*** League of Legends ***

Anyone going to be around for a game around 9-10gmt? :)

Either way would be good to watch :)

I have seen a lot of top vayne in solo q vs differant champs and she win lane most of the time, vayne is always hard to gank as a jungler aswell which is a pro for the pick x
Need more people signing up for the LCS fantasy league so we can draft! Only me and Cookie signed up so far last time I check it, poor showing lads.

Sign up here - http://fantasy.lolesports.com/share/join/league/686935/y8mZa8mny5Su0ZRWtnVh

Used to have one going with a few friends last season and was always good for a bit of banter after the weekends matches if your teams gets pounded (I suck at drafting)

it set as 8 teams but i can lower to 4 if we only have a few ppl willing to play :)

opened up to some of my friends to fill up hope is ok
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Hey guys, just picked this game up a few weeks ago and had my first PVP match today and wanna practice with regulars, so add me if you fancy teaming up with a noob.

AvengeTheCookie on euwest
Hey guys, just picked this game up a few weeks ago and had my first PVP match today and wanna practice with regulars, so add me if you fancy teaming up with a noob.

AvengeTheCookie on euwest

Great name btw and sure ill add you im on most nights between 9pm-1am

Exept 2nyt as its the 14th
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Hey guys, just picked this game up a few weeks ago and had my first PVP match today and wanna practice with regulars, so add me if you fancy teaming up with a noob.

AvengeTheCookie on euwest

Hey i've just added you (summoner name is Grisbones).

I've been playing on and off for a few years, though a friend has just started playing so i've made a new account to join him.

I'm a little rusty and hes very new, but feel free to join us for some games.
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