play. I've joined the OcUK channel but nobody really speaks in there when I've been on.
Hi guys.

Looking for a 5th for the Parvum LOL team. Super casual but serious at the same time? Haha. Nah a very casual fun loving 5v5 team. We will play for 2-6 hours 1 night a week probably not much more as we all living super busy lives at the moment.

We are looking for a top lane player. The 4 of us range from silver 1 up to platinum 4. Talkative, lively and not afraid to have fun on team speak essential. Being Essex based would be even better as we host small LANs at the Parvum HQ.

Lucky team member will obviously end up with a free Parvum case!

EUW obviously.
I'm pretty good at top and always up for ranked 5s. Diamond 3 at my best but stopped playing soloq (still played ranked 5s and normals, just not soloq) for a few months and decayed down to plat 3 due to inactivity. Not near Essex unfortunately. Scotteh on league if you're interested.
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Does anyone use LOL recorder on windows 8.1

i used to use it on windows 7 and it worked fine, i then used windows 8 and it would crash with an error when launching the replay, and the same happens on 8.1

Anyone have this issue and find away around it?
Just starting out in this but a bit clueless, is there anyone like purge from dota that i can watch while at work?
My advice would be don't bother, game is full of smurf accounts because people who are terrible at ranked think they're good playing against noobs. Also other noobs who give up and start flaming after they die twice early on.
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