*** League of Legends ***

K... Sonas ultimate skin is THE best in the game at the moment. Normally I run iTunes in the background or something, but not with Sona!

Also, Bard looks to be the next OP support after Thresh! Look forward to getting some play time with him!
Yeah new sona skin looks great i do play her often (b4 skin) so i might buy it.

I did have pulsefure ezreal but got it refunded as cudnt justify the RP price so i went bk to my Nottingham EZ skin.

Bard looks good but i feel in solo q it wont be as easy to roam as he is a roaming support.
Will need a decent adc not to die in the 2 v 1 and still get CS.

I do like his health shrines though specially how he can leave them at jungle camps or in the tribush to give the jungler a hp boost (if needed) but more important a movement speed boost even though its short can help u close that distance!

Look forward to his release and to see what skin he is given with his bundle... I have loads of IP so i can instant buy (obv no skin tho)
Well finally got my act together to play ranked and got to platinum today after a few failed promotion attempts ( mainly 2 wins 2 losses then losing the last game! ). Ahri and Leblanc are simply the strongest mid laners in the game atm.
DJ Sonas skin is pretty good. I main support so I purchased it as I will use her a bit.

In the process of learning other lanes, need to get better with mid and top. Been recently playing some Malzahar mid which seems pretty easy.
Done my placement games on Sat, won 5 straight, lost 4 straight then won the last one and placed gold 3.... Then lost 5 straight and won 1 -.-
I was gold the last 2 seasons, last season I was getting 30LP a win so I'm guessing I had a high MMR or whatever it is? Not sure, the guy I did the games with placed G4 and he was G1 last season but wasn't ranked the season before.
Got Gold 4 last reason then dropped to G5 :(

G5 This season:

Name: T5 Wunsen

Feel free to add. normally play with 5 mates normal or a duo Ranked with a another irl mate.

Sure i'll be able to play some normals with some others around the same season!
only diamond 5

Only.. haha

Seen you on, you do like your irelia! shes one of my main top laners!

Looked at your history, try looking at gettin a pink for your tri-bush on your first back, and at level 9 or around then when you back upgrade yellow trinket to give you 2 wards. this will help keep you isolated top and safe from ganks a lot better :)
Gave up on ranked. Rarely have the time to play LoL now coz of work. Mainly only arams now and the occasional team builder.

If there was a ranked aram I would be challenger level. Don't laugh.
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